Universal Sword God

Chapter 3342: 6 great empires

In the era of the mighty emperor, these mixed-yuan empires had great autonomy in the mixed-yuan space.

The arrogant emperor certainly wanted complete control, but there were many difficulties. Many times he has to choose to compromise.

"Everyone is friendly!" Emperor Dongyu appeared and greeted the oncoming crowd.

"Eastern Dongyu!"

Partu Empire and other people all returned to Dongyu the Great.

"Eastern Emperor Dongyu, can Emperor Jingyan be in the Sky Tower?" One of them immediately voiced.

This man was the emperor of the Mahayana Empire.

"The Emperor Jingyan is in the Sky Tower at this time!" Emperor Dongyu responded.

Emperor Dongyu knew that these people would definitely want to see Emperor Jingyan when they came to the tower. However, he did not ask, just waiting for the other person to speak up.

"Oh, the King of Jingyan is just fine." The emperor of the Patu Empire laughed and said, "Dongyu, please let us know. We want to see the King of Jingyan."

"Yes, you guys wait a moment, I'll pass on Jingyan the great emperor." The great emperor Dongyu said with a smile.

"Take them in!" The voice of Jing Yan passed into the ear of Emperor Dongyu.

Jing Yan naturally knew the situation outside the Sky Tower. Recently, Jing Yan has maintained a vigilant attitude. The Emperor Yunbo was placed on top of the Tianzhu to show the public. Jing Yan didn't want to see the Emperor Yunbo rescued in the middle. If that happens, the damage to prestige will be too great.

Therefore, Jing Yan always kept a vigilant status. If anyone wanted to rescue the Emperor Yunbo, he could intercept it immediately. I believe that with his preparedness, even if the confederate leader in the alliance came in person, he would never expect to save the Emperor Yunbo before him.

"Dear friends, come with me, and King Yan made me take you into the mixed sky tower!" Said Emperor Dongyu with a smile.

"Thank you, Emperor Dongyu!"

This time, there are six assorted empires in the mixed sky tower. Within the rampant mix of Yuan, there were ten empires. Now, there are six mixed yuan empires joining forces to put pressure on Jing Yan.

The influence of the six mixed-yuan empires is really terrible.

Because of this, the emperors of the Patu Empire and the Mahayana Empire were also very confident. They believe that King Yan Yan will eventually choose to compromise. As long as they propose to release the Emperor Yunbo together, the Emperor Jingyan cannot fail to release the Emperor Yunbo.

"Dear friends, Emperor Jingyan has commanded that only the emperors of each empire can enter the mixed sky tower. Others, please wait outside the mixed sky tower." The great emperor Dongyu said.

Each of the six emperors brought a lot of powerful practitioners in their own Yuan Empire.

Regarding what Emperor Dongyu said, the emperors of several mixed-yuan empires had their expressions changed, but did not say much. The Emperor Jingyan couldn't kill some of their emperors in the mixed tower.

On the top of the mixed tower, Jing Yan met the six emperors of the mixed Yuan empire.

"See King Jingyan!" The six of them saluted Jing Jing.

"You don't have to be polite." Jing Yan waved his hand.

The Great Emperor Dongyu introduced the six emperors one by one to Jing Yan.

"I didn't call you, but you came to mix the tower. Is there anything you need to see me?" Jing Yan asked directly.

Jing Yan's attitude seemed a little tough.

"Jingyan Emperor, I came here to mix the tower, this time I wanted to implore you, to be able to release the Yunbo Emperor on Tianzhu." The emperor of the Patu empire said, when talking about Tianzhu, he intentionally increased Tone.

"The great crime of Emperor Yunbo is extremely serious. The crimes committed are beyond description. How can he be released?" Jing Yan looked at Emperor Patu and frowned.

"Emperor Jingyan and Emperor Yunbo had done some wrong things, but he also contributed a lot to the rampant turmoil." The emperor of the Patu Empire soon said.

"Credit is credit, crime is crime." Jing Yan said, shaking his head.

"Emperor Jingyan, who was arbitrarily controlled by Yuanyang, was the master of Yunbo. Most of the crimes of Yunbo were committed before. After Emperor Jingyan came to wanton, Yuanbo seemed to There is not much fault. I think that it is just a verbal collision with the Jingyan Emperor, and he should not be guilty of death. "The emperor of the Lan Xiao Empire looked up at Jing Yan and said.

This remark made him a little worried. The implied meaning is that you, the King of Jingyan, wanted to execute Yunbo because you hit him in words. Many of the crimes of the Emperor Yunbo were committed before the Emperor Jingyan came to roar the Yuanyuan. If you want to turn over the old account, why only target Yunbo Emperor alone?

Jing Yan's eyes were fixed, and he looked at the emperor of the Lan Xiao Empire. The emperor of the Lan Xiao Empire felt Jing Yan's eyes, but he was not afraid.

"If King Yanyan really executed Yunbo King, it would also have a bad impact on King Yanyan's management of the rampant Junyuan. After all, King Yanyan ’s time to come to the wild Yuanyuan is short." Mahayana The emperor of the empire followed.

"We hope that Emperor Jingyan will give Yunbo an opportunity." Another emperor said.

"It seems that your opinions are unified, and they all think that I should release the Emperor Yunbo." Jing Yan said with a frown, a low voice.

"Jingyan the Great Emperor forgive me! We are also hoping for stability in the mixed Yuan!" Said the six emperors at the same time.

Jing Yan looked at the six people with a sneer in his heart.

Outside the Sky Tower ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The six emperors of the Sky Tower Empire have entered the Sky Tower to see the King of Kings. What is the purpose of their arrival today? "Someone said loudly.

"Isn't this a blatant thing? The message from Juntian Tower has been sent out before, and Emperor Yunbo will be executed 30 days after the public show. The emperors of the six empires just arrived on this last day. What other purpose? To save Yunbo Emperor! "Someone said with a laugh.

"The emperors of the six major mixed-yuan empires came together and joined hands in a petition, hoping that King Jingyan would release King Yunbo. King Jingyan, I'm afraid I can't resist such pressure?" Someone said.

"Yeah! It was difficult to parry together the six Hunyuan empires when the imperious emperor was there. If you go your own way, the space of the Hunyuan must be turbulent. Jingyan the Great is here now. ! "

"Hehe, even if the Emperor Jingyan didn't care about rampant hybrids, he had to stabilize the rampant hybrids. The alliance leader asked him to manage the rampant hybrids. If the hybrids were messed up, it would not mean that he was not capable. Also, in the alliance, there are a lot of mixed masters who don't want King Yan to manage the mixed tyrants. "A well-known big man said, he clearly understands the situation of the alliance.

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