Universal Sword God

Chapter 3123: Survive

Chapter 3123 Survival (Page 1/1)

Ni Jiong's ancestor shook his head sadly.

The Lin Gao Empire was a country created by his own hands. Although he has a lonely character, he also hopes that this country will be strong.

Preventing the Emperor Bi Wei from granting the honorary Grand Duke of Jingyan the Great was a huge blow to him.

"I went back."

Ni Jiong's ancestor flickered and disappeared in the presence of Emperor Bi Wei.

Emperor Bi Wei also sighed.

After the empire, the Buck Empire, the Tianlun Empire, and other major empires, each began to prepare for the major event of sharing the resources of the Red Leaf Empire.

The emperors of several empires, the **** of war, and even the ancestors of the founding nations came together to discuss, and finally came to a conclusion that their empire wanted to devour the red leaf empire, and had to discuss with the Fachen empire.

The high-ranking empires rushed to their feet, but there was nothing they could do.

Because if this matter is not done well, it is likely to cause no benefit to his empire.

"The Fachen Empire is really lucky!"

"Well, how good it would have been for our empire to confer an honorary grand duke on King Yan!"

"what a pity……"

"Damn, those who like Zhong Ling, don't know how to be proud!"

They are envious of the luck of the Fachen Empire and jealous of the luck of Emperor Zhongling and others!


Jing Yan went all the way from the Hongye Empire to the small continent where Longyan was located.

Without any delay, always teleport in the mixed space at the fastest speed.

On this day, Jing Yan stopped teleporting.


"Last time, it was yesterday."

"It's just ... Longyan Country was destroyed."

Jing Yan's face was dignified.


The next moment, Jing Yan descended directly on this continent. He did not immediately return to the territory of the original Longyan Kingdom, but spread his thoughts and enveloped the entire continent.

The continent where Longyan is located is only a small continent, far from being comparable to those of the Empire. On this continent, there is no such tyrannical formation that the Empire will be against. Therefore, Jing Yan's spiritual thoughts are almost unhindered.

When the mind turns, the whole continent is enveloped. With Jingyan's current strength, it is very easy to cover such a small continent with divine thoughts.

With a heavy heart, Jing Yan devotes his thoughts to finding the familiar figures in the impression.

"I don't know if Pan Xiu is still alive." Jing Yan thought.

Because of the power of the spirit, Jing Yan can process a large amount of information in an instant. As long as Pan Xiu is alive and on this continent, it will be found soon.

The first place to look for is naturally the capital of Longyan. At present, the kingdoms of Longyan Kingdom are in ruins, but Jing Yan found that a new city appeared not far from the original country.

Jing Yan's thoughts swept across the city, and there was no familiar figure in the city.

Jing Yan found that many mines and other resource sites in the territory of the former Longyan State are still in operation.

"Did that Ran Shuanghe just destroyed the capital of Longyan State and did not intentionally damage other facilities?" Jing Yan frowned.

His divine thoughts swept across regions and across countries.

There are more than twenty countries on this continent. Before King Yan and Ji Ji left, the overall strength of the ancient kingdom was the strongest, but Longyan then was able to compete with the ancient kingdom. If nothing else, Longyan will become the most powerful country on this continent, it is only a matter of time, and it does not take too long.

"Pan Xiu!"

Jing Yan's eyes brightened, and his divine thoughts found the trace of Pan Xiu. Pan Xiu, the commander-in-chief of Longyan State, directly controls multiple legions of the country. Jing Yan still remembers that when he had just arrived from the dark mixed Yuan space to the dark mixed Yuan, Pan Xiu was the head of the Huanglong Army of Longyan.

"That's great! Pan Xiu wasn't dead." Jing Yan was a little happy.

"Yeah!" Jing Yan immediately teleported and came near Pan Xiu's location.

This is a canyon.

In the canyon, there is a natural formation barrier, which can isolate divine power and divine thoughts. Of course, this array of barriers cannot isolate Jing Yan's thoughts.

There are many caves here, and Pan Xiu is in one of them.

With Pan Xiu, there are many practitioners wearing armor.

"Master Marshal, now ... it's getting harder and harder to find the people of Longyan." One of them said to Pan Xiu anxiously.

"Yeah! We have to be more and more careful. Those **** have begun to seduce us by fishing." Another said with repressed anger.

"Master, our hiding place, the probability of exposure is increasing sharply. Now, we should consider changing places to hide." Another said.

Pan Xiu's face was somber and could not see any change in his expression. However, the pressure in her heart is undoubtedly very great.

She took these surviving practitioners of Longyan Kingdom and hid in this canyon, it can be said that they were lingering or breathing.

Those **** haven't found a place to hide for themselves, but their minions are getting closer to the canyon. If they don't move again and change the hidden place, their group will probably be wiped out.

"The search for surviving practitioners in the country is temporarily suspended." Pan Xiu said, her voice was a little hoarse.

"Yes!" Several armored practitioners in the cave answered.

Just then, in front of Pan Xiu and others, a figure suddenly appeared.

"Who?" Pan Xiumeng stood up and sang loudly.


The armoured practitioners also took out their weapons one by one, staring at the hole that suddenly appeared. As long as there is nothing wrong with them, they will use their strongest force to attack it.

"Jing Yan ... God of War?" Pan Xiu exclaimed after seeing the figure.

"It is Jingyan Ares ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is our Yanyan Ares."

"Jingyan God of War is back."

"It's so good, it's so good!" Everyone in Dong shouted with joy.

"It's me!" Jing Yan said, his eyes swept across the crowd.

Seeing Pan Xiu and others, Jing Yan was supposed to be more happy. But at this time, Jing Yan was not happy, and the cold feeling in his heart was getting worse. Because, the situation of Pan Xiu and others is obviously very bad.

Most of the people in this hole had their armour broken. Obviously, they went through many fights.

"Jingyan and God of War, our Longyan Kingdom ... Longyan Kingdom is gone." Pan Xiu's handsome eyes faintly shed tears, his voice trembling.

Ever since Longyan was destroyed, Marshal Pan Xiu has been a strong and calm strongman in front of others. But who knows how much pressure she is under.

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