Universal Sword God

Chapter 3533: Can't provoke existence

Master the one-dimensional state of the art of more than fifty ancestor principles?

I want to see, under my ice sword, your head is not iron enough!

Jing Yan's eyes looked to the King of the Golden Ring, and it was as cold as ice.

"What is it?" Jing Yan's voice was calm, even indifferent.

After hearing the words and words of Jing Yan, there was a faint flash of light in the eyes of Emperor Ding Yue. On Sing Tao, many people think that she is already an accomplice of the Jingyan giant, but she has not made it public. But of course she is the clearest. She is not an ancestor of Emperor Jing Yan. The Emperor Jing Yan is almost in retreat, and there is not much chance of speaking between them.

But now, Emperor Jingyan said, "What is it?"

Does King Yan really like him a little? But what should we do this time? I had known that I would not participate in the hunting of virtual beasts out of Xingdao.

"Hahaha ..." Jinhuan Emperor laughed and said, "Very good! Jing Yan, lend me your woman for a few days. Rest assured, I will return it to you after use. Although there is no guarantee that she is not short of anything , But I can still guarantee that she is alive. "

"Presumptuous!" When King Jinhuan finished this sentence, Jing Yan gave a low drink.

The low-pitched voice changed the face of everyone present.

Even the eyes of the owner of Taishi Island suddenly became extremely dignified. This incident seems to be getting out of control. Maybe he shouldn't let Jing Yan come to participate in this matter.

"You child, so brave!" Emperor Jinhuan didn't seem to think that Jing Yan dared to speak to himself with such an attitude.

After a brief stint, he said insincerely.

The killing intention on his body became more intense, as if it were the essence.

"Golden ring emperor, don't get angry first, have something to say well." Taishi Island owner said quickly: "I Taishi Xingdao, always has a harmonious relationship with King Jinhuan, there is no need to make the two sides hurt the peace for a little thing.

Emperor Jinhuan stared, and his mouth gave a harsh laughter.

"Tai Shi Xing Dao, haha, you are too Xing Dao in the eyes of Lao Tzu, but a bunch of rubbish. You rubbish, dare to challenge Lao Tzu."

"Very good, very good! Too historical, if you can't give me a satisfactory account today, I will burn out your star island." On the golden sacred sword in the hand of Emperor Jinhuan, the golden light surged strongly. Overwhelming.

The owner of Taishi Island and others immediately tightened his body. If the King of the Rings takes the shot, of course they will not sit still.

"Island master."

"Island master, here we are."

At this time, the wolf-toed emperor and other star island giants all came.

Seeing the wolf-toothed emperor and others coming, Taishi Daodao felt slightly relieved. The strength of the King of the Rings is strong, but there are enough people on his side. If they join forces, they may not be able to fight the King of the Rings.

The Golden Ring Emperor is no matter how strong, after all, he has not logged into the two-dimensional pole state, nothing more than the number of Yuanzu Taos he has mastered than the giants on their island.

"You friends are just here." Taishi Islander nodded to Emperor Mundo and others.

After the people arrived, they stood with the owner of Taishi Island and Jing Yan together and looked at the opposite Jinhuan Emperor.

"Golden Ring, what do you really want? Could it be that Taishi Xingdao really wants me to break with you?" Taishidao said loudly.

Emperor Jinhuan's face was gloomy, and he stared at the crowds of Taishi Xingdao.

To be honest, he is not completely pressure-free in the face of the seven mixed Yuan emperors who have the power to create extremes. He has enough confidence in his own strength, but these few people on Shixing Island are not muddy. If he fights, the two sides can go in and out, which may damage his Golden Ring Emperor.

"Taishi Island Lord."

"I have three conditions. If you agree, this matter will be ignored." Said the emperor Jinhuan.

"Please." Taishi Dadao said.

"First, this virtual beast is mine. Second, this woman I want too. Third, this little thing called Jing Yan must die."

"As long as these three conditions are met, this matter will be exposed." The Great Emperor Jinhuan said indignantly.

The owner of Taishi Island frowned, and the three conditions proposed by the Emperor Jinhuan were excessive. The first condition, Tai Shixing Island can agree. But the second and third conditions, Taishi Xingdao absolutely cannot agree.

Jing Yan did not speak at this time, he wanted to see how the owner of Taishi Island decided.

"Golden Ring, the three conditions you proposed, only the first one, we can agree. The Ding Yue is a friend of Jing Yan Taoist friends, I can not let you take away the Ding Yan Great King. As for Jing Yan Daoyou died, that would be even more impossible. "The owner of Taishi Island did not hesitate and said directly.

"Yes, Emperor Jinhuan, we admit that you are stronger than us, but if you feel that you can do whatever you want with us, then you are wrong." Emperor Bingbo condensed.

"Although Jingyan Daoyou hasn't joined Taishixing Island for a long time, he is also the giant of Taishixing Island and is one of us." The Great Wolf Toe said.

The number of Yuanzu Dao held by the wolf-toothed emperor is more than that of the golden ring emperor. Unfortunately, the wolf-toed emperor is not a mixed Yuan emperor in a state of extremes.

The words of Taishi Island owners and giants made Jing Yan slightly moved.

Jing Yan at this time really felt that these people on Tai Shixing Island were their friends. In the future, he will also be willing to help Taishi Daozhu and others to make greater breakthroughs and progress in their practice.

"Junk, a bunch of junk stuff!"

"You guys are really looking for death. I give you a chance, you idiots and garbage do n’t know how to cherish it. Today I ’m Golden Ring and I will kill you all. Even if I pay a little price, I will kill you all.

"Beginning today, Taishi Xingdao will be removed from the sea of ​​lonely waters!" Jinhuan the Great roared.

"Jinhuan, you old dog is really big-mouthed. You just want to destroy Taishixing Island? Oh, I don't really understand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ what gives you such confidence." Jing Yan moved, flew out of the queue, and said in his mouth.

When speaking, Bingyan Sword was already held in his hands, and the divine power was looming around his body. The streamer lingers on the sword body of Bingyan Sword.

"Jingyan Daoyou." Taishi Daodao screamed when Jingyan flew past.

Several other giants also took out their weapons and were ready to fight with the Golden Ring Emperor at any time.

"Golden ring old dog, originally I wanted to save you a fate, but you killed yourself. Remember that you must be a good person in the next life, and you must keep a low profile. Because there are some people that you can't provoke!" Jing Yan continued.

Jing Yan's remarks made Taishi Island owners and others unable to stay. Our Jingyan Taoist, what happened to him?

(End of this chapter)

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