Universal Sword God

Chapter 3467: Army build up

Both eyes looked directly at each other.

Wu Yuemo looked at each other for two breathing times, and the two figures moved at the same time, sprinting towards each other fiercely.

The giant black axe in the hand of the Great Axe Emperor is raised high, and the whole body's divine power is surging wildly. The magic mountain general, the burly body, also wielded a strange black-shaped weapon in his hand.


When the two bodies approached, a loud sound came out. Immediately afterwards, the bodies of the two men receded at the same time.


"Big axe, your strength is very strong, I can't kill you. However, if you continue to stay on the battlefield, you will definitely die." General Mo Ling stared at the great axe emperor, his voice deepened.

他 After he said this, he immediately turned around and pulled back.

"The whole army retreats, shrink the front!" General Mo Ling gave the order to retreat.

The Demon Ridge General did not fight with the great axe emperor. After a fight, he determined that it was impossible for him to kill the great axe by himself.

"This magic ridge is just one of the eight generals of Huatian, and the strength is so strong." The great axe emperor stared forward, and he did not go after the magic ridge general.

"In the territory of the alliance where the Lord of the City Lord is located, in addition to the Lord of the City, the strength of the Jiao Yuan leader is above the level of the Eight Heavenly Generals. By the way, there are a few old guys from the Niu family who do not seem to have the strength. Weaker than Huatian Bajiang, but the Niu family is an unstable factor. "

"The Huatian eight generals are so strong, the Huatian great demon is definitely more powerful."

"Why, for a long time before, the Great God of Heaven did not directly destroy the Alliance territory? With him and the power under his control, it is possible to destroy the Alliance territory."

The great axe the Great shook his head.

Through this confrontation with General Mo Ling, the great axe the Great determined that the strength of Huatian Bajiang should be close to himself, even if he was weaker than himself.

The frontier defense line, the Mo Ling Legion retreated completely, and the Alliance Legionnaires soldiers were quickly ordered to ban them from pursuing the Mo Ling Legion.


的 The captain of the magic brake who is in charge of the elite army of the magic ridge army, quickly came to the general of the magic ridge.

"Magic brake, the elite troops of the legion don't move for the time being. The great axe is very strong, I can't kill him." General Mo Ling said to Captain Mo brake.

"Observe." Captain Mocha answered.

"It's just that, before the Devil Lord leads the Demon Legion, our army can't take over this continent." Captain Mocha said again.

"Well, with that great axe, our Magic Ridge Army can no longer take this continent independently. However, this does not matter, it will not have a great impact on the Lord's plan. Next, we will be stationed here Just wait for the Lord to come. "General Mo Ling nodded.

After the Demon Ridge Legion retired, the Great Axe Emperor and the Great Emperor Dongyu returned to the Alliance Battalion and met Jing Yan.

"Magic Ridge, retired?" Jing Yan asked the great axe emperor.

"Well, the other party has retired." Giant Axe nodded.

"Have you fought with Mo Ling?" Jing Yan asked again.

Wu Jingyan and the commander of the Fifth Army have received the news that the great axe emperor and the magical general of the Great Demon God have met.

长 The fifth army commander also looked at the great axe emperor with his eyes burning. The strength of the great axe emperor is even stronger than he imagined, and he can actually confront General Ling.

"Fighting, but I can't kill each other. This magic ridge is very strong, just a little weaker than me." The great axe emperor grinned.

"Grand Axe, I really appreciate you. If it weren't for you, then this continent would fall." The commander of the Fifth Army expressed his gratitude to the Great Axe.

"There is no need, the enemy of the city owner is my enemy. This is what I should do." The great axe said to the leader of the Fifth Army.

长 The fifth army chief laughed and said nothing.

Uh ...

Mixed Yuan in the void, somewhere.

Two black figures, facing each other.

那么 "So, is this settled?" One of them said in a sharp voice.

"It's all right." The other person's voice was hoarse, and he responded.

"Very good. Brother Binghai, how long will it take for your army to arrive?" The man with a sharp voice asked.

"Soon! Up to four months." The mixed Yuan emperor named Binghai responded.

"Huatian, if you dare to make small moves this time, I will destroy your power at all costs." Emperor Binghai said again.

"Hahaha ..."

"Brother Binghai, rest assured, I am sincere in working with you this time." The sharp-eyed hybrid Yuan Emperor is the Emperor of Heaven, known by the Alliance as the Emperor of Heaven.

"It's best to do this." Emperor Binghai nodded slightly.

"Brother Binghai, four months later, you will lead your army and attack from the left. And I will lead the Huatian Army and attack from the right. We meet at the outpost." Said.

"Relax, I will act according to plan." The words of Emperor Binghai dropped, and the figure flickered a little, disappearing in this mixed Yuan void.

Wu Huatian Demon stayed in place for a while before disappearing.

Uh ...

Outpost ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Leader! "

Many practitioners saw the leader of Jiao Yuan and bowed down. The alliance's Jiao Yuan leader has arrived at the outpost with most of Jiao Yuan's top practitioners. At this point, the mixed space in the alliance's territory other than the first scene language mixed space has brought the main force to the outpost battlefield.

"Brothers have worked hard!" Jiao Yuan said, watching the crowd.

Then, a few practitioners, such as Jiao Yuanmeng, entered the outpost of the outpost.

Within a building, Commander Duan Duan stood in front of the leader of Jiao Yuan. In the room, there are also masters of the Yuan Dynasty, such as Emperor Zhanwu, Emperor Cangmu, and Emperor Huoyang.

"The refusal section will tell us about the situation of the outpost on the battlefield." Jiao Yuan leader said to the commander of the refusal section.

"Yes!" The refusal commander Duan answered.

"Master, all the greats! Our front line in the outpost battlefield has faced the crazy attack of the Huatian Army, and it has shrunk many times. So far, we have controlled only seven continents outside the outpost." The commander slowly said, "A while ago, the Huatian Army's offensive was very fierce. However, for the last half month, I don't know what happened. The attack of the Huatian Army suddenly weakened. They seemed to be on the back line."

"Is there anything happening inside the Huatian Army?" Jiao Yuanmeng's gaze asked intently.

"According to the information we have, there seems to be nothing special." Marshal Duan shook his head.


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