Universal Sword God

Chapter 3494: Love can not help

Jing Yan was very polite in his visits to the leaders of Jiao Yuan and others. He even personally went out to Jing Yan's treasure house to welcome everyone.

"The first scene is mixed with words, it is getting more prosperous."

"The leader is right, the King Yuan's mixed-yuan space has developed much faster than our mixed-yuan space."

"There is a King of Kings. This mixed-yuan space, I am afraid that it will not take much time to be comparable to the leader's mixed-yuan space."

A group of people, talking to Jing Yan politely.

"The lord and the emperors are polite, and my mixed-space is far behind." Jing Yan laughed.

"I don't know if you guys are here today, what's the matter?" Jing Yan asked instead.

Jiao Yuanmeng's eyes flashed, and he sighed, "It's like this."

"Before leaving the territory of the Alliance, the Niu family stole our treasure house. The importance of the treasure house, I believe King Yan is very clear." The leader of Jiao Yuan looked at Jing Yan.

"Well, the mixed yuan treasure house is indeed extremely important, it is related to the development of mixed yuan space." Jing Yan nodded.

"That's right. The resources in the Hunyuan Treasury are the root of each Hunyuan. The Niu family has stolen these resources. King Yan, you are the last person in the alliance to see the Niu family. So this time we Come here, just want to know. "Jiao Yuan leader said to Jing Yan with a smile.

"Emperor Jingyan, we want to ask, have you ever seen those resources stolen by the Niu family from various hybrids?" Emperor Zhan Wu asked with a smile.

"Jingyan Emperor, as long as we can get back some of the treasure house resources, we are satisfied. We did not think that we must recover all the stolen resources." Emperor Xuanming also said loudly.

Everyone in the hall looked at Jing Yan with their eyes wide open.

"Hehe ..." Jing Yan laughed.

"I heard it, you seem to think that it was my Jing Yan and I got your treasure house resources." Jing Yan narrowed his eyes and said.

"Jingyan the Great must not be misunderstood, we just ... just want to know." Jiao Yuan's leader quickly said.

"Yeah! If you haven't seen those resources, King Jingyan, we can also understand." Another mixed-yuan master added quickly.

Jing Yan looked around and said, "Dear everyone, I actually saw some resources. Well, not only did I see some resources, I also got some resources."

"I know that the Niu family ransacked a lot of the Hunyuan treasure house of the Hunyuan space, and they intend to take these resources to leave the Alliance territory. Since I know this, I can't let them leave like this." Jing Yan said slowly.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"So, I came forward to negotiate with the Niu family. I asked them to surrender some of the resources stolen from the mixed treasure trove. The Niu family finally agreed with my request." Jing Yan laughed.

"Jingyan, what about these resources?" Zhanwu couldn't help asking.

"Nature is in my hands."

"I will return these resources recovered from the Niu family to the hybrids." Jing Yan said.

"That's great!"

"Jingyan the Great, we really don't know how to thank you."

"Haha, there is King Jingyan here, and that button family can't turn the waves."

The lord of all mixed elements praised the King of Jingyan madly.

"Don't be too happy," Jing Yan said in a condensed voice, and continued: "The Niu family only agreed to return some of the resources. For the treasure house resources of Huoyang Mixed Yuan, the Niu family returned all. Jiaoyuan Mixed Yuan's The treasure house resources also returned most of the Niu family members. The treasure house resources of several mixed Yuan spaces such as the spider spider and the seven string mixed Yuan were returned by about half. The remaining treasure house resources of the mixed Yuan space, Button The family did not return at all. "

"Dear everyone, I have tried my best." Jing Yan concluded.

When Jing Yan finished these words, everyone present was very expressive.

Emperor Zhan Wu and other masters of the Yuan Dynasty were embarrassed.

What do you mean?

What does Jingyan the Great mean?

"Jingyan, emperor, Zhanwu's treasure house resource, did the Niu family not return at all?" Emperor Zhanwu became old and asked unwillingly.

"That's right, the treasure house resources of Zhanwu Zunyuan, the Niu family is a fairy stone, they have not returned. Xuanming Zunyuan, Kunyu Zunyuan, Ziyu Zunyuan and the Cangmu Zunyuan are all the same. Jing Yan nodded.

"This ... this ..." Emperor Zhanwu was angry in his heart.

He did see it, Jing Yan did it on purpose.

The Niu family must have returned all the resources to the King Jingyan. The Emperor Jingyan did not intend to return the resources belonging to Zhanwu Zunyuan to Zhanwu Zunyuan.

"Emperor Jingyan, why did the Niu family return the resources of Huoyang Junyuan, but did not return the resources of my Zhanwu Junyuan?"

"Of course I asked the Niu family to return the treasure house resources of Huoyang Hunyuan." Jing Yan said naturally.

"That ... then King Jingyan, why don't you ask the Niu family to return my resources of Zhanwu Junyuan?" Zhanwu's thoughts were a little chaotic.

The anger was burning in his heart, but he did not dare to attack in the presence of Emperor Jing Yan, and he was patient. He didn't doubt that if he dared to swell here, the King Jingyan dared to kill him on the spot. Even the Emperor Jingyan didn't need to take his own shot. Only the Emperor of the Great Axe could kill him Zhanwu.

"Emperor Zhanwu, are you confused? Am I obliged to help you return those resources to Zhanwu? What is the relationship between you and Zhanwu?" Jing Yan's eyes were condensed, and a killing was in his eyes. Emerged.

The Great Emperor Kunyu and the Great Emperor Xuanming didn't want to question, but they swallowed back.

It's meaningless to ask King Jingyan!

"Leader ..." Zhan Wu and others had to ask for help from the leader of Jiao Yuan, hoping that the leader could help to speak.

Jiao Yuanmeng sighed.

He is also powerless! The Emperor Jingyan said just now that the Niu family returned most of the resources in the Jiaoyuan Mixed Yuan Treasury. The Jiaoyuan leader was quite satisfied with this. Although he could not get back all the resources stolen by the Niu family, he could at least get back section.

"You ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jingyan the Great has done his best."

"If it wasn't for King Jingyan, then we might not even be able to chase a fairy stone," said the leader of Jiao Yuan.

"Master Lord said."

"Thank you King Yan for helping us recover the treasure house resources."

"The Emperor Jingyan has paid a lot." The Great Spider and others thanked Jing Yan.

"So what do I do? What about my Zhanwu Junyuan?" Emperor Zhanwu stared.

"This, I can't help it. Emperor Zhanwu, you Zhanwu mixed Yuan may be planning the allocation of planning resources. In fact, it does not matter, it is nothing more than saving some, tightening the belt." Jing Yan laughed. .

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