Universal Sword God

Chapter 3263: Gringmen

Gulingmen is a continental power, but in Heiyue mainland, it also has many competitors. Like other large and small forces, Gulingmen always wanted the Zongmen to be stronger.

Yujue City is within the influence area of ​​Gulingmen, and Yujue City has a cultivator like Jingyan. Gulingmen naturally wanted to recruit Jingyan to join Gulingmen. After detailed verification, although Gulingmen did not find out the specific origin of Jingyan, he also believed that Jingyan had no special purpose for Gulingmen.

"The master said so."


"You can let Jing Yan enter our ancient gate."

The elders present showed their attitude one after another, and all agreed to recruit Jing Yan.

"Since no one has any opinions, let Elder Zuo Luo handle this matter!"

"Yes!" Elder Zuo Luo answered.

On the same day, Elder Zuo Luo went out of the Gulin Gate to Yujue City.

On this day, Elder Zuoluo entered Yujue City and came to the city's main residence.

Compared with hundreds of years ago, Yujue City is incomparable. But even so, it didn't bring any feeling to Zuo Zhang from Gulin Gate.

An ordinary city.

If there wasn't a fairy cultivator named Jing Yan in this city, Elder Zuo Luo wouldn't have come at all.

"Call your Lord of the Yujue City to see me." Elder Zuo Luo, guarding the city's government.

The escorts of several city main houses looked at each other. With the strengthening of Yujue City, it is their guards and their knowledge has increased a lot. The owners of various cities, they can often see them, because there will always be some big people who come to Yujue City to call on them.

Like the old man in front of him, but none of them. The gesture of the old man in front of him can no longer be described by simple arrogance. The kind of highness seems to come from the bones.

"Excuse me, your Excellency?" A guard asked carefully.

"Eh?" Elder Zuo Luo frowned and said unhappy: "I'm from Gulin Gate, and hurry up and call your city master out."


Even ordinary guards have heard of Gulingmen. Although distant and unfamiliar, it does not prevent them from realizing the power of the ancient gate. Elder Zuo Luo reported that he was from Gulin Gate. Naturally, the guards did not dare to neglect, and quickly entered the city's mansion to meet the city's master Yuan Fei.

"Gulingmen is here?" Yuan Fei clustered when Yuan Fei heard the words of the guard.

Yujue City has long been a powerful force at the regional level, but it has nothing to do with Gulingmen. Yujue City is within the influence of Gulingmen, but there is still no chance to contact forces like Gulingmen.

Today, some people from Gulingmen came to Yujue City and wanted to see her.

"Master City Lord, the man looks very old, and seems to be a big man in the ancient gate." Said the guard.

"Well, I'll meet him." Yuan Fei nodded.

Yuan Fei left the main gate of the city's main house and met Elder Zuo Luo.

"The seniors are from Gulin Gate?" Yuan Fei dare not ask, and respectfully asked Elder Zuo Luo.

"Yes, the old man is Elder Zuo Luo of Gulingmen. You are the master of Yujue City?" Elder Zuo Luo looked at Yuan Fei.

"The junior is Yu Fei, the city's owner, Yuan Fei. I do n’t know if the seniors are here. What do you tell me?" When he heard that the other was an elder from Gulingmen, Yuan Fei moved slightly and became more cautious.

"Go in and talk." Elder Zuo Luo's words fell, and he stepped on his own and entered the city's main mansion.

Yuan Fei followed behind Elder Zuo Luo.

In the living room of the city's main government, Yuan Fei asked the elder Zuo Luo to sit in the main seat.

"Senior, I don't know what it is, but let the elders take this trip in person?" Yuan Fei asked respectfully again.

"Master Yuan Feicheng, the cultivator named Jingyan is in your Yujue City?" Elder Zuo Luo narrowed his eyes.

"Here, Lord Jing Yan has been living in Yujue City. Seniors came here to find Lord Jing Yan?" Yuan Fei first answered the question, and then asked the other one.

"Yes, the old man came here to find Jing Yan. Now, you call out Jing Yan, I have something to say to him." Elder Zuo Luo said.

"Seniors don't know. Lord Jing Yan is in a retreat ..." Yuan Fei didn't know what the elder Gu Lingmen was looking for Jing Yan. Of course, he wouldn't ask the other person to speak, so she immediately invited Master Jing Yan.

But before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Elder Zuo Luo of Gulingmen.

"Let you call him over, you just do it!" Elder Zuo Luo frowned and said impatiently: "Don't waste time, the old man will have to rush back to Gulingmen."

"But ..." Yuan Fei was embarrassed.

"Hmm! Master Yuan Feicheng, what's going on with you? The old man talks to you well. You have no temper when you are the old man? Why, Gulingmen, don't you think of it in your eyes?" Elder Zuo Luo breathed in his breath. A wave of horrible energy suddenly surged from his body.

This Elder Zuo Luo is at the level of the underworld, but it is very close to the level of Xianyun underworld, which is also the level of the immortal. He deliberately released his breath and evoked divine power, Yuan Fei couldn't bear it.

Feeling the energy fluctuations on Elder Zuo Luo, Yuan Feijiao's body suddenly shook and her face turned pale.

"The seniors were angry, I asked Master Jing Yan to come and meet the seniors." Yuan Fei said.

"No need, I'm here."

At this time, the voice of Jing Yan was heard outside the living room door.

Jing Zuo already knew about Zuo Luo when he entered the main palace. Elder Zuo Luo, after all, is a relatively strong cultivator, close to the level of immortal. When he entered the city's main government house, Jing Yan's thoughts were touched. Therefore, the dialogue between Zuo Luo and Yuan Fei was in Jing Yan's insight.

The silhouette flashed, Jing Yan had already entered the living room.

"Master Jing Yan." Yuan Fei stood up and screamed at Jing Yan.

Jing Yan nodded to Yuan Fei, signaled that she didn't need to worry.

Elder Zuo Luo was sitting there ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ looking at Jing Yan who just came in from the door.

"You're Jing Yan?" Elder Zuo Luo's posture was still proud.

"I am!" Jing Yan nodded, looking at Elder Zuo Luo.

"Yuxianzong, did you destroy it?" Elder Zuo Luo asked again.

After seeing Jing Yan, Elder Zuo Luo was a little surprised, because Jing Yan looked very ordinary and not ordinary. In Jing Yan's body, he didn't even feel the divine power fluctuation.

"Yes, I destroyed Yuxianzong. Your visit is here for Yuxianzong?" Jing Yan asked with an indifferent expression.

Jing Yan's indifferent expression made Elder Zuo Luo uncomfortable. However, he did not forget the purpose of this visit to Yujue City, and Gu Lingmen wanted to recruit Jing Yan.

"No, a jade immortal is nothing," Elder Zuo Luo shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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