Universal Sword God

Chapter 3571: Lord of the East Island

3571 Born-1960

What's all right?

What's stuck in endless years? Absolute Wheel?

Isn't this a coffin? seal?

Although he was very confused, he didn't know what the self-proclaimed black emperor was saying, but the owner of the Oriental Island did not dare to show the slightest disrespect on his face. Because the person in front gave him a feeling of extreme danger.

Even though his Oriental Islander was a mixed-yuan emperor in a five-dimensional state of creation, he had no confidence in the presence of this seemingly dry black emperor.

The bottom of the big funnel.

"The blackbird has come out," said Wan Ji the Emperor softly.

In fact, there is no need to say the Emperor Wan Ji, Jing Yan also guessed. When the Nine-Eyed Holy Ring just released the energy fluctuation, there was a lot of movement.

Jing Yan's face was ugly.

"Senior, that blackbird has just emerged from the Seal of the Underworld Wheel, and it should be in a very weak state at this time. Can we really not seal him here again?" Jing Yan asked the Emperor Wanji Road.

"Not possible."

"If I still have some power, even if I have 10% of the power, maybe I can go up with Heiyu for the final desperation. Then ..." Emperor Wanji shook his head slightly.

"The Oriental Islander released the blackbird, but ... The Oriental Islander did not intentionally release the monster. I don't know if the Oriental Islander would fight the Blackbird." Jing Yan said again.

"The junior above is just a five-dimensional pole-building realm. Even if the black cricket is extremely weak at this time, it is not a junior who can deal with it." Wan Ji, the emperor, shook his head again.

After a pause, Emperor Wanji continued, "That junior is dead."

"Senior Wan Ji, are you saying that the Lord of the East Island is dead?" Jing Yan stared.

"Well, although he is only in a five-dimensional pole-building state, the blackbird who just came out of the seal will not let him go."

"Blackbird, will definitely **** all his divine power and energy." Wan Ji the Great said.

Jing Yan frowned.

Suddenly his face turned white, and his voice changed: "Senior, that blackbird should know that you are below, right? Will he come down and get revenge on you?"

If the blackbird comes down from the top and seeks revenge from Wanji Emperor, can Wangji be blocked by the situation of Wanji Emperor? If the Emperor Wanji is unable to resist the black cricket, then this little life of his own will be buried here.

"Hey, he definitely wants revenge. But ... he won't come down. He knows I'm down, but he can't be 100% sure of my situation, so he won't come down to seek revenge on me. I hope he came down to find me. "

"My Shouyuan has come to an end. I hope that I can end up with him with this last Shouyuan." Wan Ji the Great said in a flat tone.

"Jingyan Xiaoyou, you don't have to worry. Hei Ling, he will not come down to kill me until he has no absolute certainty." Wan Ji the Emperor smiled at Jing Yan with a smile.

Beyond Juelun.

"It is an honor for the juniors to be able to help the seniors." A smile appeared on the face of the owner of Dongfang Island.

Although at this time, he was still not sure of the identity of the blackbird. But there is no doubt that the Blackbird is an extremely powerful mixed Yuan emperor, and it is also likely to be a nine-dimensional pole-making state. Rescuing such a Supreme Being, and the other party seems to be very grateful, so what kind of benefits can I get?

The mood of the Oriental Islander has changed from the initial disappointment and shock to joy.

It may be better to rescue a living Nine-Dimensional Extreme Extreme existence than to get only a part of the treasures left from the Nine-Dimensional Extreme Extreme existence.

"Junior, you have opened the seal so that I can come out of the sacred chakra. Say, what do you want from me?" Dark-eyed black eyes looked at the owner of Dongfang Island: "Tell me, what do you want most? . "

"Seniors, juniors do not expect to gain any benefit from their predecessors. However, the juniors really want to go one step further in their practice. If they can get one or two from their predecessors, they will be able to use them for life." The owner of Dongfang Island was excited. Mood, bowed his head and said.


"Then I will fulfill your request." The blackbird's voice was low.

"Come on! Child ... dedicate yourself," the voice of the Emperor Hei suddenly rises.

At the same time, a horrible suction emerged from the Black Emperor.

The Oriental Islander felt this suction instantly. He suddenly realized that he had suddenly lost control of his body. In a panic, he frantically stimulated the power of God, trying to stay away from that suction.

But to no avail, no matter how he struggled, he couldn't get rid of suction.

He also found that this suction was actually a little familiar. It seems ... similar to the suction released by the virtual beast in that lonely sea.

"No!" The Oriental Islander yelled.

"Senior, what are you ... what are you going to do?" The Oriental Islander screamed in horror, his eyes full of panic, and the ancestors on the surface of his body flashed with dazzling glory.

He regrets it! Extreme regret! He didn't know what kind of monster he had released!

"Don't you want to go one step further?"

"Now is your chance!"

"Hahaha ... become a part of me! That way, you can directly reach the nine-dimensional perfection." The cold and crazy voice of the black emperor heard in the ears of the Lord of the East Island, as if from Hell Nine Youyu Come.

"No, the seniors are forgiving, the seniors are forgiving!" The Oriental Islander ’s body slowly flew towards the Black Emperor.


When the distance between the two was close, the Emperor Heilong reached out his hand, and his thin black fingers pierced the body of the Oriental Islander directly.

The divine power and energy of the Lord of the Oriental Islands, like the river water that broke the bank, flowed out of him madly, and poured into the body of the Emperor Blackbird.

In the process, the main island of Dongfang Island continued to mourn, his expression was extremely distorted, and seemed extremely painful.

This process lasted only a few breaths.

After a few breaths, the main island of Dongfang Island was exhausted. Only a small amount of divine power remained on his body.

The Emperor Blackbird retracted his arm, and the black light in his eyes became thicker.

He licked the purple-black lips ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ as if it was endless.

"Too weak! Too weak! Poor ... a little bit of energy!" Said the dark-haired Emperor Sen Leng in a low voice.

Immediately, his gaze was looking at the bottom of the big funnel.

"Wanjing, I know you are there. I know, you old thing is not dead."

"Hahahaha ..."

"Don't you always want to seal me and suppress me?"

"Now, what? I've gone out of the Underworld and broke your stupid seal. And you, what can you do with me?" The Dark Lord shouted to the bottom of the funnel, his voice mad.

(End of this chapter)

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