Universal Sword God

Chapter 3545: Kill the Daohua Island Lord

How dare he!

Who gave him such courage!

Damn, the little beast is looking for death!

After a brief sacrifice, the Daowa Island owner became furious, staring at Jing Yan like a snake, as if he was going to devour Jing Yan. ??

"Where's your dog thing, how confident is it?" Jing Yan said it as if he hadn't seen the anger of Daohua Island Master and others at all.

He shook his head and continued: "Dog, if you want to keep your dog's life, take all your dog legs away immediately."

Jing Yan stood with his hands on his back, his eyes slowly drifting away from the Daohua Island Master and others.

"Who, who are you?" The voice of the Daowa Island master became a little hoarse.

He must know who this person who dares to abuse himself.

"Tai Shixing Island, Jing Yan." Jing Yan reported his identity.

"Hahaha ..." Daowa Island owner laughed wildly.

"good very good!"

"My Daohua, announce at this time. You, you, and you ... all of you." Daohua Island's owner reached out and nodded the Taishi Xingdao people present, with a very vicious tone: "All of you will die! All of you will die here today. "

"Also, when I come out of the 13th Sacred Heart of the Sacred Heart, I will go to Taishi Xingdao in person and slaughter everyone on your Xingdao. Yes, everyone! Everyone will die!" To burn all heaven and earth.

The East Island owner had already angered him because they had snatched the entrance of their Sacred Heart Thirteen Tan. Now, his anger was really inspired by Jing Yan and could no longer be controlled.

Even if the owner of Taishi Island all kneeled in front of him and begged for mercy, he would never let go of this group of people.

He would kill all the people on Taishi Xingdao.

"I'm afraid ... you won't have another chance." Jing Yan said, shaking his head.

"Go to death! Little beast!" The owner of Daohua Island shouted with a spit, followed by the emergence of a weapon in his hand, and then operated the magical principle, performed immortal art, and attacked Jing Yan.

He wants to cut off Jing Yan's head in one fell swoop to vent his anger.

"Om!" Bing Yanjian appeared in Jing Yan's hands.

Jianguang flashed, Jianmang quickly swallowed out.

At the same time, Heiyue Mingtai once again appeared in Jing Yan's left hand.

"Floating world." Jing Yan whispered in his mouth.

Now that he has decided to make a move, Jing Yan never intentionally keeps his hands. The floating world came down and shrouded the Tao Huadao master.

"Thousands of smash hits!" On the sword of Bingyan, the space of the sword curtain shuttled out.

It's not the first time that the owner of Taishi Island saw Jing Yan's shot, but he still felt shocked when he saw it again.

Among the giants of Taishi Xingdao, Emperor Chanyao saw Jing Yan for the first time. Of course, she also knows from the population of the Taishi Island Lord and other people that the King Jingyan is already a hybrid Yuan emperor in a two-dimensional state of creation, and killed the Golden Ring Emperor in one fell swoop.

But she didn't see the process with her own eyes. At this moment, her eyes were staring at Jing Yan.

"Dead!" Jing Yan murmured from his mouth.

The smashing Qian Qian, combined with the town's immortal art, instantly collided with the immortal art of Daowa Island Lord.

At this time, the great emperors on Daohuaxing Island did not realize that Jingyan the emperor was a mixed Yuan emperor in a two-dimensional state of extremes. They are still waiting, Daohua Island Master will kill this scene with one stroke.

Daowa Island Lord, he realized that it was not right when his fairy art collided with Qian Qianqian. Because he just broke free from the influence of the floating world.

"Why ... how?" The Dahua Islander looked at the scene incredibly, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

On Taishi Xing Island, how can there be a two-dimensional ambition of the Yuan Dynasty emperor?

how can that be?

It is a pity that he has no more time to think about this problem. The mighty power of Qiankun Qian defeated his Tao Huadao Lord ’s immortal energy, and then drowned him.

"Ah!" Daohua Island Lord screamed.

After several sounds came out, the owner of Daohua Island became a corpse.

Is another sword to kill!

In fact, this is also normal. Although the strength of the Daohua Island master is better than that of the Golden Ring Emperor, it is not too much. Emperor Jinhuan had more than 50 Yuanzu roads, and Daohua Island master also had more than 50 Yuanzu roads.

Jing Yan can kill the Golden Ring Emperor with one sword, naturally he can also kill the Daohua Island Master with one sword. Moreover, in the past thousands of years since King Jinhuan was killed, Jing Yan has mastered four more Yuan ancestors.

Today, Jing Yan is the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty who has mastered the principles of 31 ancestors. Among the three types of ancestral ancestors, he has mastered seven.

After the Daohua Island owner was beheaded by Jing Yan with one sword, the giant emperor on Daohua Xing Island was collectively plunged into a state of sacrifice.

what happened?

What's happening here?

what happened?

Why did the Daowa Island owner die?

Hmm, the other party seems to be ... it seems to be the emperor of Yuan Dynasty in a two-dimensional state of creation?

After killing Daowa Island Lord, Jing Yan did not stop. His divine power was still in operation, and the ice-flame sword in his hand waved to a giant emperor on Dao Huaxing Island.

The mixed Yuan emperor on Huaxing Island felt the breath of death, and then suddenly woke up. He watched Jian Guang strike with open eyes, but could not resist. Even the Daohua Island owner couldn't resist the mighty power. He was an ordinary one-dimensional pole-changing emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. Where could he stop it?

"Run!" Someone on Dao Huaxing Island finally understood it. He yelled, and then frantically urged the divine power in his body to retreat far away at the fastest speed.

Suddenly, a group of giant emperors on Daohuaxing Island disappeared, leaving only two bodies.

Jing Yan shook his head and put away Bingyan Sword and Heiyue Mingtai in his hand.

Taishi Daozhu and others looked at Jingyan.

"Jingyan Taoyou's strength is stronger than when he killed the King of the Golden Ring last time." The master of Taishi Island took a breath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said slowly.

"Yeah!" The others nodded.

"When King Jinhuan was killed, there were twenty-seven ancestor Taos mastered by Jing Yan Taoist friends. Now, it seems that they have reached as many as thirty-one." Bingbo said in a loud voice.

"It's only been a few thousand years." Lan Taidi said.

"Island master, you friends." Jing Yan looked at the crowd and said, "I will not cause any trouble by killing the Golden Ring Emperor. However, killing Daohua Island master is different. Its relationship with Kun Mixing Island Intimacy, may ... lead to revenge on Kun Mi Sing Island. "

"Jingyan Taoist, you ca n’t kill Daohua Island Lord. If we choose to retreat this time, then we will not be able to enter the Sacred Heart Thirteen Tans." Taishi Island Lord gently shook his head and said, "In order to enter Thirteen Sacred Hearts, we do n’t have a second choice. Fortunately, Jing Yan ’s Taoist strength is overbearing, otherwise we wo n’t be able to resist even if we want to resist. ”

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