Universal Sword God

Chapter 3525: 薅 wool

For most of the time, Ding Yu was searching for the lonely black lotus in a connected place.

In her opinion, the connection place is more likely to harvest Wanlian Black Lotus than in Sing Tao.

"I see, I just walk away." Jing Yan said with a smile.

Jing Yan looked around in Xingdao. When Singdao practitioners saw Jing Yan, they all paid respects and salutations. They did not dare to have any disrespect for the new star island giant.

After a week on Sing Tao, Jing Yan shook his head.

"The odds of Wanli Helian appearing too low."

"Turn around and see nothing." Jing Yan whispered.

"There are some Tai Shi Fa Gai, but there are quite a lot of them, but practitioners may release Tai Shi Fa Gai, but they may not be absorbing the Black Lotus. If they are really absorbing the Black Lotus, I am afraid that it is even 1% No. "Jing Yan looked far away.

Many Sing Tao practitioners use Tai Shi Fa Gai as a house. Like the former Emperor Ding Yu, she did not have a fixed residence on Xingdao and lived directly in Tai Shi Fa Gai.

"Ask them one by one." Jing Yan shook his head again.

After the decision was made, Jing Yan began to get closer to those too. Whenever a certain distance was approached, the voice of a practitioner came out from Tai Shi Fa Gai, leaving Jing Yan farther away. And Jing Yan wouldn't stay away just because the other person said a word.

When the other party came out of Tai Shi Fa Gai, as soon as they saw the new giant Jingyan Emperor, they all apologized immediately.

At this time, Jing Yan would ask them if they were using Wanlian Black Lotus.

As Jing Yan had imagined, most practitioners in Taifa Faghan were not absorbing the energy of the lonely black lotus, just resting.

Jing Yan did not give up easily, anyway, every time he saw Tai Shi Fa Gai, he asked.

After more than an hour.

"Daoyou are using Wanji Black Lotus?" Jing Yan repeated this question again.

This Taishi Fagane is a relatively young practitioner.

Hearing Jing Yan's inquiries, he nodded and said, "Return to King Jing Yan's words, the junior is indeed using a wild lotus."

Jing Yan's eyes flashed suddenly, and finally he found a lonely black lotus.

"Will Daoyou be willing to sell the use right of Wanji Black Lotus?" Jing Yan asked with anticipation, looking at the other side.

The practitioner's face changed and he shook his head and refused without thinking.

Of course, he was also afraid of the mighty strength of King Jingyan, but he had Tai Shi Fa Gai. Even the giant can't rob him of the lonely black lotus at will. It was also because of Tai Shi Fa Gai's guarantee that he did not hide from Jing Yan that there was a lonely black lotus in it.

"Daoyou don't rush to refuse, you look at this elixir first." Jing Yan laughed, and threw a jade bottle away.

The practitioner took the jade bottle and opened it suspiciously.

At this point, the eyes seemed to be trapped in the jade bottle. The change in expression was a few times more exaggerated than that of Ding Mao.

"If Daoyou is willing to let me use the lonely black lotus, then this elixir is yours." Jing Yan said with a smile.

The practitioner was immediately tangled.

The elixir that King Yan brought out is really good. Although he hasn't used it yet, he can feel it. This elixir is of great help in understanding and merging the ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty.

But to pay a thousand black lotus for this, this ... seems to be a loss.

"I only use Wanji Heilien for one hour. You can calculate the time accurately, starting from when I enter your Taishangai, I will come out of it after an hour." Jing Yan added.

This sentence instantly made the practitioner's eyes congested. If it's just an hour, that's perfectly acceptable! It seems that he made a lot of money.

The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, it is really difficult to refuse the temptation of Tai Xian Niedan.

Although King Yan is a giant, he is a powerful man in the extreme state. The speed of absorbing and transforming the lonely black lotus is faster than that of these mixed Yuan emperors. The speed also has a relative limit.

In short, for just one hour, Jingyan the Great Emperor can only absorb the energy of the lonely black lotus.

"Jingyan, are you serious?" The practitioner looked at Jingyan.

"It's true, rest assured! I Jing Yan will never use this lonely black lotus more than a blink of an eye." Jing Yan assured each other.

"Then ... I agree." The practitioner said with bright eyes.

After Jing Yan smiled at the other party, he strode into the other party ’s Tai Shi Fa Gai.

Without any delay, Jing Yan sat directly on the lonely black lotus. At the heart's motion, the mind moves, absorbing the energy of the lonely black lotus.

After half an hour, Jing Yan frowned. The speed of absorbing the black lotus's energy gradually decreased, and finally stopped completely.

Because if you continue to absorb it with all your strength, I am afraid that this wild black lotus will still have at least half a tea time.

Jing Yan can roughly sense how much energy there is in the remaining black lotus.

"Can't **** any more!"

"Suck it down again, this lonely black lotus will dissipate directly." Jing Yan shook his head.

"Forget it, that's it! It can't be, nothing is left." Jing Yan stood up.

Jing Yan is certainly not afraid that the practitioner who was standing outside Tai Shi Fa Gai waiting for Jing Yan to go out at this time was worried that the influence would not be good. The news spread, and no one wants to sell themselves the right to use Tai Shi Fa Gai in the future.

"Well, you must have a degree of woolen wool, and you can't give a sheep to a vulture." Jing Yan thought in his heart, and walked out of Tai Shi Fa Gai at the same time.

"Emperor Jingyan, before the time is up, why did you come out?" The practitioner saw Jing Yan coming out, hesitated, and asked out loud.

This was only a little more than half an hour later, and what he promised was to let the Emperor Jingyan use Wanji Helian for one hour.

"It's almost ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That's it! Thank you!" Jing Yan arched his hands at the practitioner again.

"Thank you, King Yan!"

"The Emperor Jingyan is really a good man!" The practitioner sighed sincerely.

Jing Yan smiled and turned to leave.

"The efficiency of such inquiries is too low."

"It's better ... to be overbearing and directly investigate with divine thoughts. In this way, which Tai Shi Fa Gai has lonely black lotus in it, you can see at a glance and you can find the target accurately." Jing Yan was flying, thinking in his heart.

Immediately after this thought came into being, he began to put it into action. Whenever he saw Tai Shi Fa Gai, he directly infiltrated his thoughts to see.

Some practitioners of the powerful Tai Shi Fa Gai felt Jing Yan's divine exploration, and they rushed out of Tai Shi Fa Gai angrily. However, when the person who explored himself was the new giant Jing Yan Emperor, he was about to erupt. The anger was forcibly suppressed immediately.


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