Universal Sword God

Chapter 3446: pawn

? The outpost battle field is tight, and the leader of Jiao Yuan naturally wanted to ask the button family to help.

However, although the Niu family is within the alliance's territory and is in the Bishan mixed space, the Jiao Yuan leader cannot order the Niu family.

The leader of the Jiaoyuan League sent a message to the Niu family, and also asked the Tuolian army division to go to Bishan to see the Niu family's owner, the Niu family, but the Niu family did not respond. Not to mention the Niu family went out to participate in the war, not even a cent of the resources.

"The Niu family has no intention of participating in the war at all. In their words, this is the battlefield between our alliance and the Great God of the Heavens, and it has nothing to do with their Niu family." Said the great emperor Bishan, his face dark.

Emperor Bi Shang didn't really want the button family to be in his own mixed-yuan space, but he couldn't help it. There was no way for the lord, and he was even more powerless. Every time I see the Niu family, I have to be kind.

"Leader! If the Niu family does not participate in the war, then we have no chance of winning in this war. So I think that no matter what method, the Niu family must be allowed to play. The five ancestors of the Niu family are extremely powerful. We can win this war with their shots. "The Eternal Emperor groaned a bit, and continued:" It's really not possible, the lord may need to go to the button home in person! "

"If our alliance is destroyed by the Huatian Great Demon, there will be no benefit to the button family. I don't think the button family would like to interact with characters like the Huatian Great Demon!" Eternal Emperor added.

Jiao Yuanmeng's eyebrows were locked tightly.

It's not impossible for him to go to the Niu family in person, and ask the Niu family to fight! It's just that if you go to the door yourself, but the Niu family still refuses, it is really difficult to accept. After all, Jiao Yuan is the leader of the alliance.

"Junk stuff!"

Lord Jiaoyuan has not responded to the eternal emperor's words, then the emperor Zhanwu whispered.

"Here, you junior can't get your fingers crossed. Before talking, think about who you are!" Zhanwu the Great yelled at the Eternal Great.

"The master of Jingyan Mixed Yuan is not here. As your Majesty of Jingyan, you are obedient to act. If you want to be a man, you will be a man. If you will be a resource, you will be a resource. Others, you don't need to take extra care! The great voice of the great man of the curtain said.

The Eternal Emperor's face was ugly, and Dongyu the Emperor beside him was full of anger.

But no way!

The King of Jingyan was absent. They were inevitably on the passive side in the presence of these powerful mixed Yuan masters.

"Hehe, Zhanwu, Cangmu, you two old guys, what a big deal!"

Just then, a voice came suddenly.

Then, from outside the hall, three people came in. The one who spoke was the King Jingyan.

In addition to Jing Yan, in addition to the great axe emperor, there is also a staff member of the Jade Palace.

"Lord, the King Emperor Jingyan is here." The staff member said out of salute to the leader of Jiao Yuanmeng.

"Emperor Jingyan, you are back!" Jiao Yuanmeng stood up, with a smile on his face, and said to Jing.

"Good leader!" Jing Yan, the focus source leader, nodded.

"Big axe, this is the Jiaoyuan leader of our alliance." Jing Yan said to the great axe emperor around him.

"I've seen the leader of the Jiaoyuan League."

"Where is this Daoist?" The leader of Jiao Yuan said, looking at the great axe emperor.

"This great axe emperor is a practitioner I met outside the territory of the Alliance. This time, he and I came to see our Alliance territory." Jing Yan said in a voice.

"Jingyan the Great has gone beyond the territory of the Alliance?"

"Don't you say you've been in retreat?"

"The lord also said that King Jingyan was in retreat. When did he leave the confederacy?"

"Anyway, the return of Emperor Jing Yan is helpful to this war. The Emperor Jing Yan is a strong man who can compete with the five ancestors of the Niu family."

In the main hall, the master of the mixed yuan and the emperor of the mixed yuan whispered.

Before, they all thought that Jing Yan was practicing in retreat, and many people complained. The alliance is fighting fiercely with the Great Demon God, but Jing Yan runs to the retreat alone, and some people even think that the King Jing Yan intentionally avoided war.

"Lord!" Eternal and Dongyu both came to Jingyan.

"Well, this time, you have worked hard!" Jing Yan said to the two.

"No hard work, all we should do." The eternal emperor said quickly, Jing Jing came back, they have the backbone.

"Emperor Jingyan, why did you come back so soon?" The original frost-covered face of Emperor Huoyang also showed a kind smile. When asked Jingyan, she also knew that Jingyan had gone to Wanji Ground.

"I've encountered something, so come back and see. Well, it's a coincidence that I'm back this time. If not, I don't know what my narratives are, and I will be bullied by some people." Emperor Huoyang said.

"Emperor Jingyan, you speak with respect. Who do you say, bully you Jingyan mix?" Zhanwu the Great immediately jumped out.

"Our alliance is fighting fiercely with the Great Demon God! In the battlefield, our practitioners have suffered countless deaths and injuries. You, the King of the Emperor, have run away from the alliance alone. You are back now, not only did you not feel that you were wrong There is still face accusation? "Emperor Zhan Wu shouted angrily.

"What the **** do you say?"

The great axe the Great made a sudden step, angrily in front of the Great Zhanwu.

When the Great Axe Emperor spoke these words, the atmosphere of the entire hall suddenly changed.

The great axe emperor is an outsider. Although he came back with the King Yan, he is still an outsider from outside the territory of the alliance. Emperor Jing Yan took this person to enter the important discussion site of the alliance, which should have been a bit inappropriate. But now, this outsider actually jumped out and yelled at Emperor Zhan Wu.

Not only those mixed Yuan emperors who were close to Emperor Zhanwu were angry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the emperor Tian spider and others also showed unhappy expressions.

Emperor Zhanwu's old face was covered with dark clouds after a brief sting.

"You ... who are you scolding?" Zhanwu pointed at the great axe, his body trembling slightly with anger.

"Who am I scolding? Do you have a problem with your dog stuff? I don't even know who I scold?"

"The old guy listened well, I scolded you." The great axe stared, looked up at his neck, and stared at emperor Zhanwu.

The great axe the Great knew that this mixed-yuan master named the Great Emperor Zhanwu had a bad relationship with the Lord of the Jingyan City. In this case, of course, he has to jump out and perform well. Anyway, as long as it is the opponent of Jing Yancheng, it is the opponent of his great axe. To deal with these people, his great axe had to charge ahead.

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