Universal Sword God

Chapter 3465: Magic Ridge General

The Fifth Corps Commander opened his mouth slightly as if he had not recovered from shock.

Of course, he very much hopes that the Alliance Army can defeat the Huatian Army, but the news that just came from the front line of defense is too shocking, and it can even be said that it is incomprehensible.

The reserve army led by the great axe not only defeated that three-headed army, but also wiped out the other side?

"Head of the army, although the elite army was annihilated, we still cannot take it lightly!" Jing Yan stood up and said slowly.

The three-headed army of 200 people was annihilated, and the news preached that the Fifth Legion had promised, so it must have been returned to the Huatian Army Camp. Next, the Huatian Army is likely to take a larger invasion.

"Yes! Right!" The head of the Fifth Corps flashed in his eyes.

"Emperor Jing Yan, how powerful is that Great Axe Emperor?" The Fifth Army Commander looked at Jing Yan and asked.

He knew that King Yan's strength was extremely strong, but he did not know how strong the great axe great strength was. In his opinion, the Great Axe is His Majesty King Yan, and his strength should not be too strong! He has been on this continent of money-less battlefields, and has not heard of the great axe emperor Zhanwu the emperor.

"The strength of the giant axe is pretty good." Jing Yan said with a smile.

The fifth army chief nodded and said, "Jingyan, the three-headed army was annihilated, and the news passed back to the Huatian Army. The Huatian Army will definitely pay more attention to the great axe. Maybe ... Tian Ba ​​will probably take the action against the Great Axe Emperor in person. "

"Well, so I did not return to the outpost, but stayed here."

"If the axe can't stop it, I will find a chance to shoot." Jing Yan said: "Count the time, the reinforcements from the outpost should arrive soon."

When Jing Yan came to the Fifth Army, there was no army with the second Jing Yan. After Captain Duan returns to the outpost, he will mobilize the army. By the time the second army of mixed troops arrives, the Fifth Army's front will be much more stable.


"Master Legion, our reinforcements have arrived." A man walked in from outside and reported loudly.

"Okay! Great, quickly greet." The commander of the Fifth Army personally greeted the reinforcements transferred from the outpost.

In the camp, tens of thousands of practitioners of the second scene have just arrived.

The military officer under the command of Duan Duan stood in front of the army.

"Jingyan the Great, Chief of the Corps." The military officer saw Jing Yan and the head of the Fifth Army Corps, bowing to the ceremony.

"Lord!" Shouted after seeing Jing Yan's practitioners in the second scene.

"This is the commander of the Fifth Corps. You obey his assignment and defend the continent with the other fighters of the Corps." Jing Yan said to everyone.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.


"The front line of defense is tight. Although you have just arrived, you have no time to rest. Now you need to go to the front line of battle." The fifth army commander told everyone.

"Yes!" The practitioners in the second scene echoed again.


Outpost, the main capital.

Captain Duan is very busy, at this time he is receiving the Huoyang Emperor and the army brought by the Huoyang Emperor from Huoyang Junyuan.

After the two sides embarrassed, Commander Duan ordered people to arrange a temporary residence for the soldiers in Huoyang.

"Miss Duan, is King Jingyan not in the city?" Huoyang asked.

"The Emperor Jingyan went to the Fifth Army Regiment and has not yet returned."

"The Fifth Army is one of the most fierce corps in the face of the Huatian Army attack. The battle is tight. I have transferred the army of the second scene mixed words to that continent, hoping to keep it. He took a soft breath and said.

He was also waiting for the report of the Fifth Army, and was very worried.

"The decisive battle is not far." The Emperor Huoyang nodded.

"Master Marshal!" A mixed Yuan emperor came to the refusal of Duan Marshal and said, "Just now the battle report came from the Fifth Army."

"Say!" Commander Duan Duan looked intently.

"The Fifth Army's frontier defense line on the mainland has been defended. The two hundred troops and three heads sent by the Huatian Army were wiped out," said the emperor excitedly.

"Huh?" Marshal Duan refreshed.

"The great axe emperor is extremely powerful. After he shot, the three-headed troops were easily annihilated." The emperor continued.

"Good! Great! This great axe emperor is indeed a strong man who can defeat Emperor Zhanwu. The three heads of the Huatian Army are not many in number, and they lost 200 people at a time. I want to come to that magic mountain Very sad! "Captain Duan nodded.

Shortly after the arrival of the Huoyang Emperor with the Huoyang Army, the Bishan Emperor arrived with his army. After that, Emperor Qixian arrived with the army of Qixian Yuanyuan at the outpost.

The masters of the mixed Yuan, constantly brought their own mixed Yuan army to the outpost.

On the other side, Huatian Army!

The Huatian Army that attacked the Fifth Army on the continent was the Army of General Ma Ling.

General Mo Ling is one of the eight generals under the control of the Great Demon God, and one of the eight masters.

"How is it possible!" General Mo Ling just received the latest battle report.

When he knew that the entire army of two hundred men and three heads was annihilated, he also showed an incredible expression.

"Where did this guy come from?" General Mo Ling asked, pointing at the figure of the great axe in the image.

Beside him, many senior legions of the army stared at the video.

"General, we have never seen this person. In the information collected before, there is no introduction of this person. I have ordered someone to inquire about this person." A senior legion said loudly.

"General, this person is very powerful. It seems that I am the master of the Yuan Dynasty who has close to 20 Yuan ancestors." Another said loudly.

"All of our two hundred and three-headed troops were killed in battle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ with huge losses."

"General, now this man is leading the soldiers of the Alliance, attacking the soldiers of our army in a frantic way. This man is too strong, what should we do?" A mixed-yuan great-level strong man asked with anger in his eyes .

After the great axe emperor annihilated two hundred troops and three heads of troops, he naturally did not withdraw from the line of defense. He led some Alliance soldiers, killing the Celestial Army soldiers who were fighting with Alliance troops on the defense line. The great axe emperor is too strong, and the soldiers of the Huatian Army cannot resist. Even many commanders were instantly killed by the Greataxe Emperor.

"General, let's have a few of us go and join forces to kill this man!" One suggested.

These people around General Mo Ling are extremely powerful, and there are many mixed Yuan emperors who have reached the level of small perfection.

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