Universal Sword God

Chapter 3539: Sacred Heart 13

Emperor Jinhuan's domain name is not small in Wanjihai, but his sudden death suddenly caused a certain shock in Wanjihai. ?

Of course, after all, the Golden Ring Emperor is only a one-dimensional mixed-state emperor. His death, it is impossible to make any big waves in the whole sea of ​​silence.

The main reason everyone has some talk is that it was Taishixing Island that killed the King of the Ring.

The star island of Taishi Xingdao is not eye-catching in the lonely sea. The owner of this Xingdao is also the mixed Yuan emperor who created a one-dimensional pole.

You know, the place where the lonely sea is placed in the total mixed yuan is also an extremely important dangerous place. Those non-dimensional mixed-element spaces may not know much about the lonely waters. However, those mixed-element spaces that are dimensionally connected will never be unfamiliar to the lonely sea.

Among the treasures that can be obtained in the cemetery of Wanjihai, there are many who have great help to the great emperor.

In this place, there are often strong men from China and Uighurs who have created a pole state, and even high-dimensional strong men have appeared.

Therefore, it is impossible to become a focal point in this corroded sea area. It can only be regarded as a marginalized star island.

Of course, in the lonely waters, most of the star islands are similar to Taishi Xingdao. The truly powerful Sing Tao is, after all, only a few.

Although the news that King Jinhuan was beheaded by Taishi Xingdao spread, people outside did not know that King Huanxi was killed by Taishi Xingdao's new giant Jingyan King. Those people also thought that it was all the supernatural powers on Taishixing Island and joined forces to kill the Golden Ring Emperor.

Some people even think that the emperor Jinhuan overwhelmed the ship and overturned it in the gutter.

In fact, it was the spiritual practice on Taishixing Island, and they were not clear about the specific situation that day. They only knew that the island master and the giants acted together to deal with the King of the Rings.

After killing the King of the Rings, Jing Yan once again entered a deep retreat.

Wan Ji Hei Lian Energy, Sunie Dan, and Canglang Holy Road Beads are continuously used to help them cultivate and enhance their strength.

Now Jing Yan has begun to understand and integrate the fourth Yuanzu Taoism of the three categories. Prior to this, Jing Yan had only three types of ancestors. He still has six rules to fully grasp the three types of Yuanzu Taoism.

It is not difficult to integrate the third type of the fourth ancestral Taoist enlightenment. After less than a thousand years, Jing Yan grasped it smoothly.

The ancestral principles of each type are the more difficult to master. The ninth ancestral rule of the second category, it took more than four thousand years to fully grasp the front and back jingyan.

Obviously, waiting for the three types of ancestors to master the late stage, the difficulty will certainly rise straight. Even with the help of the lonely black lotus energy, the great nirvana, and the help of the Canglang Holy Path beads, it will take a lot of time.

Thousands of years have passed.

On this day, the Wenping Emperor of the island's main government came to the house where the Jingyan giant lived.

The Great Emperor Wenping awakened the Jingyan in the state of retreat.

"Emperor Wenping." Jing Yan stepped out of the room.

"I've seen Emperor Jingyan." Emperor Wenping bowed to Jing Yan.

"Jingyan the Great, the master of the island invites you to come there." Wenping the Great immediately said to Jing Yan.

"Is something wrong?" Jing Yan asked with a gaze.

"Well, it's related to the cemetery. The other giants of Xingdao have gathered in the main house of the island." Wenping the Great nodded.

Hearing that Emperor Wenping said that it was related to the cemetery, Jing Yan's heart moved slightly.

"Okay, I'll go to the main island." Jing Yan nodded.

Soon after, Jing Yan came to the parlor of the main island house. When Jing Yan entered the sitting room, he saw that the owner of Taishi Island and other giants on Xingdao Island were already here.

In addition to some people he knew, he had an unfamiliar face.

"Jingyan Daoyou is here." Taishi Daozhu and others all got up and greeted them.

Emperor Jingyan is the only two-dimensional extreme power on this island.

"Island master, you friends." Jing Yan arched his hand.

"Jingyan Daoyou, let me introduce you. This is a Chanyao Taoist." Taishi Islander introduced Jingyan.

The Chan Yao Taoist in his mouth is the unfamiliar face that Jing Yan does not know. He is a female extreme practitioner.

Emperor Chanyao is also a giant on Taishi Xingdao, and is also the only female super-king emperor on Taishi Xingdao.

When Jing Yan came to Taishi Xingdao, Emperor Chan Yao was not on Xingdao. She left for a while, so she only met Jing Yan for the first time.

"Jingyan said."

"Taoyao friends, I heard the island owner mentioned you before."

Jing Yan and Emperor Chan Yao greeted him politely.

At this point, an island owner and seven giants on Taishixing Island all arrived.

"Jingyan Daoyou, you Daoyou, please sit down." Taishi Daozhu made a pleased gesture.

Everyone took their seats.

"People, it seems that our guess was correct before. In the cemetery, the 13 Hearts of Sacred Heart really appeared." Tai Shidao's eyes narrowed, his voice said slowly and quietly.

As early as tens of thousands of years ago, there was a big change in the cemetery. Taishi Island owners and others suspected that the 13th Sacred Heart of the Sacred Heart would be alive. But then nothing happened, which made Taishi Daozhu and others doubt whether they were wrong.

It has been more than 60,000 years since the first cemetery mutation occurred.

To this day, Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan is finally showing signs of this world again, and it is very obvious.

"Island master, this time we can't miss the opportunity anymore." The Great Wolf Toe said loudly.

"Yes, we must enter the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tans this time. Even if we cannot enter the place of loneliness, we must enter the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tans." Kuo Emperor emphasized.

"We are too Shixing Island, and we have a two-dimensional strong King Jingyan. This time, our chance of entering the 13th Sacred Pool of the Sacred Heart has increased. The other one-dimensional Star Island is completely unable to compete with us." When looking at Jingyan.

"That's right ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I asked several Daoyou to come and gather immediately, I just want to ask you to prepare. I think, preferably within three days, we will go to the cemetery together. I got the news, Already the Star Island team has entered the cemetery. "Tai Shidao's voice was slightly excited.


"I'm OK."

"You can go to the cemetery now." The crowd nodded.

"Jingyan Daoyou, what do you think?" Tai Shidao asked to Jingyan.

Of all the people, Jing Yan's opinion is of course the most important. If Emperor Jingyan said that he would wait for a while before going to the cemetery, most of them would agree.

"I don't have any opinion, just listen to the owner of the island. Speaking of which, I haven't been to the cemetery yet. When you get there, you have to give pointers." Jing Yan said with a smile.

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