Universal Sword God

Chapter 3378: Stronger again

Qiankun Qian's heavy blows were cast first, and then Jing Yan inspired the spirit power, but the spirit power came first!

"Floating world!" Jing Yan growled in his heart.


An illusive world came down suddenly, covering the opposite ancestor Niu Wu. In the face of soul attack, you can only be alert in advance, but you cannot directly resist it. When the floating world came, Niu Wu's ancestors felt it.

"Broken!" Niu Wu's ancestor's face suddenly showed a dignified color, and he yelled from his mouth.

However, Niu Wu's ancestor's voice disappeared in an instant. His expression became confused and his eyes lost his original expression. Just moments ago, Niu Wu's ancestors fell into the imaginary world of the floating world.

When Qian Kunqian's mighty power entered the floating world, he still did not notice it, and was still immersed in the floating world. The cane weapon in the hands of Patriarch Niu Wu's hand was drooping, and there was no sign of a heavy blow from Qian Kun.

"Jingyan the Great's soul attack!"

"The fifth brother is caught in it. This spirit attack really formed a illusory world."

"The Emperor Jingyan really mastered these means of attack."

"That should be the weapon of the Black Moon Emperor, the Black Moon Mingtai? With the Black Moon Mingtai, descending into an unreal world, although it is not entirely his personal ability, but the power of the unreal world can have such a huge impact on the five brothers And it's a bit amazing! "

Niu Jia and other ancestors of Niu family watched this scene.

At this time, Jing Yan, holding the Bingyan Sword and the Black Moon Mingtai, made everyone from the Niu family ancestors dare not belittle them.

"Town!" The ancestor of Niu Jia flashed a little, his divine power moved, and he drank in his mouth.

I saw him raise his arm, and the road suddenly boiled in the void. Countless lines also form huge patterns. The ancestor of button armor, shot. After the pattern trembled in space, the ancestor Niu Wu, who was caught in the floating world, also recovered his mind.

"Damn!" Niu Wu's ancestor yelled a curse, and then quickly shot out to perform immortal art, resisting Qian Qianqian's approaching blow.

Jing Yan looked somber, looking at the ancestral ancestors of buttons, and the pattern still hovering above.

The ancestors of the Niu Jia ancestors performed similar to the Tianyuan town killings by the ancestors of Niu Wu. The attack is the same, the difference is just the structure of the pattern.

At this time, the ancestors of the button armor waved their hands, and the patterns in the void slowly dissipated.

He looked at Jing Yan and said with a smile: "The strength of King Jing Yan is really extraordinary. Especially the soul attack is shocking. Today is just a discussion and it is over here! King Jing Yan, what do you think?"

"Yes!" Jing Yan nodded.

Jing Yan didn't even agree. Although the floating world is very powerful, if you face only one ancestor of the Niu family, you may still be able to fight. However, the opponent has five ancestors with super strength. Furthermore, even if it is alone, Jing Yan wants to kill the other party, it is unlikely. Just now, although Niu Wu's ancestors were caught in the floating world, it was impossible for Niu Wu's ancestors to completely sink them. When Qian Kunqian approaches the opponent with a heavy blow, the opponent will definitely wake up.

From Jing Yan's point of view, using the floating world on his own would at most hurt Niu Niu's ancestors, and it would not be possible to kill the other party. And, if you let the other person gasp, Jing Yan himself is in great danger. Mastering the eighteen ancestor principles and the kind of ancestor Niu Wu who used to kill immortals is extremely dangerous for Jing Yan. If you accidentally, you may be killed by the other party.

At this point, Jing Yan's discussion with Niu Wu's ancestors is over.

"Emperor Jingyan, then we continue to talk about Dan Fang?" Niu Jiazu said.

"Good!" Jing Yan nodded.

The ancestor of the Niu family entered the house again with Jing Yan.

The far-end Jiao Yuanmeng and others, at this time also saw that King Yan Yan and the Niu family ancestors were just discussing, not killing each other!

"I really didn't expect that the strength of the Niu family ancestors was so powerful. Eighteen Yuan ancestors' rules were immensely immortal. They ... were deeply hidden!" Ling Gong took a breath and was shocked Said.

Everyone else took it seriously.

"You don't find it, King Yan Yan's strength is strong again!" Said a mixed Yuan emperor.

"Indeed, King Yanyan's strength has become much stronger than when he first confronted the mighty Emperor. First, it was the number of Yuanzu Taoism. When he first killed the mighty Emperor, the Jingyan Emperor mastered eleven Yuanzu Taoism. , Today are the twelve ancestors. "

"It's not just Yuan Zudao. I feel that Jingyan's attack on the soul has also increased a lot. Only then, when he fought with the ancestor of the Niu family, that ancestor of the Niu family was greatly affected. If it was not another The ancestor took the shot, and the ancestor of the Niu family who fought with Jing Yan would probably be injured! "

"The speed of Jingyan's progress is really amazing." Jiao Yuanmeng nodded.

It didn't take too long for the arrogant emperor to be killed, but the strength of Jingyan the emperor was greatly improved. Relying on the attacking method of the soul, the King Jingyan fought against the strong man who had mastered the eighteen ancestors' principles.

Emperor Zhan Wu and other mixed masters who have resentment with Jing Yan have a heavy heart. The speed of progress of King Jingyan is really too fast. In this way, they are becoming more and more disadvantaged in the confrontation with King Jingyan. It will only get harder and harder if you want to be the best. For a time, these people's minds were more complicated.

The button house house, inside the hall.

"Jingyan the Great ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Now we continue to talk about Xie Ni Dan Dan Fang?" Niujia ancestor narrowed his eyes and said to Jing Yan.

Several other ancestors of the Niu family also put their eyes on Jing Yan. This Jingyan Emperor is indeed not an easy practitioner to deal with.

"Okay!" Jing Yan nodded. "I have said before that the Niu family wants Xanadan, and must bring out the corresponding items to exchange with me. I do n’t want ordinary resources."

"What does King Yan want?" Niu Jiazu asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I can't say the specific things. Anyway, what can be bought in the league is not possible. As the ancestors also know, I don't lack the resources of fairy stone." Jing Yan shook his head and paused to continue. "It's better to do this. The Niu family took out all the treasures and showed me, maybe I could pick some of them."

"How can this be done!" Niu Great Emperor frowned, and immediately wanted to reject Jing Yan's proposal.

The ancestor of the button armor waved his hand to the Emperor of the Weiwei and smiled and said to Jing Yan: "Since the Emperor Jing Yan is willing to share the Xanadan Danfang, then my button family can't be mean!"

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