“The mastermind behind everything turned out to be a human being? It’s incredible. ”

After reading the report in her hand, Emma looked shocked.

As Chief Head of Paleontological Research for the Imperial Organization.

No one knows Titan Behemoth better than she does.

These creatures, which have existed since ancient times, are more intelligent and powerful than expected.

They may communicate with humans, but they will never obey humans.

For them.

Humans are nothing more than beings at the bottom of the biological chain.

In the early days, they were gods worshipped by humans.


How can it be subservient to humans?


A hiss interrupted Emma’s thoughts, and she looked up to find that Mozilla’s cocoon, which had finally calmed down, suddenly lit up with a blue-blue glow.

“Mozilla’s radiation levels are rising rapidly, and signs of life are active! It’s going to break through the cocoon! ”

The data detectors in the control room shouted loudly when they saw the warnings that lit up on the screen.

As members of the Imperial Order, they also know the dangers of the Titan Behemoth.

Even if Mozilla is almost the weakest of all the titan behemoths.

But even such a weakest monster can kill all the humans in this base in one minute.

Rip and pull!

As if the sound of brocade cracking sounded, a huge giant larva comparable to a building squeezed out of the cocoon.

“Oh! Oh, my God! It’s beautiful! ”

Looking at the huge larva, Emma looked obsessed.

From it, she saw the beauty of life.


However, this Mozilla, who had just broken through the cocoon, did not show his beauty in the slightest.

At this time, sensing something, it was manipulating the two rows of short legs under it, trying to escape from this place.


The mountain shook.

The cave collapsed on the spot.

A sharp claw wrapped in thick hard armor broke through the mountain wall and squeezed into the cave.

Then there’s the arm.

Then there’s the body.

Finally, the skull.

It was no one else who squeezed the ruins of this place to collapse.

Exactly Fat House Godzilla.

After it entered the cave, it immediately locked the larvae below Mozilla.

Raised his paws and grabbed the big bug.

Face Godzilla’s rude movements.

Mozla’s way of coping is simple.

Opening the hideous mouthparts, a high-viscosity fiber net sprayed on Godzilla’s head


Godzilla, who was bukkaked by Mozilla on the spot, let out an angry low roar.

Embarrassedly, he raised his big paws and began to tear the sticky net on his head.

The Mothra below did not delay for a second after winning the hand, turned around and fled.

As the Queen of Monsters.

Mozilla knows very well how difficult Godzilla, the king of monsters, is.

Just because it doesn’t even have a mature body to evolve into a state.

I’m afraid Godzilla only needs one foot to step on it into a ball of pus.

In order to prevent this horrible thing from happening.

Mozilla turned and fled.

But as soon as it turned its head, it saw the mountain wall in the other direction, and it was blasted out of a big hole by a pair of swarthy fists.

The picture of a smiling King Kong walking out of it.


Mozilla, who was outflanked by the front and back, let out an exclamation, straightened upright, and made a threatening motion.

It’s a pity that its body is only more than forty meters long, even if it supports its body, it is a small person compared to King Kong.

Not to mention the taller Godzilla.

Mozilla, who discovered this, fell silent, and then shrunk her body in ash.

Fight and can’t beat.

Frightened and frightened.

Now it can’t do anything else but shrink into a shivering ball.

For Mozilla, who showed a “I prodded” look.

King Kong and Godzilla looked at each other and smiled maliciously at the same time.

Don’t wonder how these two hideous guys can tell each other is laughing.

In the aesthetics of monsters, they are able to feel each other’s emotions from the facial micro-expressions of the same kind.

Godzilla, who was closer to Mozilla, did not lose half a point because of Mozilla’s weakness.

It was a kick that trampled Mothra half to death.

Then it bent down its thick waist with difficulty, clamped Mothra under its armpit, and flew down the hole it had just squeezed out.

King Kong on the other side, seeing his Godzilla brother leave, also turned and left the cave.

Left a mess to everyone in the control room of the imperial organization.

“Godzilla actually teamed up with King Kong to kidnap Mozilla?”

“What a hell!”

“Why do monsters team up?”

“It’s a miracle!”

The members of the organization who came back to their senses began to discuss excitedly.

What just happened seemed terrifying, but in fact it did not affect them for half a point.

They witness Godzilla and Kongo go from deterrence to plunder throughout.

Finally, the picture of Mozilla being directly packed and taken away.

It’s so exciting.

At the same time, it also refreshed their perception of monsters.

They used to think that these monsters hidden all over the world were all squatting at home and never moved their nests.

Now it seems that they think badly.

These behemoths not only move their nests, but also know how to join forces.

Even they kidnapped Mozilla for a purpose.

It’s just that they can’t see through these moral purposes for a while.

“Notify the headquarters to turn on the satellite monitoring permission, I want to know where Godzilla and King Kong have gone!”

Emma, who was also shocked in her heart, did not immerse herself in speculation, but made a decision at the first time.


Hearing her order, the operator quickly completed the communication with headquarters.

Ella used her authority to quickly turn on satellite monitoring.

Picture casting.

She quickly found Godzilla and Kong.

The two monsters took Mozilla to a flat ground.

On a large rock on this flat ground.

Sitting was a tall, strong man in a black trench coat.

Seeing this man, Godzilla and King Kong stopped one after another.

He nodded respectfully to the man.

In the next second, these two barrels of titan behemoths were sucked into it by the long stick in the man’s hand.

The man who absorbed the two giant beasts came to Mozilla again, and with the long stick in his hand, he also sucked Mozilla in.

The man who had done all this raised his hand and waved his hand to the sky.

“He found me?”

Seeing Chu Ze’s actions, Emma was shocked in her heart.

She couldn’t imagine that this human being could even do such an outrageous thing.

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