Universal Sword God

Chapter 3512: The Great Wolf Toe is a giant

Although there are many practitioners on Sing Tao, most of them do not build their own residences, like that of Emperor Ding Yu, so Jing Yan wanted to find a space to build a house.

It didn't take long for Jing Yan to find a good spot.

Jing Yan was not trying to build a luxurious and complicated mansion. He simply built a house with some materials stored on his body.

"You, Ding Yi, you can live in this house in the future." Jing Yan said to Ding Yi.

"Thank you Jingyan and Daoyou." The great Emperor Ding Yan thanked with a laugh.

Having a fixed residence is much better than living in Taisfagane.


Sing Tao, the main island.

The owner of this star island looks old. His name, Taishi, is called Taishi Islander.

Tai Shi Fa Gai and Tai Shi Yun Ling on Sing Tao were all things he made. Whether it is Tai Shi Fa Gai or Tai Shi Yunling, they are all ready to make, and don't waste any energy. But on Sing Tao, both items are very expensive.

"Islander, this practitioner named Jing Yan is quite interesting."

At this time, a practitioner said with a smile beside Taishi Islander. This person is a visitor to the owner of Taishi Island, and is highly valued by the owner of Taishi Island.

"I've heard the name of this person for the first time." The owner of Taishi Island said with a smile. "Before, it should have been to Wanjihai."

"I've checked this person's information, and it really hasn't spread in the sea of ​​Wanji. I want to come to the sea of ​​Wanji for the first time and come to our star island." The guest nodded.

"This scene is rich?" Taishi Dadao said again.

"Practitioners who can take out 80,000 kilograms of Zihuaxianlu at will, are rare in the whole sea of ​​silence." The guest smiled and continued: "He was offended when he first came to Sing Tao. Emperor Lan, I'm afraid I won't get better in the future. "

"With Lan Lan's temperament, if this Jingyan can't solve this problem in time, it is really difficult for him to stay on this star island. Especially the **** emperor is not a fuel-saving lamp." Taishi The island owner shook his head slightly and said, of course he knew what was happening inside the stage.

"But this person is extremely wealthy. If he is threatened by the Emperor Lan, he may come to the Lord of the Island and seek the protection of the Lord of the Island." Menke said.

"Let's talk when he comes! Look at him, how rich he is." Tai Shidao's eyes stared and said with a chuckle.

"Are there any further signs over the cemetery?" Tai Shidao spoke sharply.

Hearing that sentence, the guest's expression became serious.

"In the recent past, there have been no new changes. Since the mutator appeared 50,000 years ago, the cemetery seems to have returned to peace, but it is uncertain whether the 13th Sacred Heart of the Sacred Heart is about to reappear." Ningsheng said.

"Thirteen Tans of the Sacred Heart is very important for me to wait. Once in this world, we must not miss it again." The owner of Taishi Island nodded.

"Understand, Lord Island Lord, rest assured, I will always stare at the news of the cemetery. Now, on each star island in the sea of ​​loneliness, many practitioners frequently enter and leave the cemetery. Once there is any change in the cemetery, it will be at The news came as soon as possible, "the doorman bowed.

"Island Lord."

At this time, a practitioner in blue armor walked in from outside and shouted.

"The wolf-toed emperor is here and wants to see the Lord Lord." The blue armored practitioner continued.

"Oh? Brother Wolftoe is back?" Tai Shidao's eyes narrowed slightly and he smiled: "Please come in, Brother Wolftoe."

"Yes!" The blue armored practitioners responded.

After a while, a laugh passed from the outside, and then a mixed Yuan emperor stepped in.

The person who came in was a wolf-toed emperor who had once had a relationship with Jing Yan in Jingyan City. This wolf-toed emperor is not a mixed-yuan great emperor, but his strength is no less than a great-powered great emperor such as Yuan Chan.

On this star island, the wolf-toothed emperor is one of the giants, and he can talk to the owner of Taishi Island with a smile-like existence.

"Island master!" After the wolf-toed emperor came in, he arched his hands at the Taishi island master.

"Brother toe, please sit down." The owner of Taishi Island invited the great toe to the seat.

"I've seen the wolf-toothed emperor." The guest also saluted the wolf-toed emperor.

"Wenping Daoyou is polite." The Great Wolf Toe bowed back to the guest Wenping the Great.

"Brother-toe, can you withdraw this time?" After the Great-toed Emperor took his seat, Taishi Islander asked out loud.

"Well, don't mention it. Entering the cemetery this time, I encountered a strange treasure, a very good thing. However, in the end, he failed to **** the hand." The wolf-toothed emperor shook his head and gritted his teeth.

"Oh? Who has such a great ability to take treasure from Brother Wolftoe?" Taishidao asked with an expression of interest.

"It's not Bi Ao's **** thing. This **** **** is always upset with me." The wolf-toothed emperor gritted his teeth again, an expression of anger.

The Great Pride is not a practitioner on this Star Island, but from another Star Island. This person has known each other for a long time with Emperor Wolf Toe. The two are in a head-to-head relationship, and each time they meet, they almost fight each other, but no one can help.

"It turned out to be Bi Ao, this is no wonder." Taishi Daozhu nodded with a smile.

"Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan, still no sign?" Taishi Dao asked the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan again.

"No, nothing has changed since the change tens of thousands of years ago. The island owner, maybe we are wrong. The change 50,000 years ago may not be what the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan will be Caused by this life. "The Great-toed Emperor shook his head and said.

"Well, this is also possible. There are too many things in the cemetery that we are not sure about." The owner of Taishi Island nodded.

That place in the cemetery is too complicated. Many things, such as the existence of the owner of Taishi Island ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can not be peeped to investigate.

"Island owner, what interesting things can happen on Xingdao during this time?" The Great-toed Emperor asked about things on Xingdao.

Although the Great-toed Emperor is on this Sing Tao, he himself often leaves Sing Tao and sometimes does not return for tens of thousands of years when he goes out. This time, he just returned to Sing Tao from the cemetery. After returning, I came directly to the main island mansion to see the island master.

"The Great Wolf Toe, a young man has recently arrived on Xingdao." The Great Emperor Wenping said loudly.

"Young man? Is there anything special about this person?" The Great-toed Emperor looked to the Diplomatic Emperor.

It is normal for new people to appear on Sing Tao. If there is nothing special about this person, Emperor Wenping will not mention this person at will.

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