Universal Sword God

Chapter 3157: Above the gully

Saint Luo disillusioned, crushed and melted with Qiankun Qian's heavy blow.

Fully two or three breathing times passed.


The aura formed by the disillusionment of the Holy Roman made a crisp sound. Immediately afterwards, this aura became a brilliance ball, scattered.

Qian Qian's heavy blows, however, still maintained the integrity, the layers of swordsmanship space, the power shock.

"Hiss! Hiss!"

Qian Kun's thousands of slammed swords quickly destroyed the beads. After a while, hundreds of beads were completely destroyed.

"How is it possible!" The Great Emperor Gu looked at the scene in disbelief.

He couldn't believe it.

Even if he had been to the complete mixed space, he could not understand what he saw. Jing Yan's immortality actually defeated his ancient emperor's immortality!

This is something that should not happen.

Qiankun hit hard and attacked the ancient emperor at an alarming speed.

On the surface of the ancient emperor's body, layers of light curtains rose. On his body, there are defensive treasures containing two kinds of doctrines, which are rare treasures that can not be found in the dark mixed element space.


The mighty power of Qiankun Qiang hit on the light curtain on the surface of the ancient emperor's body.

All I saw was that the shield around the ancient emperor had sunk sharply. Halo, flashing quickly.

Under the impact of great strength, the body of the ancient emperor, like a shooting star, flew backwards.

The Emperor of Heaven, the personnel of several empires, and many immortal emperors all stared at this scene with amazement.

Is this the true strength of Jingyan Ares?

Jingyan God of War, can defeat the ancient emperor?

In fact, Jing Yan's thousands of heavy blows can destroy the disillusionment of Sacred Luo. It is not that Jing Yan has more black and white Taoism than the ancient emperor. The most fundamental reason is the neutrino world of Jing Yan.

With more and more black-and-white origins being mastered by Jing Yan, the micro-world is becoming more and more complete and complete. The power of the neutrino world has also been improving.

Before this trial of the heavenly realm, Jing Yan's micro-world was already extremely scary. After coming out of the mystery, Jing Yan's micro-world is even more terrifying. When Jing Yan fully urged the power of the Weibo world to be incorporated into Qiankun Qian's slam, Qian Qianqian's slam could greatly increase his attacking ability. Therefore, this can defeat the disillusionment of the Holy Roman Emperor Gu Luo.

Inside Jing Yan's body, there are countless neutrino worlds. And these neutrino worlds have already come to a close. These neutrino worlds have even been able to give birth to spirits. Although for the time being, there is no autonomous birth spirit in the micro-world, but that is not impossible, but Jing Yan does not want to.

For Jing Yan, the power of refining can not only be used for close combat.

In the far end, the ancient emperor blocked Qian Qianqian's heavy attack and looked very embarrassed. The robe on his body had many cracks.

The killing intention of the ancient emperor was even more intense.

His anger was running through the clouds.

I thought it was not too difficult to kill Jing Yan. After all, he had been to the complete mixed space. And this Jingyan, even if it is really a practitioner from other mixed sources, but it is very young, the practice time must not be long.

Shouldn't it be easy to kill such a creature?

It now appears that his ancient emperor underestimated the strength of Jing Yan. This Jingyan is much stronger than eternal strength.

Jing Yan did not go after the ancient emperor, but waited for the ancient emperor to return. It takes time to make a big hit.

The ancient emperor Gu quickly returned with anger, and his face was ugly. One is because the qi and blood are floating, and the other is because I feel embarrassed and loses face in front of so many people.

"Jingyan child, I'm going to crush you to death!" Gu Yan, the screamer, gritted his teeth.

"Oh, I thought you were a great emperor. Now it seems that you are not." Jing Yan said with a sneer.

At the beginning, Jing Yan was indeed a bit worried that the ancient emperor would be the real emperor like Kuan, the immortal emperor who mastered the ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty. However, judging from the current fighting situation, the ancient emperor is far from the real emperor. The ancient emperor, at best, is the immortal who has mastered many black and white origins, and may have hundreds of black and white origins.

"What are you talking about?" The ancient emperor asked for a moment, then aloud.

"Gu Yan, since you have gone to other mixed Yuan, you should know, what is the meaning of the real emperor?" Jing Yan asked in return.

"You ... you really are the souls of other idiots. Otherwise, how could you know!" Guru the Great Hysterical.

That's right, the ancient emperor was not completely sure that Jing Yan came from other mixed Yuan, he just doubted it.

"It's ridiculous!" Jing Yan said indifferently: "If you know the secrets of the Heiyue Ruins, you wouldn't say that. Guru, what do you think the Heiyue Ruins come from? You think the Heiyue Ruins just let you in Searching for some treasure? "

"You may not know the origin of the Black Moon Site!"

"I tell you, I know what the real Emperor's strength is, not because I am a creature from other Yuanyuan, but through the ruins of Heiyue." Jing Yan said aloud.

Other heavenly emperors, empire personnel, and many immortal emperors present all raised their ears to listen to Jing Yan's words.

Heiyue Ruins, Other Big Secrets Hidden?

What's the secret?

Jing Yan Ares, what did you get at the Heiyue Ruins?

Everyone remembered that the King of God of War entered the ruins of Heiyue, but came out decades later than others. It took more than thirty years after the other immortal emperors were teleported from the Heiyue site before the Jingyan God of War was teleported.

The ancient emperor Gu Yan's face changed, his eyes staring at Jing Yan.

"No matter what you say, I won't believe it. Jingyan child, you must have been from another Yuanyuan."

"Today, you will die!" The Great Emperor Gu Yan shouted fiercely.

"Try it," Jing Yan said indifferently.

The palm of the ancient emperor's palm moved slightly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The Shifang Liguang knife disappeared. Then a translucent weapon appeared in his hands. This translucent weapon is a spear.

Said to be translucent, in fact, only a faint outline can be seen.

"this is……"

"How do you feel a little familiar? What weapon is this?"

"I also feel a little familiar, as if I've seen something like that somewhere."

Several heavenly emperors looked at the weapons in the hands of the ancient emperor.

"Everything is empty!" Said the great Cang Er, suddenly a word of surprise.

Nothing is possible!

In the inner court of the heavenly court, there is a box forged out of nothing, which is used to isolate the channel of the mixed element.

At this time, the weapons held by the ancient emperor seemed to be forged with 10,000 empty ore.

(End of this chapter)

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