Universal Sword God

Chapter 3361: Too many people

Emperor Zhanwu looked around at the crowd.

"The Great Emperor Lunyang, this auction organized by the Feiming Chamber of Commerce will be yours to participate." The Great Emperor Zhan Wu said to the Great Emperor Lunyang.

"Yes ..." Emperor Lunyang was uncomfortable.

He didn't want to go to Jingyan.

The Great Emperor Zhanwu and the Great Emperor Jingyan turned against each other. He is a practitioner of the Zhanwu mixed Yuan. If he goes to the Jingyan mixed Yuan, can others give a good face? But this was the direct order of the emperor Zhan Wu, the master of the mixed Yuan, he did not want to accept it.

Seeing that the Emperor Lunyang had responded, the Emperor Zhanwu nodded. If the auction is held in Jiaoyuan or other mixed sources, then Emperor Zhanwu may participate in person. But the place is mixed in Jingyan, he can never go. If he went and was driven out of the mixed Yuan by King Jingyan, then his face would really be wiped out. He could not take this risk.

In the view of Emperor Zhan Wu, Emperor Jing Yan casually found a reason to expel him from Jing Yan. It was very likely.

The Cangmu Emperor of the Cangmu Mixed Yuan is also His Majesty the Emperor who has made himself very trusted. He brought a large amount of immortal stones to the Jingyan Mixed Yuan to participate in the auction of the Feiming Chamber of Commerce.

The day before the Feiming Chamber of Commerce Super Auction, the Chamber of Commerce was fully prepared for the auction, only waiting for the auction to officially begin.

Because this super auction is extremely important to Feiming Chamber of Commerce, President Feiming has assembled most of the senior staff of the Chamber of Commerce into a mixed language and is responsible for various affairs.

As for the Feiming Chamber of Commerce, it has also worked closely with the two supreme institutions, including the Jinghua Temple and the Heavenly Court, to share various information and intelligence.

At this time, in the branch of Feiming Chamber of Commerce, several senior staff members were reporting to Feiming, the chairman.

"Mr. Chairman, the power of Xie Ni Dan is really terrible!" Said a high-pitched voice.

He continued: "In the entire league, there are more than ten masters of mixed yuan who come to Jingyan mixed yuan in person, there are nine. There are a lot of mixed yuan emperors of each mixed yuan. It is difficult for the common immortal emperor. Calculation. "

"President, I'm afraid we have to set some conditions, otherwise the auction venue will not be able to accommodate so many practitioners." The senior official suggested.

There are too many practitioners who want to participate in the Feiming Chamber of Commerce Super Auction. If conditions are not set, the auction venue will not be able to accommodate so many people.

President Feiming frowned.

"If the conditions of participation were announced today, I am afraid that it will cause dissatisfaction among many practitioners who fail to meet the conditions but want to participate in the auction!" Said Feiming.

"Mr. President, this is also no way out. Ten days ago, we didn't even expect that there would be so many practitioners participating in this super auction. Therefore, preparation was somewhat inadequate." A senior official said helplessly .

President Feiming was silent for a moment, and indeed, he was blamed for not having prepared early. The other members of the Chamber of Commerce did not know that at this auction, King Yan Yan will provide ten great nirvana as a lot, but he is the chairman.

He should have expected that the attractiveness of this auction would be huge. Therefore, he should have announced the conditions for participating in the auction earlier. But now, everyone has come to Jingyan Mixed Yuan space from various mixed Yuan to prepare to participate in the super auction, you will temporarily announce the conditions of participation, which will definitely cause a lot of dissatisfaction.

"I discussed this with Emperor Jingyan to see if there is a better way." President Feiming said after a moment of silence.

Several senior officials present nodded.

"How about the auction over the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce?" President Feiming asked again.

"Adult President, Xiliang Chamber of Commerce, the date of the auction is the same as ours. But the situation is a bit bleak. I heard that President Xiliang took a lot of effort to invite the Emperor Zhanwu and Cang The two Great Masters of Muyuan participated in person. There were not many immortals at the level of Great Master of Yuan Dynasty. "One said with a smile.

"Haha, President Xiliang, I'm afraid it's very anxious!" President Feiming laughed.

"It's more than anxiety. This time, the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce has collected countless various treasures. If you don't think of a way, I'm afraid there will be many treasures that will be lost." One person said with a bright eye.

"Well, okay, all of you are busy! I'm going to meet King Jingyan now. I will send you a message later." President Feiming said.

"Yes!" The crowd dispersed.

Later, President Feiming went to see King Jingyan and explained the situation to King Yan.

"Well, I also have information in this area. In the past ten days, a large number of practitioners have indeed entered Jingyan Hybrid. At this point in time, Jingyuan Hybrid should have wanted to participate in this auction. "Jing Yan nodded.

"Well, I didn't expect it to be so hot. Now it seems that it is impossible for all practitioners who want to participate in the auction to participate." President Feiming said with a sigh of shaking.

"Emperor Jingyan, if you temporarily add restrictions, it will definitely cause a lot of dissatisfaction. In this way, it will have a great negative impact on my reputation of Feiming Chamber of Commerce. I came to see you, I just want to ask, Is there any way to reduce the negative impact. "President Fei Ming said looking at Jing Yan.

In fact, this will not only have a negative impact on Feiming, it will also have a certain negative impact on Jingyan mixed elements.

Jing Yanning said, "The Feiming Chamber of Commerce is the second largest chamber of commerce in the alliance. It has rich experience in holding auctions. President Feiming, why didn't you anticipate this situation in advance?"

Chairman Feiming showed an embarrassing expression ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Feiming Chamber of Commerce is indeed the second largest chamber of commerce in the league and has held numerous auctions, but like this one, it has never happened before! In addition, President Feiming has a reason that cannot be explained like Jing Yan. Even before, he did not fully believe that Jing Yan could really provide ten great nirvana and hundreds of little nirvana. He was skeptical when Jing Yan handed the relevant sundyne to him.

"It was my fault." President Feiming could only say so to Jing Yan.

"President, now increasing restrictions on participation in the auction will inevitably cause a lot of dissatisfaction."

"However, Feiming Chamber of Commerce can make some practitioners unable to participate in the auction by increasing the margin." Jing Yan looked at President Feiming.

"Raise the auction margin?" President Feiming took a breath.

Large commercial chambers such as the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce and Feiming Chamber of Commerce hold auctions and collect bidders' deposits. This is normal. Of course, the auction organized by Feiming Chamber of Commerce will also collect a bidding deposit.

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