Universal Sword God

Chapter 3443: Back to league

The node of the mixed element channel is very common and simple from the outside, but its internal structure is extremely complicated and tedious. It is not a single-layer space, but a multi-layer space. Moreover, to arrange the nodes of the mixed element channel, the structure must be solidified with the power of the Yuanzu Taoism. Only the solidified structure of Yuanzudao can establish a connection between distant mixed-element spaces.

The Xuanyuan channel node of Xuanyuan Jingyan Xuanyuan was originally constructed by the arrogant emperor and others. In the time when the channel is not used, ordinary people cannot even find the node.

Later, the channel nodes of Jingyan Mixed Yuan were all arranged by the Alliance Army Tuolian with some Mixed Yuan emperors and many immortals. Of course, after the node arrangement of these channels was completed, Jing Yan had adjusted and controlled it himself.

If you are using your own hybrid channel, you must treat it carefully.

"Master of the city!"

"Citylord, are you looking for me?"

At this time, Emperor Landie, the deputy city leader, and Emperor Axe led by the guard entered the building together.

Wu Jingyan nodded to the two.

"Master, Lord, the node of the passage has been laid out?" Emperor Landie looked at the flickering node and asked.

"Well, just finished the layout," Jing Yan said.

"The two of you are the city of Jingyan, and I trust the most."

"I want you to come here today to tell you something."

"I intend to go back to the territory of the alliance where I am. One is to go back and see, the other is to verify whether there is a problem with the mixed yuan channel." Jing Yan said to the great axe and Landie the emperor standing opposite.

"City Lord, now the affairs of Jingyan City have been on track, and those big gangs have also cooperated with the work of the City Lord's Office." Said the emperor Landie.

Emperor Yan Landie knew the meaning of Jing Yan.

"City Lord, I want to go with you." But the Great Axe said with a movement in his heart.

"I'm going back to the Alliance territory to see, instead of entering the sea of ​​silence, what are you going to do?" Jing Yan looked at the great axe.

"I also want to take a look at the territory of the Alliance where the Lord of the City is located. Anyway, the City of Jingyan is very stable now, and those practitioners dare not make trouble. Besides, even if there is any problem, the Deputy Lord of the Butterfly can handle it. No longer, there is Rong Gang to help the Lord to cross the Great! "Said the Great Axe Great.

Xun Rong helped the Lord to cross the Great Emperor, already half of the city's mansion. In fact, although the entire Rong Gang did not directly join the main city of Jingyan City, it was directly linked to the main city.

渡 This crossing emperor is a very determined person and very thoughtful. Several other large gangs chose to lease Zihuaquan Eye from the city's main government, but Ronggang did not do so, but instead found Landie, the vice city lord, and wanted to establish a further relationship with the city's main government. The crossing emperor also specifically sought to see the King of the City of Jingyan, meaning to dedicate Ronggang to the King of Jingyan, but Jingyan did not accept the Ronggang. But because of this incident, Jing Yan agreed with the emperor Du Xing to lead Rong Gang to work for the city's main government.

For example, from various gangs that have leased Zihuaquan Eyes, they collect rent, which is Zihua Xianlu.

Of course, the Vice City Lord Landie also sent someone to the Rong Gang. When the rent is collected, it will be transferred to the treasure house of the city's main government as soon as possible.

In short, the current Rong Gang is a subsidiary organization of the city's main government.

"Let's take it, then." Jing Yan groaned for a moment, but nodded in agreement.

回 This time back to the territory of the Alliance, just go back and see, it should be back in no time.

"Thank you, the Lord."

The great axe great emperor was uncomfortable during this period of time. His character was that he couldn't stand and didn't like to be restrained. Otherwise, I would not have been a freelancer before joining those gangs or setting up my own gangs.

Since he served as the leader of Jingyan City Guard, he has never been in Jingyan City. In the city, because there is Jing Yan, a very powerful and powerful man, and the gangs are very honest, there is no room for his great axe to play.

The life of the great axe great king was too plain.

After Xun explained some related things, Jing Yan was ready to take the Great Axe Emperor and return to the Alliance territory through the mixed Yuan channel.

"Are you ready?" Jing Yan asked the great axe emperor.

"Okay, everything is ready." The great axe emperor face with an excited expression.

Under the control of Jingyan, the halo released by the node of the mixed element channel quickly became richer. The power of Taoism reached boiling point in a short period of time.

Xi Jingyan stepped into the node.

Seeing the actions of the Lord of the Kings, the Great Axe King immediately followed.

The next moment, the outlook of the two eyes changed.

Wu Jingyan's spirit suddenly trembled, and the thoughts spread out.

"Well, there is no problem. We, we have arrived in my mixed space." Jing Yan chuckled.

Here, it is the original wanton. Jing Yan has changed the name Ranyuan Junyuan into Jingyan Junyuan. However, the rampant mixed yuan has existed for too long and too long, no matter whether it is a practitioner in the mixed yuan or a practitioner outside the mixed yuan, many people still customarily call this mixed yuan space as the unruly mixed yuan.

"City Lord, is this your mixed-yuan space?" The great axe emperor looked curious, and his divine thought was exploring the mixed-yuan space.

"Really!" Jing Yan answered.

"The Great?"

"Jingyan the Great!"

"Meet the Great!"

The guards stationed near the Yuanyuan Channel found that someone came out of the Yuanyuan Channel and immediately came around. When they saw that the King Yan was the emperor, they immediately bowed down to the ceremony ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The King Yan was the master of this mixed Yuan. The arrogant emperor is history.

"You are working hard!" Jing Yan said to the members of the guard with a smile.

The members of the Guards were a little excited.

"Big axe, let's go!" Jing Yan flashed and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

The great axe emperor quickly followed.

Soon afterwards, King Yan and Great Axe arrived at the Tower of Mixed Sky. Stopping for a moment, Jing Yan flew into the Sky Tower.

"Who? Stop!"

From the mixed sky tower, several figures flew out. The one headed by was a mixed Yuan emperor. Several other people are ordinary ordinary emperors with strong strength.

"Jingyan the Great?"

"Meet the emperor!" When these people saw Jing Yan coming, they immediately saluted.

Wu Jingyan nodded to the crowd, and then continued to fly into the Sky Tower. The Immortal Emperor who had mastered the ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty and reached the level of the mixed emperor followed behind Jing Yan and the Great Axe.

"Isn't the Grand Executive in the Sky Tower?" Jing Yan asked the Star King.

"Returning to the King Yanyan, the eternal emperor went to Jiaoyuan Junyuan, and it has not been back for a while." The Junyuan emperor congratulated.

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