Universal Sword God

Chapter 3229: Price 20 million

As long as there is Dan Fang, then can the Dan masters in their own Yuanyuan space also be able to make great nirvana?

The most important thing is Danfang.

When Emperor Zhanwu finished this sentence, the eyes of many masters in the presence of the Yuan brightened.

"The Great Emperor Zhanwu was right. I also think that the Great Emperor Jingyan should contribute the Dan Fang of Nirvana. For the benefit of the alliance, we should have dedication." The Great Cangmu said immediately.

"I am afraid that the Emperor Jingyan does not have such a high level of awareness as the Emperor of the Cangmu!"

"The Lord Lord came forward, and then we all persuaded together that we believe that King Jingyan can distinguish clearly. Furthermore, he gave Dan Fang, and we are not in vain. Lord Zhanwu also said that we will give him resources Compensation, give him more resources, "said the Cangmu Emperor, squinting slowly.

Many masters of the mixed Yuan looked forward to the leader of Jiao Yuan.

For Jing Yan to surrender Dan Fang, Jiao Yuan's leader really needed to come forward. Otherwise, it is the great Emperor Zhanwu and the Great Cangmu. It is difficult to cause much deterrence to the King Yan Yan, and it is even more impossible to force the King Yan Yan to surrender Dan Fang of Nirvana.

It was not long before the wild king was killed.

The leader of Jiao Yuan sat there and looked at the masters of the mixed Yuan.

The first time Emperor Zhanwu put forward this suggestion, the leader of Jiao Yuan was indeed a little moved. It would be much more convenient if Dan Fang of Nirvana could be obtained. But with a little thought, the leader of Jiao Yuan felt that this was not the right move.

The Emperor Jingyan is obviously not a person who is easily threatened. When Jing Yan's strength was still weak, there was no weakness in the face of the mighty Emperor. Therefore, if the King of Yan Yan is forced to surrender the Dan Fang of Nirvana, it is likely that the King of Yan Yan will be furious and choose a fierce way to respond to the alliance. Today's alliances need the power of King Yan.

Maintaining the stability of the alliance needs to be in the first place.

Furthermore, the leader of Jiao Yuan felt that he could still obtain the great Nirvana from King Jingyan.

"If the Emperor Zhanwu feels that he can let Jingyan the Emperor surrender Dan Fang, then he might as well talk to the Emperor Jingyan first. But to be clear, I personally feel that this behavior is inappropriate." The leader of Jiao Yuan shook his head and said to Emperor Wu said.

Emperor Zhan Wu's face sank slightly, he looked at the leader of Jiao Yuan.

"Well, we have made sure that King Yanyan can make great nirvana. If there is nothing else, you can leave." The leader of Jiao Yuan said again.


"Leader, then we are gone."

The master of the mixed yuan left the Jade Palace in succession.

"Military division." Jiao Yuanmeng stared at Tuolian Army Division.

"Lord, King Xianyan's refining Nirvana is extremely important to me and others. If we can get the Great Nirvana, then we will have a much easier grasp of the ancestors of the ancestors," Tuolianjun said.

"Yeah! I know, it's just ... I don't know Jingyan the Emperor, would you like to sell it to me?"

"Lord, I can go to King Yan Yan first. I think that if King Yan Yan can make a lot of King Nirvana, he should not refuse to sell some King Nirvana to the Lord." Tolian The military division looked at the main road of Jiao Yuanmeng.

"Um." Jiao Yuanmeng nodded.

"Let's go and see King Yan Yan in person!" Jiao Yuanmeng's thought turned and said loudly.

Daxian Nirvana is so important that it is worthwhile for him to see King Yanyan himself.


Jingyan's temporary Dongfu.

"Emperor Huoyang, how do you feel?" Jing Yan asked Emperor Huoyang.

Emperor Huoyang has already used the great fairy Nirvana given to her by Jing Yan.

"Emperor Jingyan, the effect of this great Nirvana is too horrible. In a few days, my progress has been tremendous. The Yuanzu Tao that I have been trying to master, is now very close to success." Huo Emperor Yang said excitedly to Jing Yan.

"Well, the effect of Taixian Nirvana is really good. However, the Emperor of Huoyang should not overestimate the effect of Taixian Nirvana." Jing Jingyan nodded and continued: "If there is no previous path to a ancestor, it will be a long time The accumulated information of the research depends only on the effect of a great Nirvana for several days. I am afraid it will not be too much! "

"Jingyan the Great, I understand what you mean. But in any case, this great Nirvana is very important to the gods at the level of the mixed Yuan Great Emperor. No other resource can be compared with the Great Nirvana. Emperor Huoyang said.

The two were talking and the leader of Jiao Yuan arrived.

The focus source leader personally arrived, Jing Yan also felt a little surprised. The leader of Jiao Yuan wanted to get Nirvana from Daxian. Jing Yan knew it well, but he thought that it would be the Troian Army Division who came to him to talk about it. Unexpectedly, it was Jiao Yuanmeng himself who came.

"League, let's talk in the room." Jing Yan asked the leader of Jiao Yuan to enter a room in Dongfu.

"Emperor Jingyan, I came to see you this time, for the sake of the great Nirvana."

"If the King Yanyan can continue to refine the great Nirvana, I hope the King Yanyan can sell me some great Nirvana." The leader of Jiao Yuan continued: "The price is not a problem. What resources do you need, you can also directly contact I said. As long as I can find it, I won't regret it. "

"Allied words are heavy!"

"To be honest, the alliance leader you and the Tuolian army division have always been more helpful to me, I always remember." Jing Yan looked at the alliance leader and said.

"This great Nirvana, I can sell it to you. However, the refining of this elixir is extremely difficult and the production is very low. Therefore, I am afraid that there will be very few in this amount." Jing Yan considered it.

"That's okay ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's fine as long as there is." Jiao Yuan leader said happily.

"Emperor Jingyan, do you think a great fairy nirvana, how much immortal stone do I need to pay for it?" Jiaoyuan leader asked again.

The price of a small centrifugal has reached millions of cents. The price of a great Nirvana is probably too high to be desperate.

"If you sell it to the Confederate, a big nirvana is ... 20 million immortal stones!" Jing Yan paused for a moment.

20 million cents.

Nirvana of the Great Sin, a furnace can only become one. The material cost of a large furnace of Nirvana is about 200,000 cents.

The elixir of 200,000 material costs sells for 20 million cents.

Hearing this number, although the leader of Jiao Yuan had made psychological preparations, he took a deep breath. This price is a bit too much for him. Looking at the meaning of King Yan, the price will be even higher if it is sold to others.

(End of this chapter)

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