Universal Sword God

Chapter 3552: weakness

Taishi Daozhu and others all stared at the skeletons with round eyes.

This terrifying golden skull actually started to spin.

Jing Yan's eyes lit up too, and he realized that his soul attack seemed to have a wonderful effect on the creation of the skeleton. Observing the performance of the Extreme Skull in the floating world, it is obviously impossible to escape from the floating world.

Before casting the floating world, Jing Yan did not know that the floating world had such effects on the creation of the skeleton.

"Everyone attack!" Jing Yan quickly shouted to the owner of Taishi Island.

Bingyan sword waved, Jianguang shuttled out. After Jian Guang entered the world of floating life, it seemed that there were some signs of struggle, but in the end, he failed to escape.

The sword mane of Qiankun hits the Extreme Skeleton. The golden light on the body of the Extreme Skull flickered. It seemed that the sword still could not cause any damage to the Extreme Skull.

Jing Yan's eyebrows wrinkled again, and even the attack of his own sword could not hurt the skeleton, and the attack of the Taishi Island Lord and others obviously did not have any effect.

Can't everyone destroy this Extreme Skeleton without counterattack?

Seven people, including the Taishi Island Lord, quickly dispersed, and surrounded the extreme skeletons on the periphery of the floating world. Then, they used various magical methods to launch crazy attacks on the extreme skeletons.

"Taoist, you Taoist friends, our attack seems to have no effect on the ultimate skeleton. Everyone, get ready to run!" Jing Yan said in a deep voice.


The Taishi Island Lord said to Jing Yan while attacking the Skull of the Extreme Sword: "Jing Yan Taoist, as long as we continue to attack, we can destroy this Skull of the Extreme Sword. You can see that the golden light on the surface of its body is gradually weakening. . Once the golden halo has completely disappeared, it is over. "

"Oh?" Jing Yan suddenly understood.

"It turned out to be this way." Jing Yan even urged Divine Power, Bingyan Sword slashed at an astonishing speed.

Because the Extreme Skeleton is unable to break free in the floating world, it cannot lock the team of Taishi Xingdao. Taishidaozhu and others can completely output without brain.

Therefore, after several hours of this battle, the golden light on the body surface of the Extreme Skull completely disappeared. The tall figure collapsed with it.

At this time, Jing Yan was tired to withdraw from the dark moon Mingtai.

Maintaining the floating world for a few hours, Jing Yan's spirit and soul were indeed extremely tired, and the looks in his eyes were much dim.

To be honest, if it was not because of the residual energy of the relic relics that continued to replenish Jingyan ’s depletion, then Jingyan would simply not be able to maintain a floating world for several hours, even if resources such as sunridan and blue locust fruit were used. Unsustainable.

"Success! We succeed!"

"We ... killed an extreme skeleton more than three-dimensional."

"God ... I can't believe it."

"When we encountered such terrifying skeletons, not only did we not die, we destroyed them."

Everyone of Taishi Island's owners seemed embarrassed, but at this moment they were excited and said.

Before, they all thought that this time would be undoubtedly dead, but did not expect the peaks and turns, and the eight did not die, so they killed the skeleton.

And everyone knows that all of this is because of the King Jingyan. If it weren't for Jing Yan's attack on the soul, then there would be no doubt that all of them had ten lives.

"Unexpectedly, Jingyan Tao's spirit attack has such a huge impact on the creation of extreme skeletons." Taishi Islander said.

Prior to this, he did not know that Soul Attack can defeat the extreme skeleton.

Jing Yan waved his hand. He was really tired and didn't want to say a word.

"Jingyan Daoyou, hurry up and rest to restore the spirit." Tai Shidao said to Jing Yan.

They all saw that Jingyan the Great consumed too much soul power.

"Um." Jing Yan nodded, then sat down with his knees crossed, took out some blue locust fruits and swallowed them.

It's just the consumption of soul power, and it recovers quickly. With the blue locust fruit and the remnant energy of the relic relic, in less than half an hour, Jing Yan recovered. The consumed soul power has completely replenished back.

Jing Yan stood up.

Taishi Island owner and others quickly surrounded Jing Yan.

"Jingyan Daoyou, our lives are saved by you." Taishi Islander said to Jingyan in a sincere tone.

"The island owner is right. If it weren't for Jing Yan and Taoism, we would definitely die if we encountered such an extreme skeleton." Emperor Wolf Toe focused his head.

"In the future, as long as Jingyan Daoyou needs it, I will never frown." Lan Tai said loudly.

"Jing Yan's enemies are my enemies." Emperor Mundo looked at Jing Yan.

Several other people have also stated their positions one after another. This time when they encountered an extreme skeleton, everyone could say that they had escaped from the dead.

"Everybody's words are heavy." Jing Yan waved his hand and said with a smile, "Killing this extreme skeleton is done by all of us. If I were alone, I would not kill this extreme skeleton."

Jing Yan's words were not modesty, but facts. If it were n’t for the seven people such as Taishi Dao, who were furious to attack, then even if Jing Yan could use the living world to control the extreme skeleton, he would not be able to destroy it in the same time. The fatal thing is that even if Jing Yan's floating world can barely last a little longer, it will definitely not be able to support Jing Yan to destroy this extreme skeleton by himself.

"An extreme skull is the remains of the mixed Yuan emperor in the extreme state. Why, it will come alive?" Jing Yan asked a question ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Taishidao said with a moan, "What is the specific reason? ,I do not know either."

"The bones of the extremely powerful sacred cemetery will be re-animated by a special force. Jingyan Taoist friends, in fact, are not only the sacred heart of the thirteen ponds, but also the cemetery outside the cemetery. There are such extreme skeletons. Of course, this extreme skeleton is very difficult to meet. As far as I know, in the thirteenth sacred heart, practitioners generally do not encounter extreme skeletons. " Jing Yan explained.

"I don't know if we should be lucky or too bad." Taishi Daozhu smiled bitterly.

"This extreme skeleton we encountered is too powerful. Some extreme skeletons that have been found in the lonely cemetery outside have a one-dimensional and two-dimensional fighting power!" Bingbo the Great followed the Taishi Island Lord Said.

"Well, that's true. There have been some extreme skeletons in Wanji Graveyard, but as long as multiple people join forces to besiege, it is relatively easy to destroy. The extreme skeleton we encountered surpassed the three-dimensional level and should be four-dimensional. The master of Taishi Island nodded: "If we fight directly, a few of us can at most be able to withstand this extreme skeleton attack two or three times."

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