Universal Sword God

Chapter 3564: 9 roads

Both the Lord of the Magic Island and the Lord of the Kumi Island entered the lonely land before Jing Yan.

Jing Yan had already reached the place of Jiuyan Shenghuan at this time, but he did not see the figure of the two masters of Fantasy Island. In this regard, Jing Yan did feel a little puzzled.

When hearing this question from Jing Yan, the eyes of the owner of the Oriental Island changed suddenly.

What do you mean?

What are the obstacles to arriving here?

Did you come down from above and the process went smoothly?

"Jingyan Daoyou, how did you get down to the nine-eyed holy ring?" Dongfang Island owner asked Jingyan looking at him.

"After I entered the place of silence, I quickly saw this big funnel. Standing on the edge of the big funnel, you can see the steps below. Because there is no other way to go, I naturally jumped down the steps. After jumping a few steps in a row, we got here. "Jing Yan said casually.

He did not tell the owner of Dongfang Island that in the course of passing the steps, he obtained two things, the Qiyun Canglang Holy Path Beads and the Extreme Relic.

After listening to Jing Yan, the owner of the Oriental Island fell into a loss.


It's not fair!

By what and by what words come to the nine-eyed holy ring, you can go all the way!

After a long time, the owner of Dongfang Island calmed his emotions that he could barely control.

"Jingyan Daoyou, you ... are the sons of Tian Xuan and Destiny!" Said the Dongfang Island trunk with a smile.

"Oriental island master, you speak a lot. But you mean, I probably understand. It seems that there will be some obstacles to reach the place of the nine-eye holy ring." Jing Yan said.

"A little hindrance? More than a little hindrance!" The Oriental Islander's eyes glared again.

"Jingyan Taoist, do you know how many practitioners are blocked by that step alone? Do you know that even the mixed Yuan emperor who created the extreme state in China and China may not be able to pass the step? "

"I thought that my luck was already very good! Because of this, I have always been a little proud of myself. However, it took me three full opportunities to reach the nine-eyed holy ring!" The owner of the Oriental Island looked sad and angry Said the expression.

"Oh ..." Jing Yan wondered if he should comfort the owner of Dongfang Island.

"This is the fourth time that I have entered the place of silence." The owner of the Oriental Island recalled: "Four times into the place of silence, waiting time ... Jingyan Taoist, you simply cannot imagine that I am waiting. How long. Even I myself can't remember. "

"No more, don't say it." The owner of the Oriental Island waved at Jing Yan.

In fact, the owner of the Orient Island was able to pass the ladder so quickly this time to reach the Holy Nine-Eyed Ring, which also used some special and very mysterious methods. Otherwise, he would not be able to reach the Nine Eyes Holy Circle before Jing Yan.

The Oriental Islander is not an ordinary four-dimensional pole-changing hybrid emperor. He also has an unknown secret that belongs to him.

"Jingyan Daoyou, come and see." The owner of the Oriental Island waved at Jingyan.

Jing Yan took a step and walked to the metal ring, which is the inner edge of the nine-eye holy ring. His gaze looked in the direction of the main finger of Dongfang Island.

Jing Yan's pupils narrowed slightly.

"What is that?" In the haze, Jing Yan saw something.

"A coffin!" Said the master of the Dongfang Island in a gas.

"Huh? The coffin?" Jing Yan stunned.

"That's right, it's a coffin. If it's right, it should be a coffin made of nine-dimensional super-existence. At the same time, it is also the true master of the weapon of the nine-eyed holy ring." Dongfang Island said.

"Jingyan said friends, and the place we need to go is this coffin." Dongfang Island owner added.

"The owner of Dongfang Island means that there are treasures in the coffin?" Jing Yan's eyes brightened: "But if we open the coffin, will we be disrespectful to the seniors?"

"No one knows exactly what is inside the coffin. But if you want to come, there must be a treasure of unparalleled quality."

"As for opening it, will it be disrespectful to the predecessor, Jingyan Taoist do n’t have to worry about it. If that predecessor really does not want to be disturbed, there will be no place like a place of silence. Or, even if There is a place of loneliness, and it will not be found by us. It can even be said that even the thirteen ponds of the Sacred Heart will not open. "The owner of the Oriental Island smiled.

"I'm afraid that senior also wants to leave his relics to someone with a destiny!" The Oriental Islander continued.

Jing Yan nodded, he thought the Oriental Islander said something justified.

With Jiuwei's ability to create a supreme existence, if he doesn't want to be disturbed after death, then the ability of these people to use Jing Jing to have absolutely no chance to find the door of all silence, let alone enter the place of all silence.

"This coffin seems to be very close. Dongfang Island Lord, can't we get through?" Jing Yan asked again.

Standing on the nine-eyed holy ring, the coffin can be seen directly with the naked eye. It seems that the distance is not far.

"very hard!"

"When I entered the place of silence for the third time, I had been here and tried to approach the coffin. But I did not succeed until the end."

"Jingyan Daoyou came down from above and should be able to understand the particularity of this place. Here, even Dao couldn't believe it. The time and space here are not familiar to us," said the Oriental Islander.

Jing Yan showed a sorrowful color, and he was very impressed by the words of the Oriental Islander.

"Then what should we do?" Jing Yan said.

"Jingyan Taoist, from the nine-eyed holy ring, there are nine iron chains connected to the coffin. If we want to approach the coffin, we must pass nine iron chains. These nine iron chains can be regarded as nine roads."

"Only, of these nine paths, only one is the right path."

"Only by going the right way, can we reach that place." The owner of the Oriental Island stared at him.

"One-ninth chance?" Jing Yan said.

"you can say so!"

"Jingyan said, I don't hide you. In fact, I'm here to wait for you. I believe that you can find the right path. So I beg you, take me with you." Oriental Island owner sincere He spoke to Jing Yan with an incomparable tone.

"As long as you are willing to take me there ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You can make any request to me. As long as I can do it, I will never quit." Oriental Islander looked at Jing Yan.

In fact, the East Islander knew more about Jing Yan than Jing Yan imagined.

After Jing Yan killed the King of the Rings in the lonely waters, the owner of the Oriental Island ordered someone to investigate Jing Yan.

He knew that when Jing Yan had just entered the sea of ​​lonely waters, he was just the one-dimensional mixed Yuan emperor. It didn't take long after entering Taishi Xingdao, and it became a two-dimensional state of extremes.

He also knows the city of Jingyan outside the sea of ​​silence.

In order to know more about Jing Yan, he even ordered his followers to visit the city of Jing Yan.

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