Universal Sword God

Chapter 3411: Life Photosphere Variation

After Jing Yan swallowed several blue locust fruits, he urged the soul body to the extreme and released the soul power.

However, Jing Yan always felt a little lacking. Just a little bit, his divine thought can penetrate the energy layer.

After successive attempts failed, Jing Yan had to reconcile God's mind unwillingly.

Sitting in a pan near Zihuaquan's eyes, Jing Yan opened his eyes and looked at the rock wall in front of him.

"There must be something hidden inside the energy layer!"

"The creation of Xianlu may also be related to the interior of the energy layer inside."

"The inside of this mouth of Zihuaquan is very weird. My divine thought has penetrated deeply, but I can't lock down the undercurrent of fairy dew. Landie said that forcibly breaking the rock wall of Quanquan has no effect. . Inside, there is a series of independent spaces. The strange space and mystery of these independent spaces are difficult to touch by my ability. "

Jing Yan secretly turned his thoughts.

"My **** thought seems to be able to break through the energy layer just a little bit. I don't know if it is my illusion." Jing Yan shook his head slightly.

"Perhaps, I can only wait until I have mastered the Fourteenth Ancestor's Principles, and then try again." Jing Yan stood up.

It has been a long time for Jingyan to integrate the original Tao while trying to master the 14th Yuanzu Tao. On the way to the Lost City from the Hunyuan Space, Jing Yan has also been practicing and used a lot of Nirvana.

"Emperor Jingyan, are you ... out of customs?" When Zhu Xianxian found Jingyan standing up in the distance, he immediately came to ask.

Emperor Jing Yan sat in the vicinity of Zihuaquan's eyes for decades. In the eyes of Emperor Zhu Xianxian, that was a retreat. The Emperor Zhuxian even had some doubts about whether there would be extra help in practicing near Quanyan. With this suspicion, he also tried to fuse the original Taoism near Quan Yan, but did not feel the progress changed.

"Well, it's time to go out." Jing Yan smiled at Zhu Xianxian Emperor without explaining.

When speaking, Jing Yan took a look at the jade bottle that picked up Xianlu, and found that there was still very little Xianlu in the jade bottle.

"Wish brothers, hard work," Jing Yan said again, "I will return to the gang station."

"I send the King of King Yan."

Back to Jing Yan at Taibang Station, after talking with Emperor Lan Die for a while, he entered a real retreat.

Jing Yan intends to master the fourteenth Yuanzu Dao in a spirited manner.

He took out the resources such as Nirvana and Xianlu in his hand.

"With the fastest speed, master the fourteenth ancestor of Taoism." Jing Yan swallowed the great Nirvana.

When he was on his way to a fairy ship, Jing Yan used about thirty giant nirvana. And time is 60,000 years. About 60,000 years, it took only about thirty cents of Nirvana, naturally because of the savings.

Next, Jing Yan decided to master the Fourteenth Ancestor's Principles regardless of the cost and continuously use the Great Nirvana. Coupled with the resources of Xianlu, Jing Yan felt that he should not be able to master the fourteenth ancestor's rule in too little time.

In this way, after Jing Yan's retreat seven thousand years ago, after spending almost all of the great immortal Nirvana and Xianlu, he finally mastered the fourteenth ancestor's rule.

This ancestor's rule made Jing Yan obviously feel that his strength had improved a lot. Including, there is a certain enhancement in the spirit body.

"Go to Zihuaquan and try again!" Jing Yan stood up, his eyes gradually narrowed.

Seven thousand years ago, Jing Yan probed into the inside of Quan's eyes with a divine mind and discovered the energy layer. Jing Yan went to great lengths to make God's thought penetrate the energy layer. Now that Jing Yan's strength is stronger, he feels that he can try again.

When Jing Yan came to Zihuaquan's eye, which had been controlled by Taibang, the jade bottle that received Xianlu was already filled with nearly half a bottle.

He said hello to the Emperor Zhu Xian who was stationed here, and Jing Yan re-sitted near Quanyan, facing the rock wall.

This time, the light car is familiar with the road, and it takes less time than the last time. But even so, it took more than two decades for Jing Yan to reach his energy level.

"No change, or the energy layer I sensed last time." Jing Yan was slightly relieved.

"Open!" Jing Yan screamed in his heart, and the divine spirit body broke out. The terrible divine power, under the control of Jing Yan, surged out fiercely.

"Boom!" The spirit is surging, wanting to penetrate the energy layer.

However, in the end Jingyan's soul power was blocked and the penetration failed.

Jing Yan did not feel any disappointment, instead he became more energetic. Because this time, he felt a change in the energy layer.

After swallowing some blue locust fruits, Jing Yan restored his spirit power to a state of prosperity.

"Break!" The divine spirit condensed again and again.

So reciprocating, after Jing Yan struck more than 80 times in a row.

"Oh!" The energy layer was finally broken away by Jing Yan's thoughts.

Jing Yan's thoughts entered the energy layer in an instant.

"Om!" At the same time, a strong and terrifying coercive energy, from within the energy layer, followed Jing Yan's own thoughts and slammed into Jing Yan's spirit body.

Jing Yan felt only a sharp pain in the spirit body, and then his consciousness disappeared. My mind seemed to burst open. In a short time, Jing Yan's face was pale and debilitating.


"Booming ..."

The entire Lost City shook violently.

All the practitioners in the city showed horror. The city trembled, and no one knew what was going on. When the practitioners looked up, they suddenly saw that the red ball of light hanging above the sky actually turned.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"That ... that ..."

"Oh my **** ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The light ball of life actually moved! Is it my dazzle? The light ball of life turned!

The light ball of life that the practitioners say is the red light ball over the lost city. It looks like a fireball, but it doesn't have a hot temperature, it just releases material energy continuously.

Now, the light ball of life turns slowly.

This is a sight never seen before.

The Lost City, a long time ago, practitioners came here. But after they came to the Lost City, they have never seen the light ball of life moving, and they have n’t even felt the change. The light ball of life was like this many years ago, and the autumn of life is almost the same as it was many years ago, and there is no shift in position.

However, today, the ball of life turns slowly! With the rotation of the photosphere of life, the energy substance released by it also shows explosive growth.

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