Universal Sword God

Chapter 3372: You are in trouble

After the Emperor Niuwei carefully exited the room, he left the Niujia House and went to Jiaoyuan Junyuan that day.

The ancestors commanded that the Emperor Niuwei did not dare to have any slack. From the outsiders' point of view, Emperor Niuwei is the owner of the Niu family. In fact, that's not the case at all. Emperor Niuwei is really just a character pushed out to handle various affairs.

In the presence of the ancestor of the Niu family, he was the only obedient owner.

In the Jade Palace, when the leader of the Jiao Yuan League heard his people say that the Emperor Niu Wei had met, some unnatural expressions appeared on his face. However, this expression quickly disappeared, replaced by a smile.

"Please come in, Emperor Niuwei." Lord Jiaoyuan said in a calm voice.

After a while, the Great Emperor Niuwei was brought to the head of the Jiao Yuan Alliance by a member of the Jade Palace. The leader of Jiao Yuan waved to the member of the Jade Palace. Among the main hall, only Jiao Yuanmeng and Niuwei the Great remained.

"Why did you come to me suddenly?" Asked the source leader Jiao Yuan.

"Master, I am here on behalf of the Niu family. There is one thing that needs the help of the Master." Niu the Great said with a smile.

He was very polite in speech, calling his lord the Lord, but he didn't have the respect of the Confederate leader in his behavior. In this regard, the leader of Jiao Yuan did not show his anger, but only after hearing the words of Emperor Niuwei, his face appeared confused.

"What can I do for the Niu family?" Jiao Yuan's leader frowned.

The leader of Jiao Yuan will not forget the incident that happened. His immediate descendants were forced to openly apologize to a member of the Niu family. The leader of Jiao Yuan will never forget the scene at that time, and he will never forget the strong and overbearing ancestor of the button family ancestor.

"It's very simple. I want Nirvana in the Niu family." Niu Wei said rudely.

"Our ancestors believe that the lord can help the Niu family get Danedang of Xie Niedang." Emperor Niu Wei grinned at the leader of Jiao Yuan.

"Xian Ni Dan Dan Fang is the thing of King Yan Yan. What is the use of King Wei, you can't find me? I can't take Dan Fang from King Yan and give it to the button family?" a bit.

"Master Lord is wrong. This Xiedandanfang does not belong to the indigenous saying."

"The Lord Lord has not forgotten yet, the Emperor Bianyu who escaped from Lusheng Luanyuan!" Niu Wei, Emperor, laughed softly.

The leader of Jiao Yuan will never forget the Emperor Bianyu. The horrors of the two Lu Sheng mixed Yuan Yuan took away the Emperor of the Border. In the long river of life of Jiao Yuan's leader, he has encountered many impressive things. However, there were not many things that really happened that he could not control at all. The horrible existence of the two Lusheng mixed yuan left an indelible impression on Jiao Yuan's leader.

"Xiangdan Danfang was brought out by Emperor Bianyu."

"Just somehow, it fell into Jing Yan's hands."

"The strong Lusheng mixed Yuan should not know this, otherwise, hehe ..." Emperor Niu Wai sneered.

"Jing Yan seized things that did not belong to him, Master. Do you think he should hand them over? I do n’t want to make things too big, it ’s not good for anyone. So, Masters is best to be Come and help me solve this problem for the Niu family. "Niu Wei's tone was vaguely threatening.

The leader of Jiao Yuan put away the surprise in his heart. He really didn't know that Xie Niedan had something to do with the greater emperor over there. Although he is the leader of the alliance, he doesn't know about Lu Sheng. He only knew that Lusheng Lunyuan was a very powerful Lunyuan space, powerful enough to give him the feeling of suffocation.

"Isn't the Niu Weidao overestimating my ability? Even if I want to help the Niu family, I can't do it! Emperor Jingyan is also a strong man." Jiaoyuan League leader Ning Mei said.

"It's one thing to be able to do it, and it's another to go or not."

"Jiaoyuan Leader, do n’t forget how you became the Leader. Can you be stable without the Lord ’s Home, the Leader of the Leader? Oh, that Emperor of Heaven has never killed your Alliance, Leader. Wouldn't I really believe that his own ability can block the Emperor Huatian? Without the deterrence of my button family, this Jiaoyuan Junyuan is probably already in the pocket of the Emperor Huatian. "If the emperor of Button Wai was cold And heavy.

After the great emperor Niu Wei left, the leader of Jiao Yuan sat on his seat and was distracted for a long time.

He was also angry, but he had to hide his anger in his heart.

If given the opportunity, he will not soften the button family. However, there is no such opportunity. The true strength of the Niu family can not even fight against his alliance leader. Within the alliance, the Niu family can be said to be aloof.

Shen Jinglong, he summoned an emperor of the Jade Palace.

"Where is the Emperor Jingyan now?" The leader of Jiao Yuan asked.

"Lord, the King Yanyan has returned from the King Yanyun Yuan to the arrogant tower." The Great King responded.

"Um." Jiao Yuanmeng nodded.

Soon after, the leader of the Jiaoyuan League went out of the Jade Palace, and one person entered the rampant mixed yuan through the mixed yuan channel.

He did not discuss with the company commander, nor did he raise the matter with anyone. He was just a one-man, going wild and seeing Jingyan.

For the sudden arrival of the leader of Jiao Yuan, Jing Yan was very surprised.

The leaders of Jiao Yuan rarely leave Jiao Yuan. Generally, there is something to let His Majesty's Trojan Army Division handle it. There is really nothing, it is worthy of the leader of Jiao Yuan to come in person ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even if he wants to discuss something with other masters, he just sends a message or asks Tuolianjun and other people to go to other hybrids. Notice, please ask other masters to go to Jiaoyuan.

But now, the leader of Jiao Yuan himself has arrived at the Tower.

After a few words of courtesy, Jing Yan and the leader of Jiao Yuan both sat down. At this point, Jing Yan felt something wrong, and the state of Jiao Yuan's leader was abnormal.

"Master, is there something wrong with it?" Jing Yanning eyebrow asked Jiao Yuan.

Jing Yan's heart was speculating whether something happened to the Great Demon God. Could it be that the Great Demon God of War has launched a war? But this is not right. If it is the Great Demon God who has made a big move, then the leader of Jiao Yuan will come alone to do whatever he wants to see him. Shouldn't all the masters of the Yuanyuan be summoned to prepare together?

"The Emperor Jingyan ..." Lord Jiao Yuan looked at Jing Yan, his expression was a bit tangled, he exhaled, and then continued: "I'm afraid you are in trouble!"

"Huh?" Jing Yan froze slightly.

"League, what do you want to say?" Jing Yan asked in a condensed manner.

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