"Whew..... Finished making the cut. "

Chen Mo let out a long breath and drank saliva.

Then, he was slightly stunned.

This water cup..... Where did it come from?

Soon, Chen Mo reacted, let go of his hand, and the water cup was still suspended in the air.

This is the power of 'idealism'.

At this moment, with the powerful power gathered by the collective will, he can already distort reality.

Just "think", you can manipulate part of the physical object.

This is not magic, nor is it a mysterious force.

It is simply a will that is strong enough to distort reality.

When your will is strong to a certain extent, doing certain things will be as simple as eating and drinking.

Chen Mo experienced with his gaze, moving objects, bending spoons.

Even let the probability of tossing a coin with heads up, increases to 52%.

This last point made him feel the most outrageous.

His 'idealistic' ability seems to be different from what is listed in textbooks!

Constantly testing, Chen Mo vaguely understood the power of 'idealism'.

He is still only the most rudimentary use, so strong, it is difficult to imagine how terrifying pressure he has to bear if he is watched by a powerful being.

To their point, a single thought can distort matter, and with a snap of a finger, they can destroy stars.

"I still have a long way to go, but sooner or later I will be so strong!"

Chen Mo muttered.

He is very confident, this is only the second leap, he has become so much stronger.

And then three more times, four more until the gene soars.

In the end, build your civilization into a top god-level civilization!


A cute voice interrupted Chen Mo's thinking.

Looking down, it was a little fox.

A pair of red eyes, more and more radiant.

At this time, the little fox already has no less wisdom than humans.

Unfortunately, because of the structure of the body, I can't speak yet.

The little fox could only raise his head with great admiration and look at Chen Mo.

Seeing Chen Mo's big hand open, it leaned over affectionately, enjoying and well-behaved.

Playing with the soft and smooth fluff, Chen Mo's mind moved, and he switched to the scene of transforming the parasite stinging snake.

At this point, evolution is already halfway through.

But now, it is still time to improve the success rate of transformation and evolution.

Looking at the system prompt, his current success rate has reached 95%!

This success rate made Chen Mo's brows frown slightly.

You have to say high, very high.

But not exactly high.

The remaining 5%, how to look, how to respond to people.

But fortunately, the next moment, this 95% suddenly jumped and became 96%.

Chen Mo VS Planet Will, and overwhelmed the other party by another point.

Chen Mo was slightly stunned, and then he understood, because his 'Star Soul' was still strengthening.

Looking at this posture, it won't be long before there will be a 100% success rate.

Sit back and wait for the 'Thorn Snake' transformation to succeed!

Carefully sensing,

Chen Mo found that this was an unexpected small surprise for the improvement of 'nerve' genes.

The source of Star Soul enhancement,

There are two:

The first is the giant nerve center.

It is spreading beneath Terra.

This biological brain, built and grown by countless neural networks, is spread all over the planet!

And as Chen Mo evolved, it was constantly building more complex, and the nerves were intertwined with each other, colliding with the spark of will.

While this brought Chen Mo massive computing power, it also greatly enhanced his will.

The second is faith.

Yes, that's right, faith.

Faith in its purest form is also a manifestation of will.

And more powerful than the collection of the unconscious.

This was not obvious before.

Only Greenskins have the concept of 'divine will'.

But with this expansion of Chen Mo.

More creatures are born with self-awareness and wisdom.

The little fox in front of you is the best example.

There are no less of them!

With their participation, the collective will of the entire planet became stronger and stronger!

And it didn't become complicated because there were too many types.

Because the basis for their self-awareness is the nervous system.

And these, from the deepest genes to the cells on the surface, were all built by Chen Mo!

Chen Mo is in complete control!

In other words, by nature, they are one hundred percent, naturally worshiping and believing in Chen Mo's highest and most sacred will!

"The consciousness network I built connects the consciousness of almost all species on the entire planet."

"This is completely different from other civilizations that only include their own race."

Chen Mo muttered.

This is thanks to his genetic evolution, which has put mushrooms on an extremely special evolutionary path.

If the opportunity is right, he can parasitize, infect any living thing, even machinery.

And incorporate them into their own system.

"My system, not only devouring genes, flesh and blood, but even consciousness, can be used by me."

"It truly achieves 'connecting all things', and the star soul is not extinguished."

When Chen Mo thought of this, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

For those miners who are about to rent out, there is also a little more expectation.

"Mine hard!"

"Calculate a highest-value mining method!"

Chen Mo gave orders to the parasites and biological brains under his command.

With the biological brain supercomputer, Chen Mo naturally wants to use it.

Optimize the mining process, which one to dig first, which one to dig later, tens of thousands of mining points across the continent, it can all be arranged!

At the same time, the planetary passage, which was congested all day, was finally unblocked.

The ultra-high computing power assistance has increased Chen Mo's overall efficiency by at least 20%!

Of course, the most important thing is that he can be more comfortable as a dispenser.

The rest of the contestants managed thousands, tens of thousands, when the scalp was numb.

Chen Mo here has hundreds of millions of people, like a whole.


Opening the trading platform, the resources that Chen Mo hung up at noon had been sold out.

There are 50 million more funds on the account.

Putting a batch of newly mined minerals on the shelves, Chen Mo glanced at the goods sold by the newcomer.

He found that the quantity of various minerals was increasing rapidly.

Especially fluorite mines.

Chen Mo calculated carefully and found that there was a full 100% more sale volume than yesterday.

This means that many newcomers are mining magic crystals.


Because above the magic crystal mine, there is usually a layer of fluorite mine.

When this batch of fluorite mines is dug, in two days, a large number of magic crystals will be on the shelves.

Calculating the time, it happened to be the time when Chen Mo miners delivered the goods.

"That said, because of me, a lot of new people changed their strategy and started mining at full capacity."

Chen Mo didn't care.

When it comes to mining, he is definitely at the level of a grandmaster.

The harder these people work and the more they invest in this, the more their miners will only be needed.

It became inseparable from his support.

In the future, you can also improve the 'Hulk', maybe it will be more popular.


The newcomer area is still lively.

Chen Mo's matter is still being discussed by many people.

The matter of condensing the star soul even made it to the news.

Many outsiders, veterans, poured in.

As a result, the rookie area now limits the number of speakers.

However, this still can't stop everyone's enthusiasm for eating melons.

Until the results come out, it is estimated that this matter will be remembered forever.

From time to time, some people sent out thousands of words of long text, and the analysis was as fierce as a tiger, and the conclusion was: There is a problem on Chen Mo's side.

Express concern.

This melon must be eaten to the end.

Some people also encouraged Luo Bing, revealed some information, or insinuated that Luo Bing did not have a seed, and did not dare to expose Chen Mo.

Some people even put words:

After the second stage of the 'invasion test' begins.

I want to come to Chen Mo in person, broadcast the whole process, and "check" it well.

Seeing this, Chen Mo almost didn't laugh.

Come and "check" him? It's brave!

That scene, he was looking forward to it.


PS: Ask for flowers ~~

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