Universal Sword God

Chapter 3556: How to harvest

How long does it take for Emperor Jingyan to enter the sea of ​​loneliness?

Three-dimensional creation?

How old is King Yan? Already the Great Emperor of the Three Dimensions?

In the full mixed element, although the three-dimensional pole creation is still in the low-dimensional category, it is definitely a giant existence!

"Actually, my luck is better! Entering the 13th Sacred Pool of the Sacred Heart, capturing three consecutive meteors, and encountering the treasure resources such as Wanji Honglian. Otherwise, I cannot log in to the 3D Extreme Environment. "Jing Yan said.

The eyes of Taishi Daozhu and others stared directly at Jing Yan for a long time without talking.

It took a long time.

"Jingyan Daoyou, we ... don't know what else to say."

"Well, since Jingyan Daoyou you are already in a three-dimensional state of perfection, if we follow you to the gate of solitude, it really can only be regarded as a burden." Taishi Islander said.

"However, even though the Kunmi Island master is also a three-dimensional realm, he has been logged in to three-dimensional for a long time. If you fight with him, you must be careful. If you are not matched, you must immediately withdraw." Taishi Island master also said.

"The island owner is right. With your talents, Jing Yan Taoist, even if you are not the enemy of Kumi Island now, but I don't think it will take long for you to surpass the Kumi Island Lord." Said.

"Actually, I don't think it will take much time for Jing Yan and Dao You to reach the extreme state of China and Uighurs!" Emperor Kuo's expression was extremely serious.

Everyone else nodded solemnly in agreement.

Jing Yan smiled and shook his head.

Logging in to Four Dimensions is the threshold for reaching Mid Dimensions.

Now, he has mastered nine ancestors in the first three types, two in the fourth type, one in the fifth type, and two in the sixth type. From the seventh type to the ninth type of Yuanzu Taoism, only one was mastered.

From this point of view, there is a long way to go to log in to Four Dimensions! Unless, you can get something like rebirth.

"Okay, don't say it, that's it! Island owner and friends, I will go to the gate of solitude alone, and you will continue to look for opportunities." Jing Yan said to everyone: "Be careful of the nine-eyed demon fire." , And extreme skeletons. "

"Haha, Jing Yan Taoists don't need to worry about us. From entering the 13 Hearts of Sacred Heart, we have encountered three nine-eyed demon fires and one extreme skeleton. Even if luck is bad, we won't let us encounter it again. . Furthermore, the gate of all silence has appeared, and the energy activities in the 13th Sacred Pool of Sacred Heart have been greatly reduced, and basically no more things like the nine-eyed demon fire will appear. " Smiled.

Jing Yan nodded to the crowd again, then the figure flickered and quickly flew away towards the gate of the pole.

The gate of the poles appeared, and the unparalleled energy breath spread to the thirteen ponds of the Sacred Heart. Even in remote corners, the orientation of the gate of silence can be determined.

However, Jing Yan's location is obviously far from the gate of silence. He rushed to the gate of solitude, taking a relatively long time.


The Sacred Heart Thirteen Pools space, an ancient gate exuding a thick vicissitudes, hangs above the red sky.

The color of this door is a deep dark green.

It stands there, as if it can lead to antiquity.

It is the gate of all silence, the entrance of all land.

At this time, in front of this gate of loneliness, there are many practitioners. They are all practitioners on Xingdao in the lonely sea.

"After 38 million years, finally ... I have the opportunity to enter the land of silence." A practitioner in a gray robe said slowly, with a low voice.

His gaze looked at the door of all silence.

From what he said, it was clear that he had once entered a place of silence. Time is 38 million years ago.

"The island owner will be able to log in to Five Dimensions this time when he enters the lonely land," said a Sing Taoist practitioner beside him.

"I think the island owner may be able to log in to the six-dimensional pole-building realm!" Said another person with a sparkle in his eyes.

The practitioner in a gray robe is the owner of the Oriental Island, the Emperor of the Four-Dimensional Extreme Realm, Yuanyuan, and the owner of the Eastern Star Island in the lonely sea.

"Not so easy." The owner of the Oriental Island shook his head gently.

"Oriental island master."

At this time, a voice came from the side.

The owner of Dongfang Island looked around, and then said with a smile on his face, "Fantasy Island Master."

The master of the magic island, just brought more than a dozen practitioners of the magic starfish island to the gate of the lonely.

"Fantasy Island Lord, how about entering the Sacred Heart Thirteen Ponds this time?" The Oriental Island Lord asked with a smile.

"It's okay. I encountered the Six-Star Road twice. Unfortunately, only one is valid." The magic island master smiled and said, "The harvest of the Oriental island master must be much greater than us, right?"

"Fantasy Island Lord, we entered Sacred Heart Sacred Lake this time, and met the Meteor Road only once." A giant emperor of Eastern Star Island smiled to Phantom Island Lord, "However, we encountered a lonely silence red lotus."

Upon hearing this, the people of Magic Island and Magic Starfish Island immediately showed their envy.

Wanlian Honglian!

On the surface, Wanlian Honglian seems to be better off capturing meteors directly. However, the meteor path is not so easy to capture. And even if the capture is successful, it may not be effective. The more primitive ancestors you have, the greater the probability that the captured meteor paths will be invalid.

Therefore, when encountering such things as Wanlian Honglian, it is more hopeful for a powerful cultivator than encountering a meteor path.

"Haha, Lord of the East Island, Lord of the Fantasy Island, you came early!" Another voice came from one direction.

I saw ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A practitioner in a dark red robe led a team of Sing Tao to arrive slowly.

This person is the Kunming Emperor, the island's owner, Kunming Star Island, a mixed Yuan emperor in a three-dimensional state of perfection. Moreover, the owner of Kunming Island is close to the four-dimensional state of perfection.

"It's not too late for the Kunmi Island Lord." The Oriental Island Lord nodded to the latter.

The Lord of the Magic Island arched his hand to the Lord of the Kumi Island and said, "The Lord of the Kumi Island, I thought you weren't planning to come to the gate of silence this time."

"Haha, don't come to the gate of solitude? How is it possible! I was still thinking, log in to the four-dimensional pole-building realm earlier." The master of Kumi Island laughed again.

"What's the harvest of Kunmi Island Lord this time?" The Magic Island Lord asked again with a smile.

"It's not bad. I met the Meteor Road three times." The owner of Kumi Island narrowed his eyes and said.

"Kun Mi Island's luck is really good. In such a short period of time, he met three meteor paths." The magic island nodded, and then frowned slightly, watching the team of Kun Mi Island said: "Well? Why are there so few practitioners who have entered Kunming Xingtan 13 Sacred Heart this time? "

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