Universal Sword God

Chapter 1079: Recapture


There are thousands of miners on the entire vein, most of whom are slaves.

These slave miners also felt the confrontation between the two sides in the air, bold, and looked up from time to time to the people of the Tianyuan tribe. Their status was low, and they did not dare to stop mining without a clear order. It was the ordinary members of the Heishui tribe. When they saw enemies, they quickly returned to the two elders of Hood.

Jing Yan sneered, staring directly at members of the Heishui tribe such as Hu De and Si Qian.

"I came here to take back the veins of my Tianyuan tribe. This vein previously belonged to my Tianyuan tribe, and later also the Tianyuan tribe. Of course, when you recapture the mineral veins, you will also take your life. Jing Yan's voice spread through the entire vein.

Hood and others looked like one.


"Jing Yan, you are too arrogant. Just your Tianyuan tribe, and you want to be against my blackwater tribe? You better think about the consequences." Hu De laughed.

He knew that the left button of the Muhuai tribe leader, with a group of elites, was dead in the hands of Jing Yan. It is also clear that Jing Yan's strength is very strong. However, he and Si Qianliang are both the top of Jiuxing Xushen.

As long as Jing Yan is not a true god, it is impossible to destroy him and Si Qianliang. And the tribal leader also rumored that support would arrive soon.


"It's not early, and you should be on the road." Jing Yan's figure flickered lightly, quickly approaching Hu De and Si Qian.

At the same time, Cai Xia sword was held in his hands, and a colorful sword light swept out, the sword was swollen, and the sky was shining.

When Hu De and Si Qian saw Jing Yan's action, they both gritted their teeth, and the two rushed forward at the same time.

In their view, even if Jing Yan is strong, it is absolutely impossible to kill them in a short time. It is unknown if the two men joined forces to fight against Jing Yan.

But soon, that thought changed in their minds.

The horror of the colorful sword light exceeded their imagination, and the power contained in it was beyond their imagination.

They watched, their defenses scattered under the colorful sword light.

The breath of death enveloped the two in an instant.

The two were madly energizing the divine power, their eyes were red, but even if they did their best, they couldn't stop the colorful sword light from coming.

"You ... what are you doing?" Hood said in a terrified tone.

"Dammit! Hei Shui tribe, Master Xiao Tian will not let you go." Si Qian felt a terrible power, had torn the protective energy shield on his body, and roared at Jing Yan.

They are not reconciled!

But I can no longer be reconciled, nor can I change the fate of death. The voices of the two were still echoing in the space, and the colored sword lights had harvested their lives.

After killing Hu De and Si Qian, Jing Yan didn't stop. Behind the two, there are a large number of members of the Blackwater Tribe.

A few days ago, the Heishui tribe took this vein and killed hundreds of people in the Tianyuan tribe. Of course, Jingyan will certainly not show mercy to the men of the Heishui tribe.

All the swords and lights are overwhelming.

Those members of the Blackwater Tribe have frightened and fled. However, under the suppression of Jing Yan's magical powers, their movements were as slow as snails.

Just a few dozen breathing times passed, and members of the Blackwater Tribe on this vein were dead and wounded. And those miners' slaves, Jing Yan did not attack them.

These slaves are also very pitiful to say. They do not have any freedom and their lives are in the hands of the Blackwater tribe.

"You guys, you're all gone!" Jing Yan looked at the slave of the **** on the veins and waved.

"Thank you, Lord, for not killing!" Although the slaves were not free, they were not stupid.

They saw Jing Yan destroying and killing those members of the Blackwater Tribe, and they knew that Jing Yan was a very powerful warrior. It is easy for such a warrior to kill them all, but Jing Yan let them go.

They did not dare to stay, and fled away, and in a blink of an eye, the entire vein was empty.

"Clean the battlefield, and then immediately mine." Jing Yan turned around and said to Xing Kong and Wang Chunlin.

"Yes!" Both responded somewhat numbly.

Every time Jing Yan shot in front of them, they had an accident on Jing Yan's combat effectiveness.

Nahud and Si Qian are both the top of the nine-star virtual god, but they have no resistance in front of Jing Yan.

When they left and killed others, they felt that Jing Yan's combat power was close to the one-star true god. At this moment, they have determined that Jing Yan's combat power must be above the ordinary one-star true god. Because, even if most of the one-star true gods, it is impossible to kill Hood and others with such an understatement.

Under the arrangement of the two, the mining of the veins soon began.

And Jing Yan did not leave immediately, he took out a lot of arraying materials.

This time, Jing Yan planned to arrange various large arrays around the veins.

The overall strength of the Tianyuan Tribe is indeed very small, so for the time being, you can only rely on matrix formations to protect the safety of this vein.

Within the Blackwater Tribe.

The leader Xiao Tian left the other house where he lived, and his staff was almost assembled. Only when Xiao Tian led, he went to the mine to support Hu De and others.

Chang Yan, the army division, came to see Xiao Xiao in a hurry.

"Boss, big things are not good!" Chang Yan came to Xiao Cai, and the first sentence was bad things.

Xiao filled his head for a moment.

"Master Boss, that large **** crystal vein has been recaptured by Jing Yan, Elder Hu De, Elder Si Qian, fight to death!" Chang Yan lowered his head and said something.

Chang Yan's heart was also very frightened. He couldn't figure out what was going on. Everything happened too quickly.

Hearing Chang Yan's words ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xiao filled in for a while without any reaction, as if it had been petrified.

Hood is a tribal veteran. Personal strength is also top in the Blackwater Tribe. How long did it take for them to have died, and the large veins were recaptured by the Tianyuan tribe.

Xiao Tian realized that things were beyond his control.

What strength is that Jingyan?

Even if it is a one-star true god, you can't take back that vein in such a short time?

"Boss, we are now ..." Chang Yan waited for a long time and didn't hear Xiao filling words. He slowly raised his head and looked at Xiao Filling's black face.

"Military division, what do you say we should do now?" Xiao filled his eyes on Chang Yan.

"I'm afraid ... I'm afraid to let the adult in Luojiu Jinggong shoot himself." Chang Yan said tentatively.

Judging from the current situation, the combat effectiveness of that Jingyan may not be under Xiao. That is to say, even if the leader Xiao fills out, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with Jing Yan.

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