Universal Sword God

Chapter 3470: Are you going to die?

The news of the death of Emperor Cangmu was spread among the various legions.

The entire army of the Cangbi Legion is annihilated, and the Alliance is about to face a devastating blow. All this, shrouded in the sky above the outpost, made everyone a little breathless. Regarding the fall of the great Emperor of the Cangmu, even the master of the mixed Yuan who did not have a good relationship with the Emperor of the Cangmu, did not feel at ease.

It was Jing Yan who did not want the great Emperor of the Cangmu to die here.

This disaster seems to have just begun.

The outposts, which are not very large, are crowded.

The lords of the mixed Yuan, together with the stronger mixed Yuan emperors, gathered in the city's mansion.

Jing Yan also took the Great Axe Emperor, Dongyu Emperor and others, sitting in a relatively modest chamber.

"So who is that Emperor Binghai?"

"This man suddenly appeared and actually helped to transform the demon god."

"The Emperor Cangmu is said to have fought against this man and was defeated."

"In this way, the strength of Emperor Binghai may be comparable to that of the Great Demon God."

The lord of all mixed elements whispered.

For information outside the league, these lords are relatively barren. Before that, they had not even heard of Emperor Binghai. Outside of the Alliance's territory, they may also have a certain understanding of the Huatian Demon God, because the conflict between the Alliance and the Huatian Demon God has been going on for a long time, it is difficult to understand it.

"Our alliance, are we going to die?" Pessimistic emotions haunted everyone's mind.

No one can see any hope of victory.

A few continents of the outpost were abandoned, and soon the Huatian Army and the Bing Navy would arrive at the outpost. In addition, the Great God of Heaven and Emperor Binghai will certainly appear outside the outpost. At that time, who could resist such a powerful two? Who can turn the tide?

Everyone has an answer to this, no one can do it!

"Perhaps, we should give up the outpost. Destroy the Junyuan channel and get some time." Emperor Zhanwu said loudly.

When hearing the words of Emperor Zhanwu, many people nodded secretly.

Sentinel is indeed very important for the alliance. Losing the outpost battlefield, the alliance has lost its portal. The enemy's army can drive straight into the Alliance territory. However, in the current situation, it is no longer possible to not abandon the outpost. The Alliance lost a mess in the outpost battlefield.

If you give up here, you can at least get tens of thousands of years. There is no passage for the Xunyuan, and the enemy's legion can only hurry by flying in the Xuanyuan void by riding a fairy ship.

"The outpost battlefield is lost, and more than a dozen mixed yuan in our alliance will also be lost. By then, where can we go?" Huoyang Emperor said loudly.

"Left is dead, and it's dead. Anyway, it's a dead end!" Emperor Xuanming murmured with a somber face.

"The lord is here," someone said.

The leader of Jiao Yuan and the Great Emperor Duan came in. The main source of Jiao Yuanmeng's face was hazy, and his eyes were red.

"Everyone is here," the leader of Jiao Yuan whispered.

"Leader, the enemy army will arrive outside the outpost in a few hours at the most. We have to decide now whether to give up the entire outpost battlefield." Emperor Zhanwu stood up and said the focus source leader.

"Now withdrawing from the Yuanyuan space, we can still destroy the Yuanyuan channel. Even later, it may not even be possible to destroy the Yuanyuan channel." Someone followed the emperor Zhanwu.

"League, make your decision!" Said Qixian the Great.

The jiaoyuan leader, with a grim face, turned to look at the people in the somewhat crowded chamber.

At last he looked at the King Jingyan who had never spoken.

"Emperor Jingyan, what do you think?" The leader of Jiao Yuan asked Jing Yan.

Jing Yan stood up and said, "Leader, you greats!"

"Now, before despair, at least we have not completely lost the outpost battlefield."

"The leader asked you to give up those continents and come back in order to concentrate the power of the alliance. We did not expect the Binghai Emperor Army to join the war. Now, we know the Binghai navy." Jing Yan continued.

"Emperor Jingyan, we know or don't know, there is no difference. We don't know that the Bing Naval Regiment is unstoppable. We know that the Bing Naval Regiment is the same.

"Of course, if we could know the joining of the Bing Naval Regiment earlier, then we might give up the seven continents directly, and the Cangmu Daoyou would not fall on that continent." Emperor Zhan Wu looked at Jing Yan.

"Leader, my thinking is that all our forces are in the outpost, and they will fight against the enemy." Jing Yan glanced at Emperor Zhanwu and said to the leader of Jiao Yuan.

It was suddenly quiet in the chamber. The eyes of everyone looked at Jing Yan.

"If we abandon the outpost battlefield and withdraw Zunyuan space. Then, the enemy army will enter the Alliance territory, we will not be able to stop. The enemy army will pass through the Zunyuan space one by one, killing uncountable practitioners." A sentence: "And here, at least we have a chance to block all the enemy's legions."

"Oh, the problem is that we can't stop it, there is no chance." Emperor Zhanwu sneered.

"Elder Niu Yi, Niu Wu, and the other three ancestors of the Niu family, can they come?" Jiao Yuan asked the two ancestors of the Niu family who were present.

"Jiaoyuan Leader, my Niu family will do their best. Not long ago, I have sent someone back to ask my elder brother, third and fourth child to rush to the outpost immediately." Niu Yi ancestor said loudly.

If all the five ancestors of the Niu family came to participate in the battle, then the five ancestors of the Niu family would join forces and cooperate with the five-man battle array, which should be able to block the great demon **** or the emperor Binghai?

Everyone thought so.

The leader of Jiao Yuan groaned for a moment, as if making a decision, and said, "Outpost, decisive battle!"

"Jingyan the Emperor is right ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If we give up the outpost, we will have no chance to block all the enemy legions." Jiao Yuan's leader condensed.

"Leader, we abandon the outpost battlefield and destroy the Junyuan channel. That can win tens of thousands of years. We can use this time to leave the alliance territory." Emperor Zhanwu frowned. He did not want to die in the outpost battlefield.

"Leave the Alliance? Can you leave?"

"Even if we the Emperor Yuanyuan can leave, what about the others? What should we do? Shall we run away and let everyone else be killed by the enemy?" The leader of Jiao Yuan smiled bitterly.

Emperor Zhanwu didn't speak again.

All the people present had a large number of relatives and children in their respective mixed space. Even if they do n’t care about ordinary practitioners, do n’t they even care about the children of their loved ones and children?

"Get ready! We will fight against the enemy in the outpost!" Jiao Yuan's leader waved his arm.

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