Universal Sword God

Chapter 3484: Big sheep

In addition to the Great Emperor Huoyang, the mixed Yuan Emperor who was present may be envious of Jing Yan's fortune, and even had jealousy.

Including Jiao Yuan, the same is true.

One hundred thousand years away from the mixed Yuan, this time back, it is actually able to kill the unmatched Huatian Demon with one stroke. The fortune of the King Yanyan is fantastic.

"In short, this time, our entire alliance, we must thank King Yan."

"Continue to distribute loot!" Jiao Yuanmeng said.

The distribution of such a lot of loot can never be completed in two days. It took a few days from the end of this war to count the trophies.


The first scene was mixed.

Jing Yan, the Great Axe Emperor, and the Niu Jia Niu ancestors, etc., have just entered the first Jing Yan mixed element from Jiao Yuan mixed element.

A group of people, near the node of the mixed channel in mixed space.

Jing Yan ordered the oncoming guards to block the node of the mixed yuan channel and keep no one close. Before the ancestors of Niu Jiajia and others arrived, the first scene was mixed with words, and they could only enter but not go out.

The ancestors of Niu Yi and others, all pale, without the slightest prestige.

"City Lord." The giant axe looked around and looked at Jing Yan again.

"I don't quite understand why you don't distribute those spoils with Jiao Yuan, Zhan Wu and others." The Great Axe asked Jing Yan.

In this battle between the Alliance and the Great Demon God, the great axe emperor also made a lot of money. Today, his net worth is much richer than before he was sacked by Emperor Yuanzhu in the city of Jingyan.

The resources of a General Mo Lan general can be compared with the previous net worth of Giant Axe. Although General Mo Lan was affected by Jing Yan's soul attack, it was indeed slain by the axe of the Great Axe King, so Jing Yan let the Giant Axe take the leftovers of General Mo Lan.

"When we eat meat, we have to let others drink soup." Jing Yan laughed.

"But the city owner, the resources collected in the outpost are not just soup. Alas, that amount is very scary. The Huatian Army is really very rich." The giant axe said with a shaking head.

"The Huatian Army has been plundering other mixed-yuan spaces, and it is very rich." Jing Yan smiled.

"The resources in the outpost are indeed quite a lot. However, we also took a lot." Jing Yan continued.

"Citylord, I don't think it's enough. In fact, although your mixed space is a member of the alliance, other people are not with you. Even Jiaoyuan also has his own mind. Citylord you don't need to think about them. This time the war with the Huatian Army, you let them survive, it is a great gift. "When the giant axe talked about the main source of Jiao Yuan and others, his face was disapproved.

What he said was true. Whether it is the Emperor Zhanwu, or the leader of Jiaoyuan, he has his own mind. After the war, the leader of Jiao Yuan knew the true strength of Jing Yan, but did not say that Jing Yan would take charge of the alliance. He obviously did not want to give up the position of the alliance leader.

"I know what you said." Jing Yan nodded.

"Actually, I don't care about the leader position." Jing Yan's eyes flashed.

After becoming a superpower, Jing Yan's vision can no longer be confined to the territory of the alliance.

"The giant axe, we got more than just those on the battlefield." Jing Yan's eyes narrowed: "The people of the Niu family will mix my first Jing Yan as the last stop they leave the Alliance territory. That is, Said that before they entered the first mixed language Yuanyuan, they were a treasure trove of resources for more than a dozen Yuanyuan spaces. "

"Furthermore, the Niu family itself is extremely rich and has accumulated countless years." Jing Yan paused and smiled.

The eyes of the great axe emperor suddenly lighted up and said, "This button family is a super fat sheep! We are here, waiting for them to come home."

"Yes, that's it." Jing Yan nodded.

How much resources does the Niu family own reserves, plus the treasure trove of more than a dozen mixed yuan spaces in the Alliance territory? Therefore, those loot in the outpost let the leader of Jiao Yuan and the leader of the mixed yuan count for one point.

Things cannot be done too far!

High-ranking characters such as Xianxian Emperor Xuanyuan who first mixed the language, soon learned that the Lord Jingyan, the great king, entered the space of the mixed yuan, and immediately circulated. Jing Yan, let them continue to do their own things, even a Mongolian Emperor wanted to come to mix the Yuan channel node, Jing Yan did not allow.


The second scene is mixed space.

"Brother, this second source of mixed resources is too poor, isn't it? It's so powerful, isn't it powerful?" Niubing's ancestor looked disappointed.

At this time, the large troops of the Niu family were marching towards the mixed scene of mixed scenes of the second scene.

They just ransacked the second treasure house of resources, but the harvest was far less than expected.

"This is understandable."

"First, Jingyan transferred a lot of resources from this mixed-yuan space to the first mixed-language mixed-language. Then the alliance escalated the war with the Great God of God, because Jingyan himself was not in the territory of the alliance at the time, so this second mixed-language mixed Yuan was bullied by others, they were forced, and they took out a huge amount of resources to support the consumption of the outpost battlefield. "Niu Jia ancestor said in a low voice.

"Well, if it wasn't for the sake of time, we should really search for these mixed-element spaces again." Niubing ancestor said regretfully.

"This is also the only thing that can't be done, safety first. In case it is intercepted by the Great God of Heaven, then it's over." Niujia ancestor shook his head.

"Big brother's words are extremely true." Niuting ancestor made a lively sentence aside.

"Old ancestor!" Niu Jia, the master of the Niu family, suddenly came over from the front of the team and called out to Niu Jia and others.

"What's going on?" Button Jia's ancestor asked.

"There is a group of people near the node of the mixed yuan channel."

"Huh?" The ancestor of Niu Jia suddenly changed.

When they entered the second scene mixed words ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the guards near the node of the channel had been solved by them. Now, there should be no one near the channel node.

"Who is this?" Asked Han Jia, the ancestor of Niu Jia.

"It should be the chairman of the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce with some people." The Niu family has dealt with the Xiliang Chamber of Commerce a lot.

"The headquarters of Xiliang Chamber of Commerce is in Yuanyuan, Jiaoyuan. What does the chairman of Xiliang do here?"

"No matter what he does, look at it in the past. If there is a problem, kill it directly." The old ancestor of Niujia waved.

When the Niu family's troops approached the node of the mixed yuan channel, the party there was quickly greeted. Headed by President Xiliang himself. The practitioners around him are all his close friends.

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