Universal Sword God

Chapter 3335: Enter Ran? R mixed yuan

For Jing Yan, besides Gao Feng and other family members, Ji Yan should be the most important person.

Returning to his own mixed-yuan space this time, Jing Yan naturally could not come to visit Ji Yun.

He gave Ji Yan a large number of various resources that she could use, including a certain amount of resources such as the little nirvana and blue locust fruit.

In Longyan, Jing Yan also specially advised Yuxiu's commander and gave each other a lot of resources.

Jing Yan stayed in Longyan for more than a month.

It was Mr. Eternal who summoned him and told him that the treasure house had been built, and then Jing Yan said goodbye to Ji Yuan and went to the location of Jing Yan treasure house.

The building of Jingyan Treasury has already been completed, but it will naturally be a little worse for it to be put into use. This building will be the most important building in terms of landscape and language. The importance and value will also be above the heavenly court and the temple of fortune.

Therefore, Jing Yan should personally arrange the formation for Jing Yan's treasure house, at least to allow Jing Yan's treasure house to resist for a period of time when facing the Yuan Dynasty emperor.

"Jingyan the Great!"

When Jing Yan arrived at the Jing Yan Treasury, Mr. Eternal, the Great Cang Er and others bowed to Jing Yan.

"Well, everyone is working hard." Jing Yan nodded, looking at Jing Yan treasure house.

The treasure house of Jingyan was built in the void of the mixed Yuan. The whole building is tower-shaped with big heads and small feet!

"Emperor Jingyan, the treasure house has a total height of 7,749," Mr. Yongheng introduced to Jingyan.

"Good," Jing Yan said.

"Now, I will start to arrange the backbone of the formation for this building. You will immediately start to convene the strongest array master in Junyuan." Jing Yan commanded everyone.

"Yes!" Everyone answered in unison.

The building of Jingyan Treasury itself is extremely large, with a height of forty-nine floors. Jing Yan hopes that Jing Yan's treasure house can withstand the direct attack of the mixed Yuan emperor. Then, the requirements for the defensive formation method are very, very high.

This can be very complicated and heavy work.

Even if it is Jing Yan, it is difficult to complete alone. Therefore, he needs the assistance of a large array of mages. According to the plan, he is responsible for the main formation of the formation, and other formation masters, according to the requirements of Jing Yan, complete the arrangement of the formation of the formation.

Mr. Eternal, Emperor Cang'er, and others, summoned up to 300 mages in the dark.

These three hundred array mages are basically the most powerful array mages in Jingyan. There are some missing fish, and the number is not large.

Jing Yan personally met three hundred array mages, assigned them tasks, and infused the parts of each person directly into their minds through the soul power. In this way, as long as the array masters work step by step, they can complete the layout of the array method perfectly.

In this way, seven years later, Jing Yan completed the layout of the main formation. The arrangement of branches is still ongoing. If everything is normal, it will take decades to complete the formation. And in the future, we need to continue to strengthen and stabilize.

Fifty years later, Jing Yan left Jing Yan again.

I came back this time and spent fifty years in Junyuan. In the past 50 years, Jingyan Treasury has been officially used. In the early stage, although there will still be many problems, there are two institutions that control the Temple of Heaven and Heaven, and those problems are quickly resolved.

Trivial matters do not need to be dealt with by Jing Yan himself.

In these 50 years, Jing Yan not only mastered the twelfth ancestor's rule, but also in his spare time, he refined a lot of little nirvana. The top level of the Jingyan Treasury, which is the 49th floor, is the place where the little Nirvana is stored.

As for Great Nirvana, Jing Yan did not intend to put it into Jing Yan's treasure house from the beginning. Jing Yan Nirvana and other resources, Jing Yan will be absolutely controlled in his own hands.

"Eternal, let's go!"

At the node of the mixed yuan passage, Jing Yan said something to Mr. Eternal.

That's right, this time leaving the mixed-yuan space, Jing Yan took Mr. Eternal to go with him. Mr. Yongheng is already the emperor of Yuanyuan. He can help him deal with a lot of things, not just the affairs of Jingyan Yuanyuan.

"Yes, Emperor Jingyan." Mr. Yongheng bowed.

Under the gaze of the Celestial Guards, the two entered the Yuanyuan channel. The other end of this mixed element channel is Huoyang mixed element.

When coming out of the Hunyuan channel, Mr. Eternity, a lot of curiosity around.

"Emperor Jingyan, is this the Huoyang mix?" Mr. Eternal asked Jingyan.

"Yes, this is the Huoyang Luanyuan. The owner of this Luanyuan is the Emperor of Huoyang." Jing Yan nodded and said with a smile.

"It's strong, the Taoism and the heaven and earth aura are much richer than our mixed space." Mr. Eternal said with a sigh.

"Huoyang Mixed Yuan is not the most powerful mixed Yuan space in the league. Of course, it is definitely more powerful than our Jingyan Mixed Yuan. Our Jingyan Mixed Yuan has not yet reached the mature stage." Jing Yan shook his head and said "Let's go! Follow me to see the Emperor of Huoyang."

Jing Yan also came to Huoyang Junyuan for the first time. He also did not know the residence of the Emperor Huoyang,

But this doesn't matter, just send a message to Emperor Huoyang.

On the first day of Huoyang Junyuan, Jing Yan met the Emperor of Huoyang.

"Eternal, this is the Emperor of Huoyang." In front of the Emperor of Huoyang, Jing Yan introduced the Emperor of Huoyang to Mr. Eternal.

"I've seen the Emperor Huoyang." Mr. Yongheng hurriedly saluted the Emperor Huoyang.

Mr. Eternal, I know a lot of information from Jing Yan's mouth. He knew that there was also a huge gap between the Emperor and the Emperor. An emperor like him is far worse than those of the emperor.

"The Emperor of Huoyang, this is the eternity of my mixed words." Jing Yan introduced Mr. Eternal to the Emperor of Huoyang.

"It seems to have reached the level of the emperor?" The Great Emperor Huoyang looked at Mr. Eternity ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and felt the fluctuation of Yuan Zudao from Mr. Eternal.

"Yeah! Eternity only reached the level of the emperor not long ago. So this time, I took him out." Jing Yan smiled.

"Congratulations to King Jingyan first. Your mixed-yuan space, in addition to you, has another emperor-level immortal." Huoyang said with a smile.

"The Emperor Jingyan, the eternal Taoist, please sit down." The Emperor Huoyang kindly invited the two to take their seats.

Three days later, the Emperor Huoyang took care of some of the affairs in his hands, and brought five Emperor Luan Yuan together with Jing Yan and left the Emperor Huoyang.

This time, their destination was just wanton.

The arrogant emperor died, and the arbitrarily mixed Yuan fell into chaos. Jing Yan wants to control the arrogance of the unscrupulous people, and it is impossible to succeed in one sentence. Jing Yan needs the help of Emperor Huoyang.

Through the Yuanyuan Channel, Jing Yan, the Emperor of Huoyang, and others came to the wild Yuanyuan. The unscrupulous mixed-element channel node has been left unattended.

(End of this chapter)

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