Universal Sword God

Chapter 3547: Meteor rule

These groups of energy channels are extremely fast.

Even if the people of Taishi Island, etc., urged the Divine Principles with all their strength, the distance between them and those groups of energy routes was very slow.

Among the crowd, Jing Yan's flight speed is undoubtedly the fastest. The strongest in the two-dimensional pole-building realm, on the whole, all kinds of abilities are crushing the one-dimensional pole-building realm in the Yuan Dynasty.

Gradually, Jing Yan approached several groups of Yuanzu Tao who were moving at a fast speed. He urged the spirit and locked one of them.

After spending some time, Jing Yan successfully captured this locked Yuanzudao with his soul power.

After Jing Yan controlled Yuan Zudao, he wanted to investigate the power of this doctrine. But then, he was a little surprised to realize that with the strength of his divine thought, he could not penetrate, that is, he could not detect.

"Jingyan Taoist, quickly engulfing the Meteor Road, it may dissipate naturally at any time." Taishi Islander shouted behind Jingyan.

"Huh?" Jing Yan stared.

Later, Jing Yan didn't hesitate anymore. He believed in the owner of Taishi Island.

Jing Yan worked his mind and forcibly devoured the Yuan Zudao who was under his control.

After this Yuanzu Tao was absorbed, the surface layer of energy that prevented the spiritual exploration of the practitioners disappeared. The Tao is overall, and is instantly felt by Jing Yan.

Before Jing Yan had much time to think about it, his own magical power was to incorporate the newly absorbed Yuanzu Taoism without his active control. In just a few moments, this ancestral ancestor who was devoured and absorbed was mastered by him.

Thirty-two Yuan ancestors.

Before Jing Yan entered Thirteen Tan of the Sacred Heart, the number of Yuanzu masters was 31. How long has this passed? The number of Yuan ancestors he mastered has become thirty-two.

With a thought, Jing Yan's eyes flashed.

His speed increased madly again, and continued to pursue those groups of energy rules.

At this time, the owner of Taishi Island also successfully captured a group of energy principles. I saw he didn't hesitate, just captured it, his body shook, and he forcibly absorbed it.

And several other people on Taishi Xing Island are still pursuing their pursuits, each of them has stimulated his own speed to the limit, so fast that he can no longer.


"How did it disappear?"

When Jing Yan chased the second group of energy doctrines, he suddenly found that there were no signs of several groups of energy doctrines that were flying at high speed in sight. When he reached the position where the mass of energy channels disappeared, he looked closely, but found no trace.

The giant emperor of Taishi Xingdao quickly gathered again.

This time, only Jingyan and Taishi Island owners harvested a group of energy doctrines. The other six people could only sigh.

It is confusing that the owner of Taishi Island devoured and absorbed a mass of energy, but his face did not look good, let alone joy and excitement.

"Jingyan Daoyou, is the meteor road you absorbed effective?" Taishidao asked, looking at Jingyan.

"Effective? What do you mean?" Jing Yan was puzzled.

"Just ... the meteor rule you just captured, is it the Yuanzu rule that you haven't mastered before?" Taishi Islander said.

"Yes. I didn't master this ancestral Taoist rule before. Island owner, these Taos have energy. The name is Meteor Taoist Rule?" Jing Yan nodded, and then asked a question.

"Yes! We call this fast-falling, ancestral Yuanzu Taoism meteor Taoism. This thing is also often encountered in the 13th Sacred Pool of Sacred Heart. Jingyan Taoist, you Good luck. "Tai Shidao said congratulations Jing Jing.

"Jingyan said the luck of your friends, but never said."

"This is also related to the strength of Jing Yan Taoist friends. A few of us ... the popular Taoist is in front of our eyes, and we have all failed to capture." Emperor Bingbo shook his head, sighed, and said with a bitter expression.

"Island master, the meteor road you captured, I am invalid?" The Great-toed Emperor looked at Taishi Island Master and asked.

The owner of Taishi Island nodded and said, "Yeah! I have mastered this ancestor's path. I devoured it, and it was of no use.

After saying this, the owner of Taishi Island smiled bitterly again.

Several other people also shook their heads.

"Speaking of which, among us, Jing Yan Taoist friends are in the 13th Sacred Heart of the Sacred Heart, the greatest gains may be obtained." In the realm, he captures the meteor path, which is much easier than us. Second, the ancestors of Jing Yan Taoist masters are relatively small, and he is naturally more likely to capture effective Yuan ancestors. "

"The island owner is right."

"It's true."

Several Taishi Xingdao giant emperors nodded.

Jing Yan's eyes were also brightened, and he groaned and asked: "Sacred Heart Thirteen Lakes, like this meteor road, is there a high probability?"

"This depends on luck. If the practitioners are lucky, they can be encountered continuously. If the luck is not good, maybe it will not happen a few times until the 13th day of the Sacred Heart is closed. But relatively speaking, the meteor path appears The probability is still not low. "Taishi Islander explained to Jing Yan.

"Well, just before I absorbed the meteor doctrine, I tried to investigate with the thought of God, but found that it was unsuccessful." Jing Yan said.

"The meteor path cannot be explored before it is swallowed and absorbed. Its surface has a special layer of energy isolation. Perhaps it is powerful enough to break through this special layer of energy! Anyway, ordinary people cannot pass through Special energy layers probe inside meteor paths. "

"Moreover, even if the meteor path is captured by the practitioner, if it is not absorbed in a timely manner ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ it will dissipate directly."

"Jingyan Taoyou, you also saw it. The few meteor roads we just pursued disappeared directly in the space, leaving no traces, similar to the nine-eyed monster fire." Taishi Island owner continued to say.

"I see, no wonder the island owner just told me to immediately devour and capture the meteor rule." Jing Yan nodded heavily.

"Well, once you capture the meteor path, do n’t hesitate to immediately absorb it. Otherwise, even if there is a little delay, the meteor path may dissipate, then capture it for nothing. If you want to capture the meteor path first, later It is impossible to slowly explore and give it to other practitioners. The Zunyuan emperor who created the extreme state in China and Uighurs could not completely control these meteor paths. It is not clear to me whether the emperor can do this. "These are the experiences of the Taishi Islander. After all, he has entered the 13th Sacred Pool of the Sacred Heart, and he knows more about the Meteor Road.

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