Universal Sword God

Chapter 3400: Too cheering

Jue Gang helped the person's face turn red and pursed his lips. Among these gang leaders, there may be some people who want to say a few hard words to support the scene, but when they talk to their lips, they really can't say it.

The King Jingyan's strength is too strong, and they can't compete.

"Since you don't have any opinions, let's say so. For three days, I will help you for three days. You need to withdraw all your manpower from Zihuaquan Eye, and you must not destroy it in the slightest.

"If not, I will come to you one by one. At that time, I will not speak as well as today." Jing Yan eyes narrowed, his tone was flat.

"Remember, three days later, Tai helped take over the mouth of Zihuaquan." Jing Yan added.

"Lord, shall we return?" Jing Yan said to Landie.

"Oh ..." Emperor Landie answered.

Jing Yan, Emperor Landie, and several members of Taibang left the gang's resident and returned to Taigang.


"The Lord is back."

"Help the Lord, and Jing Yan brothers, they are all back safely."

"Help the Lord! Brother Jingyan! Force the brother ..."

When Jing Yan and his party returned to the station, the people who were too helpful greeted them.

"Help the Lord, you are all right, we are all worried." The Deputy Helper said in a breath.

Emperor Landie looked at Jing Yan beside her, her eyes were bright.

"Let's talk inside," said Landie the Great.

Everyone entered the dwelling hall.

"Today, brother Jing Yan ... the emperor, went to Jue Gang station to ask for Xianlu, and successfully returned the other half of Xianlu." Landie the Great said.

When she first spoke, she talked about Jing Yan brothers, but when she reacted, she changed her name to Jing Yan Emperor.

"Help the Lord, it's good to call Jing Yan Brothers." Jing Yan said to Emperor Lan Die with a smile.

The members of the Taibang in the hall were all stunned.

what's the situation?

Emperor Jingyan?

The emperor is not just called casually, they are all immortals who master the ancestors of the Yuan ancestors! He did not master Yuanzu Taoism, even if Zhu Xianxian was so close to master Yuanzu Taoism, he could not be called a mixed Yuan emperor.

Can help the master, but it is called the King of Kings. After everyone reacted, they looked at each other, seemingly wondering if they heard it wrong.

"Lord, you just said ... King Jingyan?" Zhu Xianxian looked at King Landie and looked at Jing Yan again.

"Well, the brothers may not know yet. Jingyan Brothers is a great mixed Yuan emperor and a powerful mixed Yuan emperor." Landie the Great nodded.

"Today, we can return half of Xianlu from Jie Gang, all thanks to Jing Yan brothers. Without Jing Yan brothers, Tai Gang would not be able to return to Xian Lu." Landi the Great continued.

The four emperors Xiandi stared straight at Jing Yan.

He never imagined that the brother Jingyan he brought back yesterday was actually a great emperor! He invited an Emperor of Yuan Dynasty to join the gang.

After the voice of Emperor Landie fell, he took out a large jade bottle.

"This is the remaining half of Xianlu. I want to divide it now. However, it can't be allocated like before." Landie the emperor pointed to the jade bottle holding Xianlu.

"I propose that these fairy deities, the Jing Yan brothers are divided into 80%. The remaining 20%, I will share with everyone." Landie the emperor looked at Jing Yan and said: "Brother Jing Yan, do you think it is appropriate?"

"Help the Lord, am I sharing too much?" Jing Yan said.

"No, not much at all, I think it's still too little. In the future, we will be too helpful, and we need to rely on Jing Yan brothers. With the Jing Yan brothers, if we are too helpful, we can truly stand in the lost city. Without Jing Yan brothers, That gang is still the humble gang, anyone can bully us. "Emperor Landie's sincere tone.

Emperor Landie thought it through.

The strength of King Jingyan is beyond imagination. Judging from today's shots, King Jingyan is definitely a powerful presence at the small perfection level. The small Yuanyuan Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty is also a high-rise figure in the entire Lost City. Such a strong man is too helpful. If it is because of a small interest, it makes Jing Yan the emperor dissatisfaction, which is foolish.

There is also the Emperor Jingyan who is present, so that Taibang can occupy 80% of the share of Zihuaquan's eyes. Even if it is assigned to the Emperor Jingyan Bacheng, and the remaining part is divided by everyone, everyone will get far more. before.

"The meaning of helping the Lord, I understand. OK, if all the brothers have no opinion, then divide it like this." Jing Yan thought for a while and nodded.

Inside the hall, there were some people who frowned slightly. Although the atmosphere inside the gang is very good, the relationship between the members is also very good, and everyone supports each other. However, at this time, listening to the help of the master said that it was necessary to give Jinglu brothers Bacheng Xianlu. Even if the Jingyan brothers are emperors of the Yuan Dynasty, they can't be divided into 80% of them.

"I think the distribution plan proposed by the helper is very suitable." A member of the Taibang who went to the gang with the Lord Landie and Jing Yan today said loudly.

"I think so, it's fair."

"Yes, Emperor Jingyan deserves so much Xianlu, or even more."

The few people who spoke all went to Jue Gang today and knew Jing Yan's true strength.

"Brothers, the brothers of Jing Yan, are the great consorts of the mixed Yuan. Today, led by the brothers of Jing Yan, we are too gangsters, negotiating with the gangs such as Jue Gang, Shan Gang, Hao Bang and Yu Gang, We all agree that from now on, we will help occupy 80% of the fairy dew produced by the eyes of Zihuaquan. "Landie the Great explained to everyone.



"Brother Jingyan, Little Perfect?"

"This ... how is this possible!"

"We're so helpful. Is there a great level of mixed Yuan emperor?"

After a brief silence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the hall was boiling. All the people burst out of their eyes, excited, and looked at Jing Yan and Landie the Great.


Jue station!

After King Yan and Emperor Landie left, the Mountain Gang, Yu Gang and Hao Gang Gang and others did not leave immediately. Everyone, once again entered the gang resident building.

"Hao Bangzhu, how is your injury?" Jue Bangzhu asked, looking at Haobang Bangzhu.

"It's okay, my life is not affected." Hao helped the master wave his hand.

"Well, that's good! Hao Gangzhu, how strong do you think Jing Yan is?" Jue Gangzhu asked again.

Both the Yu Gang and the Mountain Gang looked at Hao Gang.

When Fang Jingyan shot, they failed to see the amount of Yuanzu Taoism that Jingyan had. Because Jing Yan didn't make a full shot, Yuan Zudao's condensed appearance was also very vague. None of them have reached the small perfection, and it is normal to fail to see it clearly.

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