Universal Sword God

Chapter 2962: Dadouchang

King Mu Hong heard the words from Kong Feng and the God of War, and couldn't help looking at each other.

King Ji Ji, actually lives with Jing Yan and the God of War!

Both King Muhong showed an inexplicable smile, and King Ji Min's face turned red again.

"This house has a lot of space and a lot of rooms, not to mention two people living in it, you can live with just a few more," she said.

"King Ji Ji said that!" King Mu Hong and Kong Feng war God nodded again and again, but the inexplicable smile on his face was even more smiling.

After talking to King Ji Ji for a while, the two men got up and left.

In the next few days, kings and gods of war from several countries on the continent of Longyan came to visit King Ji and King of God, but they were all preparing for qualifying. I saw only King Ji Ji alone.

If they were placed in the past, they might not take the initiative to visit King Ji Ji. After all, the former Longyan Kingdom was on that continent, and it was also a small country. But now, Longyan State is so powerful that Gu Shengguo dare not declare war. These countries will naturally change their attitude towards Longyan.

Ten days passed in a hurry.

"Jing Yan and God of War, we should leave for Dadouchang!" King Ji Yue entered Jing Yan's room and said to Jing Yan.

At this moment, the dawn had just arrived.

"Good!" Jing Yan said.

The two left the house they lived in, and there were already many immortal-level strong men walking around. These people are moving in one direction. Jing Yan and King Ji Ji also followed the flow of people and walked towards the Dadouchang. The big arena is in the center of the city dedicated to qualifying. The God of War qualifying will last a long time, and all the battles in the entire qualifying match will be played in the big arena.

The big battlefield is not only open to the kings and gods of war of various countries. The citizens of the Fachen Empire can also enter the big battlefield to watch the battle. However, they need to buy a ticket to enter the big arena, and the price of the ticket is naturally very expensive. Generally, if you want to buy a ticket, you may be distressed.

People who are directly related to the qualifying match, such as King Yan and King Ji Xuan, do not need to buy tickets to enter the arena. After passing the identity verification process, the two enter the interior of the arena.

"Well, it's amazing. There are big battles all over the battlefield. And these big battles are very scary. They also contain the soul energy, a very powerful soul energy." Jing Yan said with admiration.

His divine thoughts could not penetrate from the big arena to the outside. Since coming to the Fachen Empire, Jing Yan increasingly feels that the purification of the spirit soul body is not the end. Here, Jing Yan felt some soul energy, which seemed to be thicker and more condensed than his soul energy.

"The big battle arena is used in the God of War qualifying. It needs to be extremely strong. Otherwise, when the Gods of War are fighting, it is embarrassing to accidentally destroy the big arena." King Ji Yue said with a smile.

"Well, that's the truth." Jing Yan said.

"The Dadouchang can withstand the full-scale attack of the supreme powerhouses of the Yuan Dynasty. Countries like the Fachen Empire, the cost of building a big fighting venue alone exceeds one billion obsidian crystals. Moreover, Dadou Large arrays inside and outside the field also need continuous maintenance and provide energy for operation. "King Ji Yue said.

"I don't know how many obsidian crystals can I earn by holding a qualifying match for God of War?" Jing Yan asked curiously.

"I also don't know. Those empires never said these things to the outside world. I am afraid that only the emperor and those at the top of the empire know how many obsidian crystals can be earned." King Ji Yue shook his head.

The structure of the Dadouchang is not complicated, there is a square in the middle, and there is a lot of seats around the square.

Jing Yan and King Ji Ji found a place to sit. Because there is no official battle today, not many people come to the Dadouchang today, mainly the kings and gods of war of various kingdoms. It looks a little sparse in the huge battlefield.

Jing Yan and King Ji Ji waited less than half an hour, and a change appeared in the middle square. There is an area of ​​ground that rises slowly. This ground finally rose to a height of almost 100 meters before stopping. There is no support below, this rising ground is suspended at this time.

"The big men are coming." King Ji Yue said to Jing Yan after watching the square ground rise.

As soon as King Ji's voice fell, Jing Yan saw a group of people come out. After reaching the square in the middle, this group of people slowly flew up, and finally all reached the suspended square ground.

"Jing Yan and God of War, that is the Emperor Zhongling of the Fachen Empire!" King Ji Yue pointed a finger and stood at the front of the group of men.

Emperor Zhongling, ruler of the Fenchen Empire.

"The Emperor Zhonglu is a bit behind, and the emperors and gods of war of the other six empires. After that, the kings and gods of war of the top kingdoms." King Ji Yu continued to briefly introduce those on the suspended platform Human identity.

Only the people of the Empire and the top kingdoms are eligible to be on that suspended platform.

"Everyone!" At this time, Emperor Zhongling spoke, and his eyes swept across the audience.

The whole big arena ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ then quieted down, all eyes were on the hanging platform.

"I am the Emperor Zhongchen of the Fachen Empire, and here I welcome you to my Fachen Empire." Emperor Zhongling said slowly.

"Today is the official start of the current God of War qualifying. I bless all of your nations to achieve the ideal position in the God of War qualifying." Emperor Zhongling said suddenly when he said here. Shen Dao: "At the same time, I also hope that during the qualifying of the God of War, all countries can abide by the rules of the qualifying competition. Do not have the luck to cheat. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious once detected.

For a country to participate in the God of War ranking, it must be played by the God of War in its own country. It is illegal to hire a strong person from the outside to fight temporarily. After being detected, the country will suffer a devastating blow. Because the punishment method is extremely terrible, in the previous God of War qualifying, almost no country has the courage to cheat.

"Now, start the lottery in the first round of qualifying!" Emperor Zhongling waved his hand and said.

As he finished speaking, an old man stepped out from behind him. This old man is a Grand Duke of the Fachen Empire.

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