Universal Sword God

Chapter 3345: 6 global

The crowds sat on the top hall of the mixed sky tower, keeping quiet.

Today is the first time that Emperor Jingyan has gathered everyone to participate in the deliberations. Before the deliberations began, everyone did not know what specific matters to discuss today. Even Dongyu the Great is not clear, so everyone is waiting for Jingyan the Great to announce it.

"You all!" Jing Yan said.

"Desperately slammed, chaos in the chaos was in chaos, and the entire chaos in the chaos was in rush. The chaos in the chaos was an important part of the alliance. Collapse. So, after a meeting chaired by the leader of Jiao Yuan, it was decided that I would manage the arrogant bastard. "

"And I, although I have n’t been here for a long time, I have learned a lot about the confusion in the space of the mixed element. I don't think that the random element can develop so disorderly."

Jing Yan said slowly.

When Jing Yan said here, the people present were naturally able to guess what King Jing Yan meant. Emperor Jingyan was ready to rebuild the order that raged in the Yuan Dynasty. Even if it is not reconstruction, it is certainly necessary to stabilize the current chaotic situation in the turmoil.

"Emperor Jingyan, are you going to discuss the management issues of wanton mixing?" Emperor Huoyang asked Jingyan aloud.

"Yes, this matter can't be delayed any longer." Jing Yan nodded.

"If this is the case, then I should avoid it. After all, we are not arrogant practitioners, and this matter is the internal affairs of arrogant activists," said the Emperor Huoyang.

Emperor Huoyang said this to avoid suspicion. She did not want Jing Yan to misunderstand. This time, she led her emperor Yuanyuan to follow the Jingyan to arbitrate the Yuanyuan, in order to help the Jingyan Emperor to stabilize the situation, rather than intervene in the management of the arrogant Yuanyuan.

Jing Yan smiled, and of course he understood what the Emperor Huoyang was worried about.

"The Emperor of Huoyang doesn't have to think about it." Jing Yan looked at the Emperor of Huoyang and said, "To discuss and discuss the plan today, whether it can be implemented successfully, the Emperor of Huoyang needs to contribute."

"Okay, then we will stay." Emperor Huoyang nodded.

"Did you, after considering this period of time, I have some ideas. I intend to divide the wild mix into six large areas. These six large areas can be called six areas."

Jing Yan divides the arbitrarily mixed Yuan into six areas, which is also a reference to the nine-day domain of Jing Yan mixed Yuan and Ming mixed Yuan area.

If you want to control the rampant mixed Yuan, you must limit the power and influence of those mixed Yuan empires and conventional empires. If you can't control those empires, then wanting to control the arrogant **** is foolish dreaming.

Jing Yan is divided into six areas, which is to divide these empires, and put a tight spell on the heads of these empires.

"Six zones, one for each zone."

"Every domain owner is in charge of an area, and there are a large number of forces, including empires."


With Jing Yan's remarks, everyone's understanding of Jing Yan also gradually understood. With a little contemplation, everyone understood the power of King Yan's move.

The existence of the domain master clearly trumps the empire. With the domain masters in place, those empires would be severely restricted. If these six domains can be successfully separated, it can be said that King Yan Yan's control of the arbitrarily mixed Yuan was half successful.

"You guys, what's the difference between the six domains I proposed?" Jing Yan's eyes narrowed and he asked everyone.

"Jingyan the Great's approach is very good."

"Yes, if this method can be successfully implemented, it will have an inestimable effect on the stability of the mixed element space."

"I think it's appropriate."

Several emperors of Yuan Dynasty gave their approval in succession.

Eternal Emperor, Huoyang Emperor and others, of course, will not hinder Jingyan. Even if they do not speak, they will definitely support and agree.

"Very well, so it's settled." Jing Yan breathed slightly.

As soon as his arm moved, the road suddenly surged in the hall. With the change of the strength of Dao Ze, a huge pattern appeared in the entire hall space. This huge pattern is just a thumbnail of the whole wild mix.

Everyone looked at the pattern and could see that the entire pattern had been divided into six parts. And these six parts are marked with serial numbers. That is, the first region, the second region, and the sixth region.

Judging from the pattern, the location of the mixed tower is within the first area.

"Eternity." Jing Yan whispered.

"Here!" The Eternal Emperor stood up immediately and answered loudly.

"From now on, you are the domain owner of the first region." Jing Yan looked at the eternal emperor.

The eternal emperor had just grasped a rule of the Yuan ancestors and was soon promoted to the mixed emperor. This first area can actually be said to be the core area. Jing Yan naturally wanted to give the first area to the person he trusted most. The eternal emperor from Jingyan mixed Yuan is the best candidate at present.

"Yes!" Eternal Emperor flushed slightly, he answered loudly.

The several emperors who mixed the towers looked at each other quietly, and they did not speak. They certainly see the value of the first region. However, they could not object to King Yan Yan's appointment of the eternal emperor as the domain owner of the first region. The eternal emperor is a close relative of the emperor Jing Yan. Relatively speaking, the emperor Jing Yan certainly believes in the eternal emperor even more.

"Dongyu!" Jing Yan called the name of Emperor Dongyu again.

"Yes!" Emperor Dongyu immediately stood up, his face showing an unbelievable joy.

"From now on, you are the domain owner of the second region." Jing Yan said to Emperor Dongyu.

"Yes, thanks to Emperor Jingyan. Subordinates, he will never disappoint the trust of Emperor Jingyan!" Emperor Dongyu said excitedly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jing Yan nodded and let Dongyu emperor sit down.

"Falling dust!" Jing Yan looked at the Great Dust again.

The Great Dust Emperor is the Great Emperor of the Huoyang Emperor and a practitioner of the Huoyang Mixed Yuan. When Jing Yan shouted her name, the Emperor Luochen stunned for a moment.

Emperor Jingyan is appointing the domain masters of the six major domains. Why did she suddenly call out her name?

In the midst of misunderstanding, Emperor Luochen stood up and looked at Jing Yan with some doubts.

Emperor Huoyang looked at Jing Yan with a puzzled look.

"Falling dust, if you can, I hope you can serve as the domain owner of the third area. Of course, this is not an appointment, but an employment." Jing Yan said to the Great Dust Emperor, but when he spoke, he looked at the Great Emperor Huoyang .

Emperor Luo Chen is not his Majesty, nor does he have the power to appoint Emperor Luo Chen to hold any post. However, it is okay to hire, as long as the Emperor Huoyang agrees and the Emperor Dust himself is willing, there is no problem.

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