Universal Sword God

Chapter 3395: What if we do not accept it?

The Emperor Yiwei obviously looked down on the gang, and even these gang members of the gang showed contempt.

The emperor Landie felt it, and Jing Yan also felt it. The gang members who came to the station with the emperor Landie also felt it.

Jing Yan frowned and looked at Emperor Yiwei, then turned to Emperor Landie. Emperor Landie was the lord of the Taibang. Jing Yan felt that at this time it should be led by Emperor Landie.

"Who said that I was too helpful to have only one emperor?" Landie the Great stared at Yiwei.


"What do you mean?"

"Lan Die helped the Lord, am I wrong? Is it that you are too helpful, isn't it that you are the only Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty?" The Emperor Yi Wei gave a slight glance, and then smiled on his face.

Too much help for this little gang, only Landie helps the master is a mixed Yuan emperor. Who doesn't know this? Perhaps those really powerful gangs will not pay attention to small gangs like Tai Gang, but those who have contact with Tai Gang know that Tai Gang is the only one whose lord is the Emperor.

"Of course, I am too helpful to have two emperor-level immortals." The emperor Landie nodded.

"In addition to me, the other great emperor of Taiyuan is King Yan." Landi continued.

"Huh?" Emperor Yiwei and others were stunned.

Those who were too helpful were a look of astonishment. Prior to this, they did not know that Jing Yan Brothers was a mixed emperor. Brother Jingyan joined Taigang yesterday. Who could have thought that he would be a strong man at the level of the emperor?

At this time, Emperor Yiwei looked at Jingyan. This was also the time when Jingyan entered the hall. Emperor Yiwei looked at Jingyan for the first time. Just now, he didn't care about Jing Yan who came in with the Emperor Lan Die, and subconsciously thought that Jing Yan was just an ordinary helper.

"Taibang, when did you have an emperor named Jing Yan? This name is very strange." Emperor Yiwei frowned. He seemed to disbelieve the Emperor Landie.

Although I feel that the emperor Landie should not talk nonsense about such things, but ... how can a small gang like that be willing to join.

"Yiwei's deputy leader seems to have doubts about my strength." Jing Yan's eyes narrowed slightly. He looked at the emperor: "So, should Yiwei's deputy have a taste?

Emperor Yiwei's face turned black, and his eyes showed anger. Jing Yan's words were extremely provocative, which made the Emperor Yiwei very uncomfortable. He was angry.

"Lan Die help the Lord!"

Just then, a sound sounded.

As the voice fell, a figure flashed out of the hall.

"Help me!"

"Help Lord!"

Everyone in the gang of gangs saw this person and greeted each other. This person is the lord of the gang, Emperor Jiliang.

"Jilian helped the Lord!" Emperor Landie arched his hand to the other side.

Emperor Jiliang, the lord of the gang, also appeared when Emperor Landie said that there were two mixed Yuan emperors in Taibang. Otherwise, it is still possible that the deputy leader of Yiwei dismissed the Emperor Landie.

To the help of the existence of two emperor Yuanyuan, we should not ignore it too much.

"When I came yesterday, the Lord Jiliang didn't seem to be here, so he came back so soon?" Said Landie, watching Ji Liang.

"Hehe, it is so." Emperor Jiliang nodded with a smile.

"Lan Die help the Lord, congratulations! Congratulations, you have helped a great mixed Yuan emperor too." The great Emperor Ji Liang spoke to the Emperor Lan Die, but his eyes fell on Jing Yan.

He saw that Jing Yan was extremely young and didn't look like he was very strong. However, Jing Yan's body has a special temperament, which makes some people see through.

"The Great Emperor Jingyan isn't it?" The Emperor Jiliang asked Jing Yan this sentence.

"That's right, I'm Jing Yan, too help members." Jing Yan nodded.

"The Emperor Jingyan was so born, did he only recently come to the Lost City?" The Emperor Jiliang asked again.

"Yi Liang's gang is right. I only came to the Lost City yesterday, and I joined Tai Gang yesterday." Jing Yan answered the question.

After hearing this, there was something strange in the eyes of Emperor Jiliang. Just came to the Lost City yesterday and joined Taigang. If this Jingyan is really the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, the luck of the gang is too good. At the entrance to the Lost City, many members of the gang have always been watching. When new practitioners enter the lost city, they will be invited by those gangs. In this case, Taibang actually could pick up a strong man at the level of the Yuanyuan Emperor, but the strong man at the level of the Yuanyuan actually joined the Taigang?

"Emperor Jing Yan, Tai Gang is a very weak gang. Why don't you choose a strong gang to join? I think you can consider the gang." Ji Liang Gang said to Jing.

"Jilang help the Lord, what do you mean?" The Emperor Landie was naturally unwilling.

"Jilang helped the Lord, I think it ’s good to help too much. I did n’t intend to leave the Lord too. Today, I and the Lord of the Landie Gang came to Jue Gang to return to Xian Lu who belongs to the Tai Gang." Jing Yan said directly.

Emperor Jiliang's eyes were slightly fixed, and he was slightly unhappy about Jing Yan's rejection. I also heard Jing Yan said that he wanted to return to Xianlu who belonged to Taibang, and his discomfort was even worse.

He didn't look at Jingyan anymore, but looked at Emperor Landie again and said, "Landie helps the master, the share of Xianlu has changed."

"From now on, there are so many Xianlu quotas for Taibang. Yesterday, you have got back all Tailou's quota."

"This is the result of a discussion with several other gangs."

Emperor Jiliang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said continuously.

"Jill Liang, Lord, you said that it was the result of discussions. Why didn't I get any news in advance?" Emperor Landie was not satisfied with the reason given by Emperor Ji Liang.

"Oh, there is no need to inform Taikang in advance about this matter. In other words, Taikang is not qualified to know in advance. How much we give, we will get as much as possible." Jiliang Emperor sneered.

"Lan Die help the Lord, don't think that if you help too much with two mixed Yuan emperors, you can increase the right to speak in the eyes of Quan." Emperor Yiwei said to Ji Liang.

"Lan Die Gang Lord, you go back! The result has been set and cannot be changed." The Emperor Jiliang added: "You are too helpful to compete with Jue Gang and several other gangs to reveal it. So this matter , You must accept. "

Emperor Lan Die had an ugly face. He originally thought that he came with the King Yan and told the gang that there were two mixed Yuan emperors in Taigang, which could make Jiliang and others jealous. It now seems that it is still difficult to retrieve the remaining Xianlu belonging to Taigang.

"Hehe, what if we don't accept the arrangement of the gang?" Jing Yan said with a sneer, indifferent tone.

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