Universal Sword God

Chapter 3127: 1 massacre

Chapter 3127 A Massacre (Page 1/1)

Lord Reed looked at his own number of immortals and nodded again.


Even if Jing Yan is powerful, he can face one or two hundred joint bombardments?

On the side of Longyan Country, in addition to Jing Yan, there are also a few immortals such as Pan Xiu.

"Since this Jingyan hasn't died yet, let him die here today! This time, clearing away the remnants of the Longyan Kingdom, the credit will be great." Grand Duke Reed thought with great thoughts.

"Master God of War, Commander Pan Xiu. We are surrounded." An emperor of the Longyan Kingdom accelerated his flight in front of Jing Yan and Pan Xiu.

The armies of various countries have surrounded the troops led by Jing Yan from the periphery.

This scene has been clear since early.

"Don't worry, let them go crazy for a while." Jing Yan waved.

"Yes!" The Emperor answered, and continued to alert behind the team.

"Jing Yan and God of War, that person is the Grand Duke of Reed in the ancient kingdom. He is mainly responsible for this transit city." Pan Xiu pointed to Grand Duke of Reed and said to Jing Yan.

"Haha ... Pan Xiu, are you here to die?" Grand Duke Reed laughed and shouted.

Then he looked at Jing Yan again and said, "Longyan Guojingyan God of War? I heard that you offended the powerful empire in Junyuan. I didn't expect you to come back alive. How about coming back to see the Longyan Kingdom that no longer exists How do you feel? "

Jing Yan stared at Grand Duke Reed, and said coldly, "Look for death!"

Jing Yan did not continue to approach the Duke of Reed and others. He stopped there and raised his hand with a slap.

The original principle is followed.

Heaven and earth trembled.

The horrible power fluctuated, and swiftly attacked the Duke of Reed and others.

"Hehe, attack me at such a long distance? I'm afraid that there is a problem in my mind in this sight," said Grand Duke Reed, sneerly.

The distance here is, for the average immortal, the attack is indeed a little far away. The Tao's divine energy is transmitted through such a long distance and consumes too much in the middle, which makes it difficult to effectively kill the enemy.

People like Grand Duke Reed still have a short-sightedness. They have no idea how powerful the most powerful immortals in the Yuan Dynasty are.

As soon as Lord Reed's words fell, the smile on his face froze, and with it came panic. He felt danger, and the energy fluctuations between heaven and earth exceeded his imagination.

"Not good! This spectacle is really terrifying, everyone killed him together!" Grand Duke Reed growled in a hurry.

Many imperial emperors of various countries acted together, preparing to join forces to kill Jing Yan.


This slap of Jing Yan was photographed near Duke Reed and others.

With the violent shaking, that piece of space collapsed. Space is distorted, raging energy shatters everything.

Immortal emperors covered by the Grand Duke of Reed, etc., are directly reduced to powder. Under the energy inspired by the original Tao, they have no possibility of resistance. Not to mention that these ordinary imperial emperors, who are close to the quasi-mixed Yuan and have no superiors like those of the Ran Shuanghe, cannot withstand such a tear.

All the people in that space were emptied.

This slap power makes all the immortal emperors who are preparing to kill Jing Yan and God of War join forces to kill them all at once. Everyone looked at the empty, healing space.

They have been on this continent for a long time. How have they ever seen such a terrifying force?

Even those immortal emperors on the mainland, which are in the forefront of their strengths, cannot easily collapse the space barriers. And Jing Yan and God of War, slap in one's hand, and pass such a long distance, actually caused such a huge space to collapse.

What kind of power is this?

"Kill!" Jing Yan's order came from his mouth, deep and powerful.

Pan Xiu and others, all one by one, were out of sight, rushing out with their own weapons. Although there are many more enemies than they do, they have no fear at all. Because they have Jingyan God of War.

Jing Yan's divine thoughts spread out, locking in this heaven and earth, all the enemies of the practitioners who reached the immortal realm.

There are already some imperial emperors of various countries. They are retreating and they are about to escape. At this point, they have no courage to fight with Jing Yan and the God of War.

"Want to run?"

"None of you can run away!"

Jing Yan's right hand turned into an afterimage. With the swinging of the arm, Jing Yan's fingers popped up one after another in quick succession. Those immortal emperors were all locked in breath by Jing Yan.



"Jing Yan and God of War, I surrender, please let me go!"

Screams, begging for mercy.

None of the immortals can stop Jing Yan's one-finger attack, this is a massacre. Jing Yan didn't let go of those immortal beggars. His mood didn't fluctuate. Just a few dozen breathing times was to kill all the enemy immortal-level practitioners in this world.

The emperors of all countries are preparing to escape, and the practitioners under the emperor are even scared and start to flee wildly.

Commander Pan Xiu, with the team of Long Yanguo, hunted down the enemy. Some people saw that they had no chance to escape, and turned to fight with practitioners in Longyan Kingdom, but without them, they could not form any effective resistance.

Jing Yan observes the entire battlefield, and at times he performs cave clear wave soul art. Every time the clear wave of the cave is released, an enemy practitioner is immediately emptied. It may be difficult for Dong Qingbo to directly kill the immortal spirit body, but to kill the practitioners under the immortal emperor is really a kill. It is the peak Xianzun, and it is also difficult for Dong Qingbo to kill the soul.

This war, www.wuxiaspot.com, lasted only about half an hour.

Legionnaire practitioners in various countries, whose deaths and injuries cannot be counted, may not have half the total number of people who can escape. Immortal-level practitioners were wiped out by the army, and none survived.

Pan Xiu's life sweeps the battlefield, counts the harvest, and at the same time makes people search for transit cities, evacuating all valuable resources within the city.

It took two hours to clean up the battlefield.

"Jing Yan and God of War, the battlefield has been cleaned up. Next, where are we going?" Marshal Pan Xiu returned to Jing Yan and asked out loud.

"Go to the capital, we will rebuild the capital of Longyan now." Jing Yan said: "The news should have spread. After we rebuild the capital, there will be many returning citizens of Longyan."

"Good!" Commander Pan Xiu answered.

Several orders came out, and all the practitioners in Longyan Kingdom who were still excited gathered quickly.

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