Universal Sword God

Chapter 2902: Official positions and credit

The strength of this back to the beast is really not strong.

Jing Yan made a subconscious comparison. If it is in the mixed space, it is also the strength of the ordinary sky. Of course, if the monk in the meditation space of the Hunyuan space fights with this time, the end of the monk in the space is definitely miserable, because the monk in the space of the nun is completely ignorant of the path released by the netherworld.

After Jing Yanyi's boxing defeated the returning beast, his body speed did not decrease, and he continued to sprint towards the returning beast.

Hui Huishou didn't seem to think that the person he was attacking would be so powerful, he stunned a little, and when he wanted to flutter back with bare wings, Jing Yan's fist had fallen on his small head. On the surface of the Huiyu Beast, there are also black channels that fluctuate, but these black channels cannot block Jing Yan's fist.

"Boom!" This fist went down, and the whole little head of Huiyu Beast burst open.

Jing Yan, that was the Emperor of the Refined Body. Even if he used only a small part of the power of the Weibo world, he could easily explode the head of the Huiling Beast.

The head of Pan Xiujun, General Zhihua, and other sergeants present all stared at the scene that just happened. In the eyes of many people, there was an unbelievable look.

Many people at the scene thought that Jing Yan was just a civilian with a weak strength. Where would one think that Jing Yan would easily kill Huihui with a fist. Ordinary soldiers of the Huanglong Army, it is difficult to kill back the beast alone.

"This Jingyan is actually a refiner. No wonder there is no fluctuation in his body." General Zhihua exhaled.

"Well, it's a good trainer." Pan Xiujun nodded.

Jing Yan returned to the front of Pan Xiujun and General Zhihua.

"Master Legion, I have killed this Huiling Beast. Can I join the Huanglong Army now?" Jing Yan said to the head of Pan Xiu.

"Yes!" The head of Pan Xiujun did not hesitate, waving the jade hand.

"Shi Tao!" General Zhihua said.

"Yes!" From the onlookers of the sergeant, one responded, and then quickly ran to the front of General Zhihua.

"This is Jing Yan, a fighter who has just joined our Huanglong Army. You take him through the formalities and then take the armor." General Zhihua ordered the fighter named Shi Tao.

"Observe!" Shi Tao answered loudly, and then he looked at Jing Yan: "Brother Jing Yan, welcome you to join the Huanglong Army, and we will be comrades in the future. Now, please follow me."

"Thank you very much." Jing Yan arched his hands at Shi Tao.

Jing Yan followed Shi Tao, first registered his identity information, and then received a set of armor. All members of the Huanglong Corps were wearing armor, and even the head of the army, Pan Xiu, was wearing armor.

"Brother Jingyan, your strength is really strong, alas, you killed Huihui with one fist. To be honest, at that time I saw that you punched Huihui's head with a punch, and I was stunned." Shi Tao looked Jing Yan said.

"The General Banner of Shi Tao can easily kill the Huiling Beast!" Jing Yan said.

Shi Tao is not an ordinary soldier in the Huanglong Army. He has an official position. Through previous conversations with Shi Tao, Jing Yan knew that Shi Tao was a general banner in the Huanglong Army.

Of course, the official position of this general banner is not large.

In the Yellow Dragon Corps, the lowest level are ordinary soldiers. Above the ordinary soldiers are small flags. Above the small flags are the general flags. Above the general flags are hundred households. Above the hundred households are thousand households. Above the thousand households are generals. General Zhihua is one of the generals of the Legion.

A general banner officer, there are usually 20 ordinary soldiers under his command. For a small flag, there are usually only five soldiers. There are twenty soldiers under the general banner of Shi Tao. Now, Jing Yan can be regarded as a soldier under the banner of General Shi Tao.

"I'm not as strong as you. With my strength, I may be able to defeat the Huiling Beast, but it is very difficult to kill Huihui Beast. Huihui Beast is a beast in the mountains and a beast of the underworld level." Shi Tao Shook his head and said.

"Heaven?" Jing Yan heard his eyes slightly when he heard this state.

In the mixed-yuan space, the monks also have the realm of underworld. Below the underworld is the realm of everything, above the underworld is the fairy rhyme underworld, and above the underworld is the immortal god.

"Well, the beasts in Jieshan are stronger than the beasts outside. They are also beasts in the sky. The beasts in the sky in Jieshan are much stronger than the beasts in the sky. To me Strength, it is not difficult to kill the beasts in the sky outside, but it is very difficult to kill the beasts in the sky in the Jieshan Mountains. "General Shi Tao nodded again.

"What is the strongest beast in Jieshan?" Jing Yan asked for a moment.

"The strongest beast? That is naturally an immortal beast. It is a terrible beast that the head of the army cannot deal with alone. Of course, I have never seen such a beast, but I have heard of it." The general flag showed awe.

"An immortal beast?" Jing Yan repeated.

Jing Yan thought of the mysterious beast that suddenly appeared in the black and white river. Is that beast an immortal beast of immortal class? It's really possible!

"Well! That level is not something we people can imagine. Ordinary soldiers in our legion can also surround ordinary vicious beasts like Huiling Beasts. Brother Jingyan, have you entered Jieshan? Do you want to go to Jieshan to see and see? ”General Shi Tao raised his eyes and smiled at Jing Yan.

"Is the army station ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ close to Jieshan?" Jing Yan said subconsciously.

"Of course it's close. Our Yellow Dragon Army is stationed here, but not just to deter the big house nations. Some time ago, there was a change in Jieshan, and some of the beasts in Jieshan didn't know what the reason was that they broke out of Jieshan. This has caused a great loss for our Longyan Kingdom. Therefore, there is still a very important task for the Huanglong Army to stop here, to stop the beasts in Jieshan from committing evil.

"The killer you killed today was also captured on the edge of Jieshan just a few days ago. We are not far north of the station of the Yellow Dragon Army, which is Jieshan." General Shi Tao continued.

"Brother Jingyan, it will be quick to get credit for your strength. I believe it won't be long before you can be promoted to the official position of the General Banner." General Manager Shi Tao looked at Jingyan: "Maybe you can be promoted to the official position of a hundred households." . "

"General banner of Shi Tao, do you mean that hunting that terrestrial beast, can you get credit? Credit, you can exchange for official office?" Jing Yan's eyes flashed.

"Of course! However, what you are saying is not accurate. Strictly speaking, as long as your credit meets the corresponding official position requirements, you will automatically get the corresponding official position. And this credit can be exchanged for various precious resources." Shi Tao first Nodded, then shook his head slightly.

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