Universal Sword God

Chapter 3574: Out

Obviously, Emperor Wanji has been unable to maintain the existence of Sacred Heart Pool.

Seeing the scene where Wan Ji the emperor vomited blood, Jing Yan quickly stood up and came to the other side.

"Senior, are you okay?" Jing Yan asked nervously.

Emperor Wan Ji had a smile on his thin and pale cheek, and he waved at Jing Yan.

"Jingyan friends do not care about me, you continue to hurry up to practice. I can do for you, really not much, let me do my best for the mixed Yuan." Wan Ji the emperor said loudly, breath Heavy.

Jing Yan looked at Emperor Wan Ji and nodded heavily.

Then he returned to Wanlian Honglian. Sacred Heart Lake disappears, but this super lonely red lotus is still there, and it still has a lot of energy left.

When Jing Yan sat on Wanlian Honglian again, he suddenly realized a problem.

"The order is wrong."

"I should first absorb the Yuanzu Taoist principles in the relic relics, and then go to understand and integrate the new Yuanzu Taoist principles."

"Now that I have mastered the four types of Yuanzu Taoism by myself, the possibility of invalidating this Yuanzu Tao stored in the relic relic increases."

Jing Yan frowned and shook his head.

"But ... if you absorb the ancestral Taoist relics first, it will also waste the energy of the Sacred Heart Pool."

"The energy of the Sacred Heart Pool is of great help in understanding and merging the new Yuanzu Tao, but there is already a complete Yuanzu Tao in the relics, and I do n’t need to go to the realization of fusion. The first use of the relics, the Sacred Heart Pool wastes Now. "

"Forget it, don't want that much."

Converge your mind and move your mind, and the relic relic you got in the lonely land appears in front of Jing Yan.

Milky yellow energy flows slowly.

Jing Yan's spirit and body trembled slightly, and the turbulent spirit and soul was in contact with the relic relic in an instant.

I have already had my last experience in the city of Jingyan, and this time Jingyan is familiar with the use of extreme relics.

"Hope, the Yuanzu Taoism in this is the Yuanzu Taoism that I haven't mastered." Jing Yan silently looked forward to it.

Divine power penetrated the relic relics, and a Yuan ancestor path inside it was absorbed by Jing Yan.

It is the ninth type of Yuanzu Taoism.

Jing Yan's luck is indeed very good.

According to his own classification of Yuanzu Taoism, he has completely mastered all the Yuanzu Taoism in the first to fourth categories. If the Yuanzu Taoism in the relic relics is the first four types of Yuanzu Taoism he has mastered, then the value of this relic may be greatly reduced. Because, the Yuanzu Tao inside is no longer useful to him and can only be used by other practitioners.

However, this ancestral Taoism in the relics is the ninth type of Taoism divided by Jing Yan. For this type of ancestor Tao, Jing Yan currently only has one.

"After absorbing all the Yuanzu Taos in the relic relic, I ... can log into the five-dimensional pole-making realm." Jing Yan began to analyze the Yuanzu Taos just absorbed.

At the time, in the city of Jingyan, Jingyan absorbed and mastered the ancestors of the founding relic, which took tens of thousands of years. But this time is different. This time Jing Yan himself is already in a four-dimensional state of perfection, with resources such as Wanlian Honglian and Jifandan.

In this way, in just a few years, Jing Yan absorbed and mastered the ancestors of the relics.

There is a ancestral Taoist rule in the relics relics, which Jing Yan had previously mastered, so that Yuan ancestor Tao did not have any effect on Jing Yan. However, before the absorption, Jing Yan could not determine whether the original ancestor Tao was valid or invalid, so he could only absorb it first.

After Yuan Zudao absorbed it, the spirit energy contained in the relic relics also poured into Jing Yan's body and combined with his spirit body. In the long term in the future, the spirit energy of the relics will slowly merge into Jingyan's spirit body to strengthen his spirit body.

After logging into the five-dimensional pole-building realm, Super Wanlian Red Lotus has not disappeared. Jing Yan operates his mind and absorbs the remaining Super Wanlian Red Lotus energy into the body in a short period of time, and temporarily stores it in the neutrino world.

Jing Yan opened his eyes and stood up.


"Jingyan Xiaoyou, you are very good. So fast, you have reached the level of five-dimensional perfection." Emperor Wan Ji looked at Jingyan and said with a chuckle.

Jing Yan shook his head and said, "The owner of the Oriental Island is also a mixed-yuan emperor in a five-dimensional state of perfection, but he can't even resist in the presence of the blackbird."

"Don't worry, you still have time. Hunyuan and hope." Emperor Wanji said, his eyes became brighter.

"Little friend, I can do it for you, that's all. Now, I'll send you out." Emperor Wanji said instead.

Jing Yan looked at Emperor Wanji.

At this time, Jing Yan felt a little uncomfortable. He is very worried about the health of Emperor Wan Ji, because he knows that Emperor Wan Ji may disappear at any time.

However, he could not help Emperor Wanji.

"Little friends don't have to worry about me."

"Actually, I should have died long ago. Persevering to this day, I am very tired and exhausted."

"Why insist ..."

"Blackbird has been waiting for someone who can approach the Underworld. And why am I waiting for someone who can destroy Blackbird."

"I know that the blackbird will someday come out of trouble. The hybrid Yuan needs a new leader to fight the blackbird."

"Well, I'll take you out here."

The breath of Emperor Wan Ji is getting weaker and weaker.


After a period of unconsciousness, Jing Yan regained consciousness.

By this time, he was no longer in the place of loneliness, but was somewhere in the cemetery of loneliness.

This is an area haunted by dead air.


"I don't know, how long senior Wan Ji can live." Jing Yan looked sad.

"Graveyard ..."

"The Sacred Heart Thirteen Pools space should have been closed for a long time! The owners of Taishi Island may have returned to Taishi Xingdao long ago ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jing Yan looked around.

When he first arrived at Wanji Graveyard, he was just a mixed-yuan emperor who had just entered the two-dimensional state of creation. But now, he is already a hybrid emperor who has entered the realm of five dimensions.

The change in strength can be described as a tremendous increase.

However, Jing Yan didn't have much joy in his heart. The first is because of Wan Ji, who knew that Shou Yuan was exhausted, but could not do anything for him. Secondly, it is the blackbird emperor. The blackbird the emperor has been out of the trap, and now I do not know where to hide and slowly restore strength.

Once the Emperor Heiyun recovered his strength, the calamity of the whole mixed Yuan also came.

The pressure on Jing Yan's shoulders was tremendous.

From the five-dimensional to the nine-dimensional, there are multiple gaps that are generally difficult to overcome.

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