Universal Sword God

Chapter 3228: Come here

Jing Yan's voice seemed particularly abrupt in the main hall of the Jade Palace!

Here I am, Jing Yan, dare to say to His Majesty the Great Emperor Kangli, there is nothing wrong with killing you!

Here, it's not a mixed language.

From the beginning, Jing Yan hardly took the initiative to speak. The wanton emperor and others have been verbally humiliated, but Jing Yan has remained silent.

The people in the Great Hall almost ignored Jing Yan. In their opinion, Jing Yan may be a little timid or forbearing, but one thing is certain, that the King Yan's sense of existence is very low.

Suddenly, at this time, Jing Yan suddenly happened, and when he spoke, it was extremely lethal.

Sure enough, the Kangli Emperor, who had come from wanton Yuanyuan, took a moment's surprise, and then his entire face turned green.

的 Characters like Emperor Kangli can speak in front of the leaders of Jiao Yuan. The gap in status is not so great as to be qualified to speak. None of the mixed Yuan emperors who came to the Jade Palace today is a simple figure. Even if they are not the masters of the hybrids, they can have a very high status in their respective hybrids. Basically, they are all giants second only to the hybrids.

Jain Yifeng, if not killed by Jing Yan, he is not eligible to participate in today's deliberations. Emperor Yifeng's status is relatively low. In the wild predicament, Emperor Yifeng's status is one level lower than that of Kangli.

So when Jingyan said this, the entire main hall of the Jade Palace was quiet for a while.

The Lord of the Yuan Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty Emperor, including the leaders of Jiao Yuan and Tuolian Army Division, all stared at Jing Yan with wide eyes.

I really feel that Jing Yan's sudden voice was a bit shocking.

"Little cub, I think you're looking for death!" The Emperor Kangli burst into a scream, bursting into his eyes.

"What do you want to do!" The Great Emperor Huoyang took a direct step and arrived in the field, staring coldly at the powerful Kangli Emperor.

Emperor Huoyang, this is in preparation for Emperor Kangli's sudden attack on Jing Yan. If Kang Li took a shot, she would stop Kang Li immediately.

"Huoyang Emperor, who is he you are, and you protect him so?" Kangli stared at Huoyang.

"You don't need to care about this! In short, whoever wants to move the King of Jingyan must pass my level first." Huoyang the Great Road.

"King Li is very powerful! Or, have a match with me?" Luo Chen said looking at Kang Li.

Emperor Luo Luochen is a subordinate of Huoyang Emperor. The Emperor of Huoyang stood out directly, and the Emperor of Dust and others should naturally stand up.

"Huoyang, are you crazy! I have been arrogant in the Yuan Dynasty, hasn't there been any resentment against you, right?" The arrogant emperor's eyes turned and he bit his teeth.

"Ragid, you do n’t move Jingyan, I have no resentment against Huoyang Mixed Rangyuan and wild Ranyuan. If you move Jingyan, my Huoyang mixed Yuan and Ranyuan mixed, you will never die!" Simply sharp.

"You ... Huoyang! Do you really think that I dare not touch you?"

All of a sudden, the main hall was full of swords!

混 Most Yuanyuan addresses are a little embarrassing. They don't know why the Emperor Huoyang even said things like endlessly for a scene. Emperor Huoyang, why did you try to protect that vision?

Fen Tuo's company frowned and took a deep look at Jing Yan.

At this time, the Trojan army division was a little unhappy. In his opinion, it was Jing Yan who intensified the contradiction. Jing Yan may think that Emperor Huoyang would surely protect himself, so he indulged. This is what should not be done to anger the Emperor Kangli.

"Two emperors, calm down. Here is the Jade Palace!" Tuolianjun said loudly.

The unscrupulous emperor glanced at the Tuolian army division, and then looked at the leader of Jiaoyuan and said, "Leader Jiaoyuan, here you are, I will not kill this story. But once this story leaves Jiaoyuan, I will Kill him!"

"Oh, why is the arrogant Great Emperor so angry?" The leader of Jiao Yuan smiled.

"You try it!" Huoyang said loudly as he watched the arrogant emperor.

Jiao Yuan, the leader, only felt some headaches. He was already thinking whether he should abandon Jingyan. For a story, is it worth it? The mighty emperor, but the top combat power in the league, is one of the most important combat power. If the arrogant emperor leaves the alliance, it will be troublesome.

"Emperor Huoyang, do you think you can keep Jingyan, an unknown child? Hehe, as long as this child is out of focus, it will be his death. You ca n’t keep him. You do n’t have to take the shot, I Come, you can! "Emperor Kangli said to Emperor Huoyang first, and then looked at Jing Yan, who would kill Jing Yan.

"Kangli, if you have a species, let's do it now!" Jing Yan said again.

King Yan Huoyang's attitude was very grateful.

Originally, he really did according to the explanation of Emperor Huoyang. However, it is unbearable! It is too much to arbitrarily slay the Emperor, the Kangli Emperor and others.

And after careful consideration, Jing Yan felt that he should also let this group of people know his strength. Otherwise, these lords of the Yuan Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty emperor would most likely consider themselves as inferior to the Yifeng Emperor.

Even the leaders of Jiao Yuan and Tuolian Army Division ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ think that he has a weak strength.

However, in fact, Jing Yan was not sure about the imperial Emperor. But to the immortal emperor at the level of Shangkang Li, Jing Yan felt that the problem was not big!

"You ..." Kangli the Great was furious.

He was stunned by Jing Yan, he couldn't stand it! Jing Yan is such a small figure, the master of shit, who dares to beat him Kangli the Great!

"good very good!"

"The Great Emperor of Huoyang, you have also seen it, this Jingyan child, but took the initiative to challenge me." The Emperor Kangli said to the Emperor of Huoyang.

Emperor Huoyang's eyebrows clustered and looked at Jing Yan.

"Emperor Jingyan, calm down." Emperor Huoyang's eyes hinted that Jing Yan should not be impulsive.

"Huoyang Emperor, I'm calm. Now, I want to fight with this Kangli. I want to see how strong he is." Jing Yan said to Huoyang Emperor.

"Haha, since it is Jing Yan's initiative to challenge. Emperor Huoyang, if you stop again, you can't justify it!" Emperor Xuanming said with a smile.

"The Great Emperor of Huoyang, don't go too far! I do admire the courage of the King of Jingyan a little bit," said another emperor with a smile.

"Yeah! Since Jing Yan actively challenged the rampant Emperor Kangli and Huoyang, you have no reason to obstruct it anymore."

Many of the masters of the Yuanyuan speak out, and the master of the Yuanyuan speaks, please directly ask the leader of Jiaoyuan to let the Emperor of Huoyang refrain, and do not make troubles unreasonably.

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