Universal Sword God

Chapter 3338: Rival me

The great emperor Yunbo has been with the arrogant emperor for countless years, and his influence in the arrogant mixed courtyard is extremely great.

Even in the mixed-yuan empire, there are also many empires who have become friends with the Emperor Yunbo.

He deliberately released the news, and within a short period of time, the news went wild in the wild. Spread information through some of his networks.

The practitioners who were originally in the Yuan Dynasty did not know that the King Jingyan had arrived. Through the news spread by Yunbo Emperor, all the practitioners in the Yuan Dynasty knew it. Of course, there are many practitioners who still have some expectations for Emperor Jingyan to take over the wanton Yuanyuan. After all, the arrogant emperor has fallen, and now the arbitrarily mixed Yuan has no control. It is very chaotic. With a new arbitrator, it should be possible to restore order and stability!

However, some people expect that some people will resist. Those who can benefit from the chaos do not want to see a stable order.

"The Emperor Jingyan seems to have arrived.

"It must be here, isn't it that you are calling on Emperor Yunbo and others to go to the Sky Tower? But I don't think it will go well."

"Yes! Emperor Yunbo has already worked with Emperor Jingyan."

"The attitudes of the other great emperors who have mixed towers are unclear. So far, only one Emperor Dongyu is beside Emperor Jingyan."

"East Emperor Dongyu, a boneless thing, soon after the arrogant emperor fell, he actually ran to kill Jing Yan."

"The Emperor Yunbo scolded him, he asked for it, and he should scold him."

"You said, can the King of Jingyan control our arrogance?"

"It's hard! Rumors say he's extremely powerful, but he's just a shack. He wants to take charge of our arrogance and tenderness."

"Wait for a good show! If the Emperor of the Sky Tower doesn't listen to him, see what he can do!"

In the wild turmoil, there has been much discussion. Many big men with heads and faces also send confirmation messages to each other.

In the process, the voice supporting Emperor Yunbo appeared and grew stronger.

Some influential people made sounds through various channels, let Jing Yan get out of the way. What they meant was that Jing Yan was an outsider, and the arrogant gangsters could not be controlled by an outsider. Although the arrogant emperor fell, from the arrogant renyuan, a highly respected renyuan emperor should be deduced to become the new lord of the ambition.

Gradually, even some empire-level forces began to speak out in support of Emperor Yunbo.

"Brother Yunbo!" Emperor Creco sent a message to Emperor Yunbo.

"Brother Ke, is there something wrong?" Asked Emperor Yunbo.

At this time, the Emperor Yunbo was somewhat proud. Within the assassin, those voices supporting him gave him a strange sense of satisfaction. He felt that his sense of existence was even greater than when he was wreaking havoc on His Majesty the Great.

"Brother Yunbo, you are too reckless." Emperor Creco sighed.

Emperor Yunbo's eyes were frozen, and he said unpleasantly, "What does Brother Creco mean? Does Brother Creco also intend to mix the tower and obey the order of that scene?"

"I did receive a message from Dongyu Taoyou, but I didn't plan to go to the Sky Tower to see Jing Yan."

"Brother Yunbo, I mean, you will completely offend Jing Yan by doing so. You and I all know the power of Jing Yan, even the arrogant Emperor of the Lord ..." Crepe Ke had a heavy tone.

"If you anger that Jing Yan, I'm afraid that Jing Yan will become furious and not good for you." The Great King Keke wanted to persuade Yun Bo, to keep a low profile, even if he didn't want to follow Jing Yan, don't offend the opponent too much.

"Oh, I'll see what he can do to me! As long as there are enough people supporting me in Luanyuan, I don't believe that saying and can kill all of us."

"Furthermore, although Jing Yan has strong personal strength, as long as we can work together, he can deal with us against the few?" Said Yunbo the Great.

"Brother Yunbo, Jing Yan didn't come alone. The Huoyang emperor's Huoyang emperor also came with him. Why did the Huoyang emperor come to us to arbitrage the emperor, can't you see?" He shook his head and sighed again.

"Well, you're afraid of Jing Yan, I'm not afraid!" Emperor Yunbo didn't want to talk with Crepe Ke more, and he ended the briefing.

Sky Tower, top!

King Yan Yan, Huo Yang, and others are still here.

It has been some time since Emperor Dongyu summoned the other four amalgamated tower gods.

"The Emperor Jing Yan, the Emperor Ma Hong, the Emperor Crepe and the Emperor of the Sea, still did not reply to me." The Emperor Dongyu looked at Jing Yan with an awkward expression.

He was embarrassed by himself, and was also embarrassed by King Yan.

Obviously, the emperors of the towers were not prepared to obey the towers. If you plan to come, even if you do n’t have one now, you should at least reply to the Emperor Dongyu.

So far, the Great Emperor Dongyu has not received any reply from the Great Tower Emperor.

You know, the great Emperor Dongyu sent a message to those people on behalf of the Great Emperor Jing Yan. The few emperors of Yuan Dynasty ignored and the prestige of Jing Yan was challenged.

"Each one is fine!" Jing Yan sneered.

"Emperor Jingyan, what are you going to do?" Emperor Huoyang asked Jingyan looking at him.

"Perhaps, I should let them know more about me. One thing, Yun Bo is right, I am an outsider. The mediocre practitioners who are wild are strange to me." Jing Yan said.

"Jingyan the Great, I'm afraid we can't wait for the practitioners outside to understand you slowly. There are already many voices supporting Yunbo in the Yuanyuan. Let this situation develop and your prestige to the King of Yan will It was a big blow, "said Emperor Dongyu frowning.

Apparently ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The Emperor Dongyu did not really understand the meaning of Jing Yan.

"Oh, I won't wait for them to get to know me slowly!" Jing Yan said with a smile: "I will, let them know me quickly!"

Emperor Dongyu looked at Jing Yan in incomprehensibility, and Emperor Huoyang looked at Jing Yan. Mr. Yongheng's thoughts are very chaotic. This time he came out with the King of Jing Yan. Although it is not long, but through various information, he realized that King of King Yan seems to have a very special status in the congregation. , Beyond imagination!

"East Emperor Dongyu, where can Yunbo be located, can you find it?" Jing Yan asked the Emperor Dongyu.

"Well, it's okay!" Emperor Dongyu nodded.

"Find out its location, and then tell me. I'd like to see, they have a few lives that can be against me!" Jing Yan commanded Emperor Dongyu.

"Yes!" Emperor Dongyu glanced at Jing Yan, then nodded.

The Emperor Dongyu vaguely felt that the Emperor Yunbo was afraid that it would be over. Although Emperor Dongyu didn't know much about Jing Yan, he also felt that Emperor Jing Yan was very angry.

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