Universal Sword God

Chapter 3505: Huge skull

This majestic emperor's practice is close to that of Ding Yu, and he is also a small and perfect mixed emperor who has mastered more than 20 Yuan ancestors.

Practitioners at this level have no threat in the face of Jing Yan, the most powerful one.

Therefore, Jing Yan still had a faint smile on his face when the great king prepared for his shot.

"Boy, kneel down to me honestly!" There was a low drink from the great emperor, and his palm patted Jing Jing.

Divine power condenses, releasing mighty power.

From the point of view of Emperor Zhuge, Jing Yan may be just an ordinary emperor of Yuan Dynasty. He shot very casually and did not have a strong intention to kill. This person should have a strong affection for Emperor Ding Jun, and would like to show something in front of him.

Unfortunately, he really found the wrong person.

"Get off!" When the palm shadow struck, Jing Yan whispered, and shot a backhand.

The palm shadow of the great rude emperor shattered at the touch.

"Ah ... ahhhhhhh!" A lot of screams were made in the mouth of the Great Emperor, his body flying out.

Under the power of Jing Yan, this magnificent emperor has no resistance.

The majestic Emperor's body flew far away before stabilizing, and he looked at Jing Yan with horrified eyes.

After stopping for a moment, he turned and flew away, faster than when he came.

Emperor Ding Yue looked at Jing Yan with her eyes wide open.

She was shocked.

Although it was previously known that Jing Yan's strength was not weak, because Jing Yan's understatement resolved her coercion. However, she did not expect that Jing Yan's strength was so strong.

Although the pounding emperor was a bit annoying, his strength was not weak. On Sing Tao, it is not an unknown person. But even so, it was shot very far by Jing Yan with a slap, which was still the case when the great emperor shot first.

Emperor Jingyan, how strong is it?

The great Emperor Ding Yu couldn't help thinking that he wanted Jing Yan to compensate Wan Lian Hei Lian, I am afraid it is impossible.

The Great Ding Yu turned and raised his hand, put away Tai Shi Fa Gai, and then left.

"Ding Youdao friends, let's go to Sing Tao now?" Jing Yan said quickly.

"Jingyan Taoist, you are so powerful, you should go to Xingdao yourself." Ding Yan the Great said quietly.

"But Ding Yidao friend promised to take me into Sing Tao Island." Jing Yan said.

"You lost my lonely black lotus, and you still want me to take you to Sing Tao? Jingyan Taoist, don't think you are strong, you can force me!" Ding Yue, the Great Emperor, urged the flying of God .

Jing Yan followed up and said, "Ding Wei, friend, don't be so angry. In this way, I promise you that if I have a chance in the future, I will pay you a black lotus!"


Although the Great Ding Yan said that Jingyan did not enter Xingdao with her mouth, Jingyan followed her, and she also acquiesced. As for Jing Yan saying that she would compensate her for a lonely black lotus in the future, she had no hope.

It was not too much time for Jing Yan to see the road leading to Xingdao when Emperor Ding Hui led the way.

One end of this road is on the ground. The other end is in heaven.

Emperor Ding Yu told Jingyan that the Sing Island is in the sky and is a suspended island. Moreover, due to the influence of the principle of Taoism, the star island cannot be seen with the naked eye on the ground.

After stepping on the floating road, Mo Mo walked for more than ten breaths, and Jing Yan's eyes lighted up immediately. He saw a huge round object. This thing is what Sing Tao is called by Emperor Ding Yu.

Above Sing Tao, it is relatively prosperous. Here, the activities of the practitioners are relatively frequent, and many practitioners can be seen in the eyes.

Jing Yan frowned slightly: "The practitioners on the island don't seem to be weak."

"Of course, there are no weak people who can come to Xingdao. Ordinary immortal emperors are better off going to Yakong Mountain." The great Ding Yue said.

"Ya Kongshan, where is that?" Jing Yan asked.

In the city of Jingyan, Jingyan knew that some ordinary imperial emperors in the city also had the opportunity to enter the sea of ​​silence through the Junyuan channel. But when I came to Xingdao, I didn't see the trace of the ordinary immortal. Feeling casually, you can see that these practitioners are basically the Emperors of the Yuan Dynasty, so Jing Yan is a little puzzled.

"Jingyan Daoyou, you really don't know anything about Wanji Sea Area. Don't you first investigate the situation in Wanji Sea area when you enter Wanji Sea area?" Ding Yi, the emperor, gave Jingyan a blank look.

"Ya Kongshan is also a place in the lonely sea. There are also many treasures on Yakhang Mountain. It is said that there was a blessed land and there were many powerful emperors who built Dongfu there. But those caves have long been Abandoned, it is now a relic. If you are lucky, you can find treasures in these relics. "

"Ordinary immortal emperors entering the lonely waters usually go to Yakongshan to try their luck. Although most of them have found nothing, there are many people, and there are always some lucky people." Ding Yi explained to Jing Yan.

"Ordinary immortal, can't you come to Xingdao?" Jing Yan asked again.

"It's not impossible to come, but it is more dangerous. Besides, ordinary immortals come to Xingdao is meaningless. What can they do even when they arrive at Xingdao? They can't grab the lonely black lotus." Ding Yi said .

"Oh, I see." Jing Yan nodded.

During the conversation, the two also continued to go deep into Sing Tao. Along the way, Jing Yan saw several boxes, that is, Tai Shi Fa Gai. Apparently, some practitioners have obtained Wanlian Helian and are practicing with Wanlian Helian.

From this point of view, Emperor Ding Yu was right, the number of Wanlian black lotus was really small. It takes a lot of luck to get one.


"That is……"

While walking, Jing Yan stopped his body. His gaze fell on a black object far ahead.

At first glance, Jing Yan felt that the black object was familiar. Taking a closer look, Jing Yan recognized it.

He did see this thing.

"That's the skull of the virtual beast!" The great Ding Yue heard Jing Yan's horror ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and followed Jing Yan's eyes, then said out loud.

"Virtual beast?" Jing Yan said.

"Virtual beast! A horrible beast in the sea of ​​loneliness. If a person encounters a virtual beast in the sea, all you need to do is run away the first time. Don't hesitate, slow down a bit, maybe again No chance to escape. "

"In the sea of ​​loneliness, the virtual beast is one of the greatest dangers faced by our practitioners." The Great Ding Yu added.

"This virtual beast is really difficult to deal with." Jing Yan nodded.

He had previously encountered a virtual beast and found a practitioner who had been killed by the virtual beast. It was just that he did not know the name of this monster. He and the virtual hand felt that this thing was difficult to kill, so they evacuated without entanglement.

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