Universal Sword God

Chapter 3165: Say something

There is an example of Gu Xi, and other people will inevitably be excited.

Before going to other mixed-yuan spaces, the ancient strength was similar to that of Cang'er and Duan Yun, but when the ancient people returned from other mixed-yuan spaces, their strength was able to surpass Mr. Eternal.

Not only that, but also the other Yuanyuan space obtained a forged weapon of 10,000 empty ore.

All these things bring great attraction to people.

He heard the words of Emperor Cang Er, and Jing Yan smiled.

"Emperor Cang Er, Gu Di has practiced in other mixed Yuan spaces for a period of time, and his strength has been greatly improved. Then you haven't thought about it. In the mixed Yuan space where Gu Di has been, will there be more than Gu Di A strong immortal? How many more immortal emperors are stronger than the ancient ones? If you are resentful, you may be worried about your life. "Jing Yan looked at the Cang'er great emperor.

"Well, this is what I worry about. The complete mixed-space space, I ’m afraid that the speed of practice is faster, and the strength of the practitioners is also stronger. Difficult and dangerous. Only then can we truly reach the peak. "

"Your words also make sense." Jing Yan nodded.

I didn't say anything else, Jing Yan practiced this way, and it was a life of nine deaths. There are many times that it is by luck.

"Cang Er, did you decide?" Jing Yan asked instead.

When I heard this question from Jing Yan, the old face of Xanthium was a little red, and it seemed to be a bit difficult to read.

"Emperor Cang'er, what you have to say is that we are not outsiders." Jing Yan waved and smiled.

"Jingyan emperor, this ... is a bit selfish."

"When the mixed yuan channel was opened before, some people left through the mixed yuan channel, but the number was very small. Besides Gu Gu, there was no news from anyone else."

"I think so, now that there are so many people who want to go to other mixed-yuan spaces, it is better to let them pass. There are more people, and there should be improved safety."

"However, if the strength is too weak, I'm afraid it will not work, so if you want to let Jingyan mixed practitioners enter the mixed yuan channel, then you must set conditions, at least it must be a quasi-mixed yuan without superior Xiandi."

"Myself, I won't go this time."

The last word of Gu Guzhen is the real attention. Obviously, although the Great Emperor Gu said that he could not climb the summit to reach the summit, he still resisted taking too much risk. Letting others go first means to explore the road. In the past, too few people went to other mixed yuan to see nothing, but this time there is an example of Gu Xi, so I don't worry about finding a pathfinder.

"The Emperor Cang'er said that it makes perfect sense." Jing Yan said: "So let's do it! However, the Hunyuan channel must be isolated as soon as possible. In this way, half a month. I want to go to other Hunyuan space. There is no superior immortal emperor in Yunyuan. He arrives at Tianting within half a month, and then enters the Yunyuan channel uniformly. After that, the Yuanyuan channel will be isolated by Wandao Chengkong. "

"Yes!" Echoed the Great Cang Er: "I'll spread the message."

After Xun bowed to Jing Yan, the great Cang Er turned and walked out.

Uh ...

The news from the heavenly court suddenly caused a shock of Jingyan mixed elements.

"Tianting allows practitioners to go to other mixed elements through the mixed element channel?"

为什么 "Why! Why limit the kit and why can only the quasi-mixed Yuan and the superior immortal enter the mixed-yuan channel!"

"Tianting means that going to other mixed-yuan spaces is likely to have big risks. Too weak, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive."

"But ... my strength has been difficult to improve in Jingyan Mixed Yuan. In Jingyan Mixed Yuan, I will never be able to reach the level of quasi mixed Yuan, isn't it that I can never go to other mixed Yuan?"

"Not necessarily, maybe the next time the hybrid channel is opened, the conditions will be relaxed."


There is a lot of discussion in the mixed space. However, the vast majority of immortals are purely for fun, and their strength simply does not meet the conditions, and it is useless to say more. And what is really relevant to them is those immortal emperors who have no superiors in the quasi-mixed Yuan. This part of the immortal emperor is not many, and most of them are concentrated in several empires and top kingdoms.

There are also strong men who meet the conditions in the casual repair, but the number is smaller.

In the past few days, the immortal emperors who met the conditions have moved around and asked others what they thought.

I only had half a month, and they didn't have much time to prepare. If you want to leave, you have to arrive at the heaven court within half a month, or you have to wait for the next mixed yuan channel to open.

However, because of this, Jing Yan did not retreat and understand the original principles in the past half month.

界 The small boundary mountain obtained from the ancient 资源 relics' resources can condensed 990 original principles, which can not be completed in a short time. Jing Yan intends to retreat for a longer time after finishing the matter. Of course, use the heavenly realm.

Although it has only just taken 10,000 years, but who can say another 10,000 years?

In succession, some quasi-mixed Yuan emperors without superiors and stronger imperial emperors arrived in heaven.

On the last day of half a month, the number of quasi-hybrids who arrived in the heavenly court without superiors and emperors who did not have superiors reached more than thirty.

From this we can see that the attractiveness of the complete mixed space ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is indeed very huge.

On this day, Jing Yan came forward and met these people. These people are regarded as the top powerhouses in the mixed language.

The great emperors of Tiantian also all attended.

"Meet the King of Jingyan!"

Among the grand hall, more than thirty immortals and ten emperors of heaven, bowed to Jingyan to salute.

"You don't need to be polite." Jing Yan waved and smiled.

"Everyone is the pillar of my Jingyan mixed-yuan space. It is the strongest group of immortals in this mixed-yuan. And you came here today to show that you are planning to leave this mixed-yuan and go to other mixed-yuan spaces. Jing Yan said, sighed, and said slowly.

"Jingyan emperor, we go to other hybrids, just to improve cultivation for strength. In the future, we will return to Jingyan hybrids."

"Yes, we are linguistic creatures."

"We will never forget who we are."

"Jingyan Emperor, please rest assured, we will never betray Jingyan Luyuan."

Everyone in the Great Hall began to speak. Some people even patted their chests to ensure that they would not betray Jingjingyuan.

"Well, of course I believe you all." Jing Yan nodded, his face somber and quiet.

Believe it or not in your heart, but you still have to say believe.

"I would like to say a few words to you before you enter the Yuanyuan channel." Jing Yan turned.

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