Universal Sword God

Chapter 3554: Login 3D

Of course, the speed of merging the ancestral ancestors by the Sacred Heart's own waters is very slow.

But even so, in Jing Yan's view, this is still a very horrible thing, just beyond Jing Yan's cognition.

Sacred Heart Lake, what kind of existence?

If you can take the Sacred Heart Pool and put it in your own mixed-yuan space, wouldn't it mean that as long as there is enough time, you can create a nine-dimensional ambition?

With this in mind, Jing Yan shook his head again.

This Sacred Heart Pool is obviously unable to bring out this space. If so, it should have been taken away. Furthermore, although Sacred Heart Tan's water seems to be quite a lot, it also has a limit. Sooner or later it will be consumed if it is continuously absorbed.

Jing Yan no longer thought about it, converged his mind, and began to mobilize his mind to absorb the energy of the Sacred Heart.

In this process, Jing Yan also took sunedan.

The energy of Wanji Honglian and the holy bead of Canglang are all used.

The owners of Taishi Island did not waste time at all. Each of them was eagerly absorbing the energy of the Sacred Heart Pool.

Seven days later, Jing Yan's successful enlightenment merged the ninth article of the third type of Yuanzu Taoism and the last one of the third type of Yuanzu Taoism.

At this point, Jing Yan has mastered the nine ancestor doctrines of the third type of ancestors.

Jing Yan himself, enter the realm of three-dimensional creation. From now on, he is a great hybrid emperor in the realm of three-dimensional creation.

After making such a huge breakthrough, Jing Yan did not stop practicing, but continued to understand the Yuanzu Taoism of the fourth category. Such a precious opportunity, even if a tiny amount of time is wasted, is a violent thing, and it is an unforgivable thing.


In less than two days of cultivation, this Sacred Heart Pool disappeared.

The water of the Sacred Heart Lake disappeared without a trace. As if here, the Sacred Heart Pool has never appeared. The people of Taishi Xingdao have turned into red ground.

Jing Yan, Taishi Daozhu, and others opened their eyes one after another. There was joy on everyone's face.

"Unfortunately, the cultivation time is still too short. If I can use the Sacred Heart Pool for a few days to practice, I may break through." The wolf-toothed shook his head and said with regret.

At this opportunity, the wolf-toed emperor learned about the last one of a certain type of ancestral Taoism, but he failed to grasp the last one.

In each type of Yuanzu Taoism, the later it is, the more difficult it is to understand and integrate. The last Yuan ancestor rule is undoubtedly the most difficult to understand and integrate.

If the wolf-toed emperor chose not to enlighten and integrate, it is not the last Yuanzu Taoism of a certain type, then he will undoubtedly have one more Yuanzu Taoism at this opportunity.

"I have mastered a new Yuan ancestor rule." Lan? Said the emperor with a frown.

"I have also successfully integrated a Yuanzu rule." Bingbo Emperor Meimu said.

After entering the space of Sacred Heart Sacred Lake, Emperor Bingbo has also mastered three new Yuan ancestor principles.

"Well, I still haven't logged into the realm of extremes." Emperor Kuan said sadly.

The Emperor Kuan also wanted to take this opportunity to log himself into a state of extremes. However, the integration of the last Yuanzu Tao of each category was too difficult, and he failed to succeed in this time.

The eight members of the Taishi Xingdao team, five of them, have mastered one more Yuanzu rule in this opportunity to meet the Sacred Heart Pool. The increase in the number of Yuanzu Taoism that failed to master oneself is the last one that attempts to fuse a certain type of Yuanzu Taoism.

Jing Yan is an exception, and he succeeded in understanding the last one of the third type of Yuanzu Tao.

"In the Sacred Heart Thirteen Pools space, there are thirteen Sacred Heart pools. Does it mean that we can still meet other Sacred Heart pools?" Jing Yan asked in a voice.

"In theory, this possibility exists, but the probability is very low. Generally speaking, the Sing Tao team cannot meet even one Sacred Heart Pool, let alone meet two Sacred Heart pools in succession." Taishi Island The master nodded and shook his head again.

"Anyway, this time we entered the 13th Sacred Pool of the Sacred Heart, it was a great harvest." Said Emperor Mundo.

"Well, even if the Sacred Heart Thirteen Pools suddenly closes now, it's totally worth it." Lan? Emperor said with a smile.

"The water of the Sacred Heart Lake is also too effective." Jing Yan said: "I have a feeling."

"Jingyan Taoyou, what do you feel?" Tai Shidao asked immediately.

Everyone else looked at Jing Yan.

"I think that the water of the Sacred Heart Pool is a liquid Taoist principle. At least, it contains a very strong Taoist principle." Jing Yan also looked at others and said.

"His ..." Several people took a breath.

"If it is a liquid Taoism, then it must be Yuanzu Taoism. Who can condense Yuanzu Taoism into a liquid?" Taishi Daozhu said in surprise.

"Perhaps ... was made out of the supreme existence of the nine-dimensional pole-building realm?" Said the emperor's toe, his eyes flashing.

"Forget it, we still don't think about it that much. We still, take advantage of the time when the Sacred Heart Thirteen Pools is not closed, and continue to search for treasures." Jing Yan shook his head and no longer thought.

The owner of Taishi Island did not inquire about Jing Yan's practice this time, and Jing Yan did not take the initiative to mention that he had entered the three-dimensional state of extremes.

The main team of Taishi Island continued to search for resources such as the Meteor Road in the 13th Sacred Pool of the Sacred Heart, or the opportunity.

At this time, the total number of Yuanzu Taoism mastered reached 35.

Compared to those who created the extreme Yuan Dynasty, mastering the 35 ancestral Taoism is not much. Like the original Emperor Yuanzhu, he has mastered more than forty Yuan ancestors. The Golden Ring Emperor and Daohua Island Lord, who were killed by Jing Yan, have more than 50 Yuan ancestors.

However, though ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jing Yan only mastered 35 Yuanzu Taoist rules, he has all mastered the Yuanzu Taoist rules in the three categories. The most terrible.

If we can fully grasp a certain type of Yuanzu Taoism, then Jingyan will be among the best in China and Uygur.

Lusheng Lunyuan is now only a Sino-U.S. Lunyuan space.

There is only one medium-dimensional star island in the Wanji sea area, and it is only a four-dimensional star island in the middle-dimensional range.

China and the U.S. create a state of extremes, and are absolutely extremely powerful practitioners. In the full hybrid, it is also a top-notch presence.


Taishi Xingdao team, in the next period of time, luck seems to have deteriorated a lot.

For nearly two months, I did not encounter the Meteor Road again, nor did I meet Wanlian Honglian. It was nine-eyed monster fire, and several people met again. The nine-eyed demon fire that appeared this time had a larger coverage than the two previous encounters. Although Jing Yan reminded in time, Emperor Bingbo flickered a little slower and was burned by the nine-eyed demon fire.

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