Universal Sword God

Chapter 3352: sell

Emperor Eternal and Emperor Chang Yong followed the gatekeeper and came to the president of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce.

"I've seen President Xiliang!" The two bowed down and saluted.

The name of the president of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce is called Xiliang.

President Xiliang sat up and nodded implicitly to the two.

"How do you call them?" Xiliang asked.

The janitor had just reported the names and identities of the eternal emperor to him, and he asked again.

"Chairman Xiliang, I am His Majesty King Jingyan. He is the master of the Jingyuan mixed Yuanjing Palace, the executive officer of the wild mixed Yuantian tower and the eternal domain master." Said the eternal emperor.

"I am the emperor of Changyang, the emperor of Huoyang." The emperor Changyong followed.

The chief of Xiliang's eyes stared and nodded, "What's the matter for the two to come to me?"

"President Xiliang, I was ordered by King Jingyan to come and meet the president."

"The Emperor Jingyan has been busy rectifying the turmoil of the Yuan Dynasty recently, so he cannot come to see him in person, and I ask the president to forgive me."

"The Emperor Jingyan once purchased some materials at the Spirit Snake Empire Division of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce. Recently, the Emperor Jingyan heard that someone was inquiring about what materials he purchased from the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce. Xiliang Chamber of Commerce is able to keep secrets and will not disclose relevant information to the outside world, "said the eternal emperor slowly.

When speaking, the eternal emperor was polite, courteous and polite, and did not offend President Xiliang at all.

"That's the case! Emperor Jingyan, who bought some materials at the Spirit Snake Empire Division of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce?" The president of Xiliang squinted his eyes.

"That's right," said the Eternal Emperor.

"Okay, I know this. Two, but there are other things?" President Xiliang said so again.

"Besides that, there is nothing else. The two of us suddenly came and asked President Xiliang not to blame." The Eternal Emperor once again apologized.

President Xiliang smiled and nodded.

Subsequently, the eternal emperor and the emperor Changyong left the headquarters of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce and returned to wanton Yuanyuan. The eternal emperor is the chief executive of the mixed sky tower, or the domain owner of the first domain. He has many things, and it is impossible to delay and waste time in the mixed source of Jiaoyuan.

After the eternal emperor returned to the arrogant Yuanyuan, he will see the situation of President Xiliang and report to Jing Yan.

Jing Yan didn't care, this was a trivial matter, and it really wasn't worth the effort.

On the other side, inside the headquarters of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce, after the eternity left, the face of the president of Xiliang was overcast.

"Don't you look down on me in this Jingyan!" President Xiliang snorted, echoing in the hall.

"Want me to keep him secret, so I only sent the next one who had just been promoted to the Yuan Dynasty to see me?"

"Hehe ..." President Xiliang sneered.

He believes that Emperor Jingyan should come to Jiaoyuan Junyuan to meet him in person. Since he is being asked to help, then he should have enough sincerity, instead of sending a personal notice.

President Xiliang felt very shameless. He felt that Jing Yan regarded him as the insignificant person.

"Mr. Chairman, it seems that King Jingyan didn't want others to know the information about the materials he purchased." The chief executive of the headquarters came in from outside a while ago, and said at this time.

"In this case, those materials are really the materials for refining sundyne." The chief executive flashed his way.

"Well, that's true. Otherwise, why does he care if the information is leaked?" Xiliang's eyes flashed.

"Oh, since this Jingyan Emperor doesn't take me seriously, that's no wonder I profit. I am Xiliang, a businessman!" President Xiliang sneered.

In fact, Emperor Zhan Wu and others had already contacted President Xiliang and wanted to know the specific situation of the materials purchased by Jing Yan. However, President Xiliang has never decided whether to leak relevant information. He did not agree, but did not explicitly refuse.

After the arrival of the Eternal Emperor this time, he had a decision.

In essence, he didn't want to offend Jing Yan, but he felt that he didn't need to be afraid of Jing Yan either. It is the leader of Jiao Yuan who treats President Xiliang with three points of courtesy.

"Immediately notify Emperor Zhanwu, Emperor Cangmu, Emperor Kunyu, and others to come to the headquarters." President Xiliang instructed the chief executive.

"Mr. President, if you do this, you may offend Jingyan!" Said the chief manager with a frown.

"No wonder I can only blame him. If he comes to tell me the secret, then I promise him his face. However, he does not respect me!" President Xiliang said, "Let ’s do it like this ! "

"Yes!" The managing director answered.

After receiving the information, Emperor Zhan Wu and others came to the headquarters of Xiliang Chamber of Commerce in Jiaoyuan, Yuanyuan from their respective Yuanyuan spaces.

The president of Xiliang called the chairman of Yingbi, who was in charge of the Chamber of Commerce of the Spirit Snake Empire. Jing Yan's purchase of materials was received by President Ying Bi.

When President Yingbi knew what President General wanted to do, he wanted to persuade him. However, the presence of a subcommittee in another district is really insignificant. Inside the Chamber of Commerce, there are too many branches like him. Some special chapter presidents are even the great emperor. And he was just an ordinary immortal Emperor.

President Xiliang is really good at business. He will call over the master who wants to know Jing Yan who bought those materials from the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce. Then, let the masters of these hybrids come together to come up with a price purchase information.

When talking to a few masters of mixed yuan, President Xiliang said that if the price is too low, he cannot leak information at the risk of offending Jingyan.

Through this transaction, the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce has made a lot of immortal stones ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The final result, the president of Xiliang is very satisfied, and the emperor Zhan Wu and other people who want the information are also satisfied.

Emperor Zhan Wu and others came to Jiaoyuan Junyuan and saw the news of the president of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce. Naturally, they could not conceal the co-owners of Jiaoyuan. Soon, the leaders of Jiaoyuan and Tuolian Army knew that the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce had sold that information.

Since the Tuolian Army Division knew about this, the Jingyan who was arrogantly mixing the yuan naturally knew about it shortly after.

Jingyan's face is a bit ugly.

Jing Yan was a little annoyed by the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce. In his opinion, this was indeed a trivial matter. He didn't understand why President Xiliang did it. He purchased a lot of expensive materials through the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce, and the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce could also earn a lot of benefits from it. In addition, Jingyan is a continuous purchase material, I bought it before and will buy it later.

So he couldn't figure out why President Xiliang did it. Isn't the other person a blind eye? If so, how can Xiliang Chamber of Commerce become the largest chamber of commerce in the alliance?

(End of this chapter)

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