Universal Sword God

Chapter 1070: Michiishi milk


Chang Yan is also silent!

To Xiao Xia and Chang Yan, Jing Yan's behavior at Heishui Tribe this time was indeed a bit arrogant. Copy the URL to visit http: //% 77% 77% 77% 2e% 76% 6f% 64% 74% 77% 2e% 63% 6f% 6d But people have this arrogant capital!

What do you feel wronged?

Does it really kill Jingyan?

If Jing Yan is only a member of the fourth house of Luo Jiu Jing Temple, even if it is a member of the Jiu Jiu Division, it is easy to say. Even if it dies, there is a big price to pay for it. But now, it's not that simple.

In the big figures of Luo Jiu Jinggong, there are all martial arts geniuses on the upper ranks. Xiao Xia really dares not act lightly. If it is not done well, it may bring disaster to the blackwater tribe and itself!

"Military, what do you think?" Xiao Tian shook his head and asked Chang Yan what he meant.

"For the time being ... I can only stand it." Chang Yan said with a grin.

"Okay. After a few days, send someone to send a message to the kid, just do what he said." Xiao Tian took another deep breath, suppressed the killing in his heart, and waved his hand.


Jing Yan returned to the large Shenjing veins.

Xing Kong and Wang Chunlin are also here. The mining of the veins has begun. Hundreds of miners, holding mining tools, are digging in full swing. Most of these miners are members of the Xintianyuan tribe, but only a small number of slaves from the outside.

According to Jing Yan, the number of miners must continue to increase significantly. In this regard, it can be achieved by purchasing slaves. Slaves in the realm are cheap, slaves in the realm of the gods are more expensive.

However, it is not a big deal to own a large vein with billions of Shenjings and buy one thousand and eight hundred virtual **** slaves. These things do not need to worry about Jing Yan, Xing Kong and Wang Chunlin are responsible.

It is normal to buy slaves in the realm of God, not to mention false gods, that is, slaves of true gods can be bought. The premise is that you have enough **** crystals.

Upon seeing Jing Yan return, Xing Kong and Wang Chunlin immediately greeted them, looking at Jing Yan with expectant eyes.

"In the future, the revenue from the veins paid to the Heishui tribe will be four percent." Jing Yan said without waiting for the two, and he knew that the two were now most concerned about this matter.

"Pay the income of 40% of the veins?" They both stunned.

"Yes, turn in 40%." Jing Yan nodded.

"Does the Blackwater Tribe agree?" Wang Chunlin was really unbelievable.

In the past, it was not that no tribe wanted to reduce the protection fees paid, but one tribe with this kind of thought was counted as one, and all of them were destroyed. Hei Shui tribe will not agree to hand over the proportion of the surrender to 70%, but now the leader of Jingyan said that only 40% of the surrender will be handed in. Will Hei Shui tribe agree?

"No reply, but it should be fast, waiting for the news." Jing Yan was quite confident.

He knew that after leaving the Blackwater Tribe, the Blackwater Tribe would surely inquire about himself. When they know their position in Luojiu Shrine, as long as they don't have water in their heads, it is very likely that they will agree to the surrender ratio.

In fact, before going to the Heishui tribe, Jing Yan's plan was to turn in 50%. If Xiao fills the leader of the Heishui tribe and personally meets himself, then Jingyan can hand over 50% of the veins to the Heishui tribe. However, Xiao Xia didn't show up, he only sent a seven-star virtual **** army division to deal with himself, and he fully aired himself for more than half an hour.

Ha ha ... Jing Yan was dissatisfied, and once again reduced the proportion of the income from the surrendered veins, which was normal.

"You don't need to worry about me, just go!" Jing Yan waved at the two.

"Yes ... yes!" The two looked at each other, and then left with anxiety.

They are scared!

They are of course afraid. The Blackwater Tribe is too powerful. If Heishui Tribe decides to destroy Xintianyuan Tribe, it will be easy! However, the leaders of Jingyan said so, what else can they say?


Jing Yan flickered and disappeared in place. The next moment, he had already appeared underground. The previous exploration was rough. This time, Jing Yan planned to take a good look at this large **** crystal vein.

Nihilism is continuously displayed, and Jing Yan continuously goes deep into the underground veins.

"Twenty thousand ... four kilometers deep!"

This vein extends to 24,000 kilometers underground.

Jing Yan's eyes were full of excitement. Around him, all are four-level gods. After 20,000 meters underground, half of the hidden **** crystals are four-level **** crystals!

How many fourth-level **** crystals are here, Jing Yan is still unclear. In short, there are definitely a lot of them.

Probing to the bottom, Jing Yan began to move laterally.

Time passes day by day.

During the investigation, Jing Yan often tried his best to urge the mind to cover the surrounding space. During this period of time, Jing Yan did find some companions, such as crystals of laws, and many more. The low-level rules are crystallized. Jing Yan didn't care too much and didn't deliberately pick. The low-level rules crystallize, only one thousand-level **** crystals, and it is not worth Jing Yan's deliberate effort to pick.

However, Jing Yan also discovered the crystallization of intermediate rules in a small space. Crystal of intermediate rule, a **** crystal worth 100,000. In this small space, there are more than one hundred intermediate-level crystals, which are worth more than 10 million first-level **** crystals.

You're welcome, all picked up and brought into the world of Qiankun.

"too tired!"

"More than 20,000 meters underground in this vein, the pressure around it is too great. If I reach the realm of true god, it should be a lot easier." Jing Yan shook his head helplessly.

If it is not a means of nihilism, then even if Jing Yan knew that there were treasures, he could only look at them with impotence and helplessness.

After shaking his head, continue to explore.

In a blink of an eye, months passed. Jing Yan has been underground for many months. So far, it is still far from being able to explore the entire vein. However, the medium-level rule crystals discovered have reached close to 500 pieces, and the value is close to 50 million first-level **** crystals ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In addition, Jing Yan also obtained more than ten five-element crystals. , The value also has more than 10 million first-level **** crystals.

This gain can be said to be huge. This large vein is simply a big treasure house.


Suddenly, Jing Yan's eyes moved slightly.

His divine thoughts explored new situations.

"What is this ...?" Jing Yan stared at God.

"Oh!" Void Magic displayed three times in succession, and Jing Yan went to the place where God's thoughts probed abnormally.

Eyes, staring at the objects in front of him. This is a mass of liquid objects that appear light green. Rich and extreme energy fluctuations, full of Jing Yan's senses.

"Dao Zhenshi Ru? This ... is Dao Zhen Shi Ru?" Jing Yan stayed.

Jing Yan has never seen Dao Zhenshi Ruo, even when he has reached the realm of God, he has never seen Dao Zhenshi Ruo. The reason why he can recognize Dao Zhenshi Ruo is entirely because of the first skill of the sky.

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