Universal Sword God

Chapter 3558: There are 10,000 reasons to die

The master of the fantasy island was able to guess the identity of Jing Yan at that time because of the Taishi master and others.

At this time, Jing Yan arrived at the gate of silence.

"Huh? He's the newcomer Jingyan of Taishi Xingdao?" Kumi Island's eyes were frozen, his face suddenly cooled down.

"I think it must be King Yanyan of Taishi Xingdao." The owner of Dongfang Island still stared at Jing Yan.

"Very well, this kid has a kind of door to loneliness. Yes, it's a bit courageous." The killer intentions of the main island of Kumi Island loomed.

"Fantasy Island Lord." Jing Yan arched his hand to the Magic Island Master.

Among these practitioners outside the gate of lonely silence, Jing Yan only knew the practitioners of the magic starfish island such as the magic island master.

"Oh, Jing Yan friends, we met again." The magic island master smiled at Jing Yan.

When Jing Yan just arrived, the owner of the magic island did not immediately identify Jing Yan's identity. From this point of view, the Lord of the Fantasy Islands is pretty good at Jingyan. Because the Lord of the Fantastic Islands knows that the Lord of Kunmi Island is deeply hostile to the practitioners of Taishi Xingdao, such as Jing Yan, if he speaks the name of Jing Yan, it will definitely be bad for Jing Yan.

However, the Oriental Islander guessed the identity of Jing Yan.

"Fantasy Island Lord, do you know this son?"

"Oh, not long ago, our team of magic starfish islands met the team of Taishi star island in the Sacred Heart Thirteen Pools space. So, I met with Jingyan Taoist friends." The magic island master answered the question of Kunmi island master.

Kumi Island Lord nodded.

He looked at Jingyan again: "Boy, why are you here alone? Taishi Xingdao others? Could it be all dead?"

Jing Yan frowned and looked at the host of Kunya Island and said, "Who is your Excellency?"

"Jingyan Daoyou, this is the owner of Kunmi Island." The fantasy island owner said to Jingyan.

"It turned out to be the Kumi Island owner. The name of the Kumi Island owner is really thunderous." Jing Yan said with a stunned expression. In fact, from what Kumi Island had said before, Jing Yan had guessed that this person was the Kumi Island owner.

"Boy, don't say good words. No matter how much good words you say, you will die today."

"However, seeing that your boy is a little bit courageous, I can give you a chance to choose your own way of death."

"What does Kun Mi Island mean? I seem to have met you for the first time. I don't know ... why Kun Kun Island is so hostile to me?" Jing Yan asked, squinting his eyes. Road.

"What did you do, you don't know?" The Kumi Islander yelled.

"Kunya Island Lord, do you have any contradiction with this Jingyan Emperor?" The Oriental Island Lord looked at the Kumi Island Lord and asked.

In fact, the owner of Dongfang Island knows the reason for the contradiction between Taishi Xingdao and Kun Mixing Island. He asked it intentionally.

"This boy, killed Daohua! It's a **** thing!" Kumi Island Lord said angrily.

"It turned out to be this way, no wonder you are so angry at the Lord of Kunming Island." The Lord of the Eastern Island nodded.

"It's this thing! Yes, that Dahua Island owner was indeed killed by me. He took the members of Dahua Island and tried to **** the entrance occupied by Taishi Xing Island. As a last resort, I could only shoot. The Daohua Island master had insufficient strength, so I was killed. "Jing Yan explained.

"I care about you so much! If you kill Daohua, I will kill you. Today, even if you have 10,000 reasons, you have to die." The Kumi Island Lord sighed unreasonably.


"It turned out that he is a new practitioner of Yan Shixing Island."

"Do you know this person?"

"Heared! Some time ago, the King of the Rings died outside Taishixing Island. We all know the strength of the King of the Rings. Apparently, the ability of the King of the Rings is not likely to kill the King of the Rings. Therefore, the eight achievements of the Emperor Jinhuan died in the hands of this King of Jingyan. "

"Well, it makes sense. Unexpectedly, this person looks very young, but his strength is very strong. Could it be that you are logged in to the two-dimensional extreme?"

"It should be a two-dimensional pole-building state! Otherwise, how can you kill the Daohua Island master? Although the Daohua island-owner is not a two-dimensional pole-making state, it is the top one-dimensional pole-making state. The Great. "

"Jingyan the Great is the youngest two-dimensional superpower I have ever met. However, in the presence of the Kunmi Island master, even if he is really a two-dimensional superpower state, he will certainly die! The Kunmi island master, will Revenge for the Lord of Dahua Island. "

"I don't know why he came to the gate of silence. Doesn't he know that they will come to the gate of silence?"

"I definitely know this, otherwise why did the other people on Taishixing Island not come? I am not afraid of the Kumi Island master!"

"Does this King Yan think he has a strong head?"

"How can the mixed Yuan emperor in a two-dimensional state of pole stop the Lord of Kunmi Island?"

"The Lord of Kun Mi Island is also at the top level in the mixed Yuan emperor in the three-dimensional pole-building state. Generally, the two-dimensional pole-going emperor is afraid that it is difficult to block one move! Good luck, maybe he can resist two moves."

The practitioners of the Sing Tao team outside the gate of loneliness talked in a low voice.

In their view, Taishi Xingdao's King Yanyan was indeed mortal. In the presence of the Kumi Island Lord, there is no chance of escape.

Some people feel that Jing Yan is stupid and think that he should not come to the gate of all silence. Knowing that the Lord of Kumi Island is here, isn't he throwing himself into the net? Do you think you have a long life?


Jing Yan heard a smile from the face of the Lord of Kumi Island.

He looked at the Lord Kunmi Island.

"Is the Lord of Kunmi Island an unreasonable person?" Jing Yan stared at the Lord of Kunming Island and said.

"Oh, to you, what if I do n’t make sense? I do n’t deserve it to make sense to you." The Lord of Kumi Island sneered and continued: "When you killed Daohua ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You should think of that. "

"Boy, be a man, you still have a little awe! Otherwise, you will live shortly!" Kumi Island continued.

"Island master, where can you kill this son with your own shots and let me kill him?" A mixed Yuan emperor of Kunmising Island glanced at Jingyan with disdain, and then turned to look at Kunmis Island. The Lord said.

This man is a mixed-yuan emperor on the Kunming Star Island. In Kun Mixing Island, there were two Emperors of the Yuan Dynasty who were in a two-dimensional state of extremes. One of them has died in the war with the Extreme Skeleton not long ago. And this person is already the only two-dimensional extreme realm of the Yuan Dynasty on Kun Mixing Island. His name is Shixuan, and he is called Shixuan the Great.

The Emperor Shixuan also thought that Jing Yan was a great emperor in two dimensions, but he did not think that Jing Yan could be his opponent.

He felt that Jing Yan appeared here, and that was exactly his Shi Xuan Emperor's performance opportunity. Therefore, he took the initiative to ask the Lord of Kunya Island to kill Jing Yan here.

The master of Kun Mi Island looked at Shi Xuan the Great, and he was quite assured of Shi Xuan's strength. However, he also wanted to kill Jingyan himself.

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