Universal Sword God

Chapter 3460: Giant axe

? Refusal of the commander-in-chief Duan, the Fifth Army Corps, and other practitioners, including the monk emperor and other practitioners in the first scene with mixed words, all changed greatly!

The elite troops of the Huatian Army!

As long as the practitioners who have a certain understanding of the Huatian Army Corps know what this elite unit represents. Even if you do n’t know much about the Huatian Army, as long as you have encountered an elite army on the battlefield, you will always remember this army!

Extremely terrifying and powerful killing army.

Each time the elite troops of the Huatian Army are dispatched, they are accompanied by large-scale killings. The soldiers of the Alliance Legion died in the hands of the elite troops of the Huatian Legion, at least a third. This is not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is that some of the stronger members of the Alliance Legion died in the hands of the elite troops of the Huatian Legion.

Now, there is a 200-strong elite team of the Huatian Army, which is already attacking the frontline defense circle of the Fifth Army.

"Please, Lord Corps, send troops to support immediately!"

"It's too late, I'm afraid it's too late!" Said the legendary Emperor Xian, lowering his head, and hurriedly urged again.

The head of the Fifth Army Corps, with a pale complexion, and hidden confusion hidden in his eyes.


How to support?

The Fifth Legion of the Alliance has no reserve power to continue to send to the front. Today, in the legion camp, there are only reserve troops composed of disabled people and low-level practitioners.

"What is the level of the two hundred elite troops?" The Fifth Army Commander suppressed the confusion in his heart.

"Master Legion, that is a three-headed army!" Said the legendary Emperor Xiandi.

Hearing this sentence, the Fifth Army Commander's face was a bit ugly again. The three-headed unit is the elite three-headed unit of the Huatian Army!

It's over!

The Fifth Legion of the Alliance can't stand this position. Now, what needs to be considered is not how to support the front line, but how to retreat. If we continue to resist hard, I am afraid that the entire Fifth Army will be buried here, and the end result will be the annihilation of the entire army.

"You go down first!" The commander of the Fifth Army waved his hand to the messenger.

After the rumored immortal left, the head of the Fifth Army turned to look at the commander in charge of Duan Duan.

"Master Marshal, there is no other way. The Fifth Army of the Alliance is unable to block the Huatian Army." The Fifth Army Commander looked at Duan Duan, and said in a dull voice.

"We have no more reserve forces to support the front line. Even if we send troops from the outposts, it is too late. Once the three-headed troops are dispatched, they will be as thunderous as possible and will not give us a chance to breathe. The gods were a little bit weak.

Mr. Duan, commander, is also frowning.

He looked at Jing Yan. He knew this already. When he brought the King Jing Yan to the Fifth Army Regiment, he should transfer the army brought by King Yan Yan from the second King Yan mixed Yuan. The commander of the Fifth Corps was right, and now it is too late to relocate from the outpost.

"Commander Duan, what did you say ... what three heads?" Jing Yan didn't know much about the Huatian Army. He only knew that there were eight Heyuan Spaces under the God of the Great Demon God, a total of nine Huatian Army.

As for the elite troops, he didn't know.

"The Emperor Jingyan, the three-headed army, is the elite of the Huatian Army. The elite troops of the Huatian Army are also divided into levels. There are three main levels, namely, one-armed, two-armed, and three-armed. Three heads The army is the army with three wolf heads. The three-headed army is the strongest among them. Each soldier is extremely powerful and at least has a combat power close to the level of the Emperor of Hybrid Yuan. " Explanation.

"Master, what use is it to say these things now?" The smile on the lips of the Fifth Army Commander was a little ironic.

He looked at Jing Yan and said, "Jing Yan, you can indeed make your first Jing Yan mixed Yuan practitioners return to the mixed Yuan space. The positions of the Fifth Army can't stand it anymore. Stay and don't lose anything. Meaningless. Go back and let them all go back. "

Jing Yan frowned at the commander of the Fifth Army.

"Who can't keep it?" Jing Yan said.

"Hehe ..." The fifth army commander laughed, but the sarcastic taste in the smile became more obvious.

"Is Emperor Jingyan going to battle in person?" Said the commander of the Fifth Army looking at Jing Yan.

"If necessary, I can go to battle myself. However, it's obviously not time yet. Huatian Eight Demon, His Majesty the Great God, has not yet joined the battle!" Jing Yan said with a smile.

The commander of the Fifth Army looked at the commander of the refusal section: "Master Commander, we must retreat! Now retreating, we can still retain a certain strength. If we do not make a decision, I am afraid that the entire Fifth Army will be wiped out."

Mr. Duan is still hesitant!

This position where the Fifth Army of the Alliance is stationed is very important for the Alliance. If it loses ground, the situation on the outpost battlefield will be even more unbearable.

Therefore, the refusal commander Duan was very reluctant to issue a retreat order.

"I think there are many soldiers in the camp." Jing Yan said again.

"Jingyan the Great!" The Fifth Corps commander intensified his voice and said, "The soldiers in the camp are either the disabled disabled from the battle, or the less capable practitioners. Many of them, companies The immortal realm is neither. Do you want them to face the three heads of the Huatian Army? "

"In fact, it doesn't matter if their strength is weaker, they can play some tricks." Jing Yan narrowed his eyes.

"Big axe!" Jing Yan shouted at the axe standing aside.

"Here!" The Great Axe's body stood tall, and his eyes answered with scorching eyes.

"You took the reserve army of the Fifth Legion of the Alliance and destroyed the three heads of the two hundred." Jing Yan said.

"Observe!" The Great Axe King didn't hesitate at all, and his attitude was very simple.

"Emperor Jingyan, you ..." Captain Duan looked at Jingyan and wanted to persuade.

"The commander in charge of Duan is urgent, so don't hesitate," Jing Yan said with a frown. "One more delay ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, there will be a lot of Alliance soldiers falling into battle.

"Gather the Fifth Army Reserve!" Jing Yan waved his hand.

The leader of the Fifth Army did not move, nor did he order a reserve army.

"Fifth Army Commander, what are you waiting for?" Jing Yan said coldly.

"Emperor Jingyan, although you are strong. But here, you can't order me!" The fifth army commander said to Jing Yan, he was really angry.

I am afraid that the Xuanming Emperor of Xuanming, who was a mixed Yuan, could hardly hit such a tough face in front of Jing Yan.

"Leader of the Fifth Army, do what King Yan said!" Commander Duan Duan sighed to the leader of the Fifth Army.

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