Universal Sword God

Chapter 2954: Dedicated venue

In theory, any God of War who participates in the God of War rankings may encounter the existence of an unparalleled level of mixed Yuan, even if the first match is a chance to encounter.

Of course, the existence of Supreme Yuan is extremely rare, and it is too early to consider yourself encountering Supreme Yuan in qualifying.

"However, the chances of encountering the Supreme Yuan in the early qualifying are very low. Any empire that hosts the God of War qualifying, as the organizer of the competition, they will find ways to make the Hybrid Yuan superior. Those who do not appear too early. This also has a huge interest. "King Ji Yue said immediately.

The two spoke, and came to the second authentication point. The authentication points that the two men encountered outside the light barrier were just the first. Enter the first blockade and the second.

The verification process of the second identity verification point is basically the same as that of the first one. After the immortal fighters of the Fachen Empire confirmed the information of King Ji 沄, they kindly invited King Ji 沄 and Jing Yan to enter. But this time, Jing Yan got a token, which is the proof of participating in the God of War qualifying.

Shortly after Xu passed the second verification point, Jing Yan and King Ji Xu saw a city that lay in front of them.

"This is the capital of the Fachen Empire?" Jing Yan stared at the city in front of him, wondering, because the city he saw was not as large as he thought, and it could be said to be too small in scale.

Isn't the top-level country of the Yuan Dynasty, such as the Lufachen Empire, very huge?

"Jingyan God of War, what we are seeing now is not the capital city of the Fachen Empire, but the venue for qualifying." King Ji Yue explained with a smile.

"Qualification venue?" Jing Yan opened his eyes and said, "The God of War qualifying venue is so huge?"

The city in front of me is obviously a city. If you say that it is the capital of the Fachen Empire, it will naturally make you feel a little smaller. But if you say that this city is only used for the qualifying field of the God of War, it is undoubtedly too huge.

"Well, in the seven empires of Yuan Dynasty, there are such venues, which are used to hold the rankings of the God of War." King Ji Ji nodded and continued: "Here, there are not many people living in ordinary times, only the volleyball is held. It becomes very lively during the qualifying game. "

"Here, not only the God of War who participated in the qualifying competition can enter, but also the people of the Fachen Empire can enter. So whenever a qualifying competition is held, similar venues will be very busy and lively." Ji Yan The king explained to Jing Yan.

"Why not put the venue in the capital?" Jing Yan asked.

"Should be afraid of causing confusion! During the qualifying of the God of War, there will be countless strong men gathered in the host country, including many strong men with superior ranks. Once troubles occur, it may cause great harm. The host country did not dare to place the venue in the capital. "King Ji Ji said.

"Well, too! Set up a venue for qualifying, really a lot of peace of mind." Jing Yan nodded.

The two then entered the city, and soon a team of soldiers wearing the armor of the Fachen Empire greeted them. The armored soldiers would lead the participants to the residential area. The Fenchen Empire provided dedicated houses for the God of War who came to participate in the God of War rankings, as did the kings of the relevant countries. The houses provided here are all independent buildings, which are quite prosperous.

However, these premises are not lived randomly. They need to register at the residence management office before they can move in.

"Jingyan God of War, the two of us ... just use a house!" King Ji Yan's face turned slightly red and said to Jingyan.

"Huh? The two use a house, why is that?" Jing Yan asked subconsciously.

"In order to save resources! These houses are not for you. We need to pay a lot of money. Each house is very large, we only have two people, no problem." King Ji Yue said softly Said.

"This ... is there a fee?" Jing Yan did think these houses were free.

"Of course, there is a fee, and it takes cost to hold the God of War qualifying." King Ji Ji glanced at Jing Yan.

"Oh, okay." Jing Yan nodded.

登记 Register information at the residence management office and go through residence procedures. The cost of living here is indeed not low, but it is far from being able to be afforded by the Emperor Xiandi, let alone a country king such as Ji Zheng. Obviously, the main reason that King Ji Ji proposed to live with Jing Yan was not to save money.

After understanding the cost of accommodation, Jing Yan looked at King Ji Ji, and it was not good to say anything more.

In the dark mix element, the basic resource is also similar to the light mix element, but the names of the resources are different. Here, the basic resource used by Xiandi and Xianzun is called black spar. This object is also a resource commonly used by Xianzun practitioners and has a high value. In addition, the obsidian spar has a significant effect on the cultivation of the cultivator, which is much better than the basic resources in the Ming and Ming dynasties.

In this way, King Yan and God of War Ji Ji lived in a house and waited for the start of the God of War qualifying.

"Every time during the qualifying of the God of War list ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, strong people from the entire mixed yuan are gathered. Therefore, naturally, a very large and high-end trading area is formed here. In the trading area, you can When you buy some extremely rare resources, some legendary treasures may appear. Of course, the rarer things, the more expensive. Treasures such as mixed beasts are almost impossible to see, but in the God of War list The trading area where the qualifying matches are held will also appear, "said King Ji Yue to Jing Yan.

"It's worth looking at!" Jing Yan said.

Although Jing Yan feels that he has no need for those resources, there are many things in the dark mix that Jing Yan doesn't understand yet. Perhaps here, there are still treasures that can provide great help to Jing Yan's practice.

嗯 "Well, practitioners participating in the God of War rankings almost always buy or sell something in the trading area."

"There are a lot of good things, but there are some things that we can't afford to buy." When King Ji Min spoke, his eyes were also bright. She had seen a lot of good things in such a trading area. Most of her can't afford it.

"Do you buy those treasures with obsidian?" Jing Yan asked.

"Usually obsidian is used to buy, but if negotiated with the seller, other items can also be exchanged. But black Yao crystal is universal, and almost no one will refuse obsidian." King Ji Ji nodded.

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