Universal Sword God

Chapter 3301: Righteous speech

Jing Yan stared at the eyes of Emperor Huoyang.

From the words of the Emperor of Huoyang, Jing Yan heard it. The Xie Niedan that the Emperor of Huoyang knew was the elixir that helped the ordinary immortal reach the level of the mixed Yuan emperor. And this effect is obviously not Suniedan that Jing Yan knew from that Danfang.

"Emperor Huoyang, are you saying that you have seen Xian Nirvana, and its effect is to help the Emperor to understand the origin principle?" Jing Yan asked, confirming.

"Yes! Xian Nirvana can make it easier for the Emperor to understand the root principles. For the ordinary Emperor, this Dan is an invaluable treasure. And because this Dan is extremely rare, it is simply not available to the ordinary Emperor. Emperor Jingyan, I haven't seen Xanax for a long time, and for a long time, I haven't heard of anyone owning Xanax. "

"Where did you get these Xie Nidan?" The Emperor Huoyang looked at Xian Nidan again and couldn't help but marvel again.

"Emperor Huoyang, there is some deviation in your understanding of Xie Nidan." Jing Yan said with a smile.

"Oh?" The Emperor Huoyang was puzzled.

"The real xianiedan is the supreme elixir that allows the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty to master the ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty more easily. What you see now can only be regarded as the little xiannie." Jing Yan said.


"Make the emperor of Yuan Dynasty easier to master the rules of the Yuan ancestors?"

"Yeah! It's a pity that I can't make such a xie Nidan at the moment." Jing Yan shook his head.

"Such an elixir still exists! Hey, who can make such an elixir!" The Emperor of Huoyang said in his own right, then suddenly reacted and said in shock: "Jingyan emperor, you mean ... ... you made these little Nirvana, yourself? "

"Xian Nirvana is indeed made by me. During the ten months of my retreat, I was making Xiao Xian Nirvana." Jing Yan nodded and said, "Although Xiao Nirvana can only let Xiandi It ’s easy to understand the original principle, but its value should also be very high. It should also be very attractive to all masters of the mixed element! "

In each mixed-element space, there will be a large number of immortals. The master of the hybrid Yuan, of course, will want his own hybrid Yuan space, the birth of more hybrid Yuan emperor. Little Nirvana can help the masters of the Yuanyuan achieve this purpose.

In the Yuanyuan space, there must be some immortals, who are stuck outside the threshold of entering the level of the Yuanyuan emperor. This kind of immortal emperor can master Yuanzu Taoism just one step away. Perhaps, as long as they learn more about the original Taoism, they can master the Yuanzu Taoism. With the help of Xiao Nirvana, the possibility of stepping out is greatly increased.

So Jing Yan said that Xiaoxian Nirvana also has great attraction to the masters of the mixed Yuan.

"Of course, who can refuse Xiaoxian Nirvana? It is the leader of Jiaoyuan who must also want it."

"Emperor Jingyan, the refining of this little nirvana must be very complicated, isn't it expensive to refining this Dan?" The Great Emperor of Huoyang looked at Jing Yan with great vigor.

"The materials needed to make this Dan are very precious. And to make this Dan, the Dan Master ’s personal ability is very high. In addition, it ’s nothing, as long as I have enough materials, I can continue to make Made it. "Jing Yan groaned.

"Emperor Huoyang, if you take out Xiao Xian Niedan, can you let more masters of mixed Yuan vote for us?" Jing Yan said.

Hearing Jing Yan's words, Emperor Huoyang laughed softly.

"Jingyan the Great, you also underestimate the attractiveness of this little Nirvana! In my opinion, the control of the turbulent Yuanyuan, if not unexpected, must be your possession." Huoyang the Great The whole person relaxed.

"In this way, I invite all the masters of the Yuanyuan to come over, and everyone sits together to talk." Emperor Huoyang's eyes were gazed.

"Good!" Jing Yan nodded.


Jing Yan said goodbye to the Emperor Huoyang, and shortly after leaving the temporary residence of the Emperor Huoyang, he received a rumor from the Tuolian army division.

The Tuolian army division told Jing Yan that the main leader of Jiao Yuanmeng summoned him to discuss things.

The leader of the Jiao Yuan League called and Jing Yan immediately went to the Jade Palace.

"I've seen the leader." Jing Yan saluted the leader of Jiao Yuan.

"Military Division." Jing Yan then arched his hand to the Troian Army Division.

"The Emperor Jingyan is here, please sit down." Jiao Yuanmeng smiled and invited Jing Yan to take a seat.

"I don't know what the leader asked me to do. What happened?" After Jing Yan sat down, he looked at the leader of Jiao Yuan and asked.

"That's it. In another two months, I will hold a meeting and ask all the masters of Yuanyuan to discuss the problems of wanton Yuanyuan." The leader of Jiao Yuan said carefully, he looked at Jing Yan: "I don't know Jing Emperor Yan, what are your thoughts on the rampant Yuan? "

"What does the leader mean?" Jing Yan understood what the leader of Jiao Yuan meant, but at this time he pretended not to understand.

"Random hybrids are a huge space for hybrids and powerful. Although the roaring emperor has died, robbery is still very important for the alliance. I think that the alliance needs to protect the hybrid Continuous development of the yuan. "

"Because of the death of the arrogant emperor, the arrogant hybrid Yuan is now in a state of no leader, so a suitable person is needed to take over the arrogant hybrid Yuan."

"Today I asked King Yan to come alone. I just wanted to ask what you mean. Which do you think is the right master to take over the wanton master?" Jiao Yuanmeng stared at Jing Yan with squinting eyes.

In fact, it is impossible for the leader of Jiao Yuan to know that the Emperor of Huoyang is running for canvassing for Jing Yan. He knows that Jing Yan wants to control the arbitrarily confused Yuan. Now that he knows this, he asks Jing Yan this question at this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The information leaked out from it is not simple.

"The leader thinks, how about I come to take over the rampant gangster?" Jing Yan said directly.

Jing Yan's words made Jiao Yuan's leader's expression slightly unnatural. What Jiao Yuan's leader wants to hear is Jing Yan's support for his leader, who is in charge of wanton hybrids, not Jing Yan's own control of wanton hybrids.

"Haha ..." In the brief unnaturalness, the leader of Jiao Yuan laughed loudly.

"Jingyan emperor, in terms of personal strength, you take over the wanton hybrid, that's enough. However, your time to join the alliance is too short!" Said the leader of Jiao Yuan with a smile.

"The Emperor Jingyan, the Lord is right. You the Emperor Jingyan, it is not suitable for you to control the rampant gangsters at the moment." The Tuolian Army Division helped the leader of Jiao Yuan to speak.

"Always have to try to know the results." Jing Yan shook his head and said righteously: "I killed the old dog and rancored me, but I just ran the old dog alone, The other practitioners of Junyuan have nothing to do with it. Since I have killed the stubborn old dog, I can't ignore the ransom.

(End of this chapter)

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