Universal Sword God

Chapter 3541: Roll away 1 point

If Taishi Singdao team intervenes again, there will be three Singdao teams here.

A spark can cause a tripartite war.

The two Xingdao teams also discovered Taishi Xingdao's team, and immediately stared at the cold eyes. Although nothing was said on the lips, the attitude was extremely obvious. If Taishixing Island team enters, that battle is bound to be unavoidable.

Taishi Islander, Jing Yan and others looked at each other.

"Jingyan Daoyou, how do you do that?" Tai Shidao asked the meaning of Jingyan.

Everyone else looked at Jing Yan.

Taishi Xingdao, although Taishi the Great is the owner of the island, it is obvious that Jingyan is the backbone in this 10,000 tomb cemetery.

Jing Yan's eyes slowly swept over the members of the two Sing Tao teams. Both members of the two teams have motivated God. They are preparing for each other. They can't be stupid without motivating God. .

Therefore, Jing Yan quickly determined that the two Xingdao teams did not have the hybrid Yuan emperor in a two-dimensional state of extremes.

"All of them are one-dimensional pole-building state or have one-dimensional pole-building power." Jing Yan said.

"Yes! These two star islands are the same as our Taishi Xingdao before, they are one-dimensional, and their strength is close." Taishi Island owner said.

"Well, if you can rob it, you can do it. However, I don't recommend robbing, after all, they come earlier than us. There are thirteen entrances to the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan, let's find other entrances." I want to say.

When Jing Yan said so, everyone agreed.

"Friends of Chanyao ..." The owner of Taishi Island looked at Emperor Chanyao.

"Understand." Emperor Chan Yao nodded his head, closed his eyes, and felt the power of heaven and earth, looking for clues at the entrance to the thirteenth sacred heart.

This time, it took the Emperor Chanyao half a day to find out.

"You follow me." Emperor Chan Yao said with his eyes open.

Everyone followed Emperor Chan Yao.

When the two Xingdao teams saw Taishi Xingdao's team leave, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and then stared at each other with alert eyes.

Two days later, the Taishi Xingdao team came to the second pursuit location.

It's not that simple to find the entrance to Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan. Emperor Chanyao had some clues two days ago, but he did not directly determine the location. She also needs to continue perceiving to find the right course.

Therefore, it took more than two days on the road.

"It's late again," Jing Yan said with a frown.

The entrance to the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan has also been occupied.

"It's Dao Huaxing Island's team." Taishi Island's main voice was slightly low, and he looked at the team in front of Xingdao Island.

There is only one Sing Tao team at this location. However, the number of this Sing Tao team is quite large, as many as 12 people.

"Daohua Xingdao is the strongest one-dimensional Xingdao." The Great Wolf Toe said: "They have eleven Xingdao giants besides the owner of Daohua Island."

"Yeah, the master of Daohua Island is arrogant, and he is regarded as the top power in the one-dimensional creation. Even the King of the Rings, he did not dare to provoke the Daohua Island." Emperor Mundo said loudly.

Jing Yan nodded.

"Isn't this the owner of Taishi Island?" A voice came from the other side of the island team.

"Taishi Island Lord, I heard that you have killed the King of the Ring of Xingdao? Is this news true or false?" The speaker was a brilliantly dressed Emperor Yuanyuan.

"He is the owner of Daohua Island, who has mastered the one-dimensional pole-mighty power of nearly sixty ancestors." Emperor Lan said to Jing Yan in a low voice. "The Daohua Island owner once robbed us of Sing Tao. Void beast, shameless. "

"Well, I really don't believe it. With the power of your Taishi Xingdao, you can kill the Golden Ring Emperor." The master of Daohua Island shook his head: "If the Golden Ring Emperor is such a waste, then he should be dead."

The giant emperor beside Daowa Island Lord laughed.

"Daohua Island Lord, can you let us enter this place?" Taishi Island Lord asked archingly to each other.

"You are too Shixing Island, and you want to enter Thirteen Tan of the Sacred Heart?" Daowa Island owner laughed.

"Naturally, I want to enter Thirteen Tan of the Sacred Heart, or else what do we do when we enter the lonely graveyard?" Taishi Island Master Ning Mei said.

"Oh, too." The owner of Daohua Island nodded and said, "You Taishi Island people, you can also enter this place. Taishi Island owner, as long as you kneel in front of me and pinch your head, I will allow you The Sing Tao team stays here. "

This sentence made the giants on Dahuaxing Island make a laugh.

The people on Taishi Xingdao all showed their anger.

"Why not?"

"Go away then!" Daohua Island's main voice suddenly burst into a cold voice.

"Get away quickly." The momentum on the main body of Daohua Island erupted suddenly, and a total of 58 Yuanzu Roads emerged around his body, of which nine were self-contained.

Jing Yan frowned, looking at the arrogant Daohua Island Master and others, the divine power in his body was speeding up.

"Forget it, let's look for the next entrance." The owner of Taishi Island shouted in anger, shaking his head.

"Island owner, the other party's behavior is a bit excessive." Jing Yan said.

"Jingyan and Daoyou, we can bear it. Daohua Xingdao is the strongest in one-dimensional star island. Moreover, Daohua Emperor has a close relationship with Kun Mixing Island."

"Kunmi Star Island is a three-dimensional star island, and it is also one of the top three star islands in the lonely sea." The owner of Taishi Island shook his head gently and explained to Jing Yan.

"Taoyao friends, please find the next entrance." Taishi Islander said to Emperor Chanyao again.

"Okay." Emperor Chan Yao nodded, and then closed his eyes to trace the entrance of the next 13 hearts of Sacred Heart.

"I'll let you go a little farther, didn't you hear?" The Tao Huadao master drank again, his voice cold.

The people of Taishixing Island ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although they did not enter this entrance, the owners of Daowa Island and others did not allow Taishixing Island's teams to stay.

"Jingyan said, we're leaving here," said the owner of Taishi Island, pressing his anger and gritting his teeth.

Jing Yan took a deep look at the owner of Daohua Island, he said nothing, and then left with the owner of Taishi Island and others.

Although there are thirteen entrances to the 13 Hearts of the Sacred Heart, not all of them can be found.

Generally speaking, seventeen or eight entrances can be found in advance before opening. The remaining ones may not be locked by the practitioner until the entrance is really opened. But at that time, it was too late. The opening time of the entrance was too short, and the practitioners could not have the opportunity to enter in time.

These entrances are difficult to track down, some are easy to find and some are hard to find. In general, the later the entrance is found, the harder it is to find it.

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