Universal Sword God

Chapter 3579: Biggest mistake

At this moment, the Kumi Island owner obviously thought that he was in an absolutely strong position.

In his view, Jing Yan, the three-dimensional state-of-the-art hybrid emperor, will surely die today. Therefore, in terms of Jing Yan's appellation to him, he did not feel angry because of this. A person who was about to die, even if he said something excessive, did not seem to have to worry about it.

"Jingyan child, you have a good vision. Ding, this woman, the Emperor took it for you. Rest assured, she will live a long time in my Kunming Island." The Kunming Island owner continued to laugh.

"Kun Mi, you're looking for death." Jing Yan exudes chill all over his body.

"People are not big, but the tone is very big. I want to see who died today!" The light and shadow of the master of Kunya Island floated, and the weapons were already in his hands.

On the island of Kun Mixing, many great emperors of the Yuan Dynasty also acted immediately. They dispersed, and faintly surrounded Jing Yan. Obviously, they are preventing Jing Yan from escaping.

The assassination of the three-dimensional pole-building realm is not something that ordinary one-dimensional pole-building realm practitioners can directly intervene in. But they also have a role to play, and they can play a role when it matters.

In the face of the encirclement of more than twenty Emperor Yuanyuan, who was in a one-dimensional state of perfection, Jing Yan seemed to have never seen it.

Bingyan Sword is already in the hands.

"Hahaha ..." The magic island master laughed.

"Two people, why are you so angry? This meeting will kill you. Is there anything you can't sit down and talk about?"

"Kunmi Island master, please first tell me. I know the death of the owner of Daowa Island. In fact, it is really impossible to blame Jingyan the Great. The owner of Daowa Island wants to seize the team of Taishi Xingdao At the entrance of the 13th Sacred Pool of Sacred Heart, the Taishi Xingdao team is definitely not willing to let it out. The two sides fought, and this responsibility cannot be counted on the head of Taishi Xingdao team, nor can it be placed on the head of King Jingyan. Said to the host of Kumi Island.


"Fantasy Island Lord, is this meant to help Jingyan the Great?"

"Well, it does look so."

"It is also a normal thing. The King Jingyan is a hybrid Yuan emperor in a three-dimensional pole-building state, and Taishi Xingdao has been destroyed. If the King Jingyan can survive, the island owner will raise the name of the star island. Welcome by hand? "

"That's right, it seems that the Lord of the Fantasy Islands just wants to win over King Jingyan."

"If King Yan did not die and joined the Magic Starfish Island, then the Magic Starfish Island will have two powerful men in a three-dimensional extreme state. The overall strength can directly surpass Kun Mixing Island."

"But then, the island of Phantom offends the owner of Kumi Island."

"Since the Lord of the Fantastic Islands has spoken such words, it is naturally a decision made after careful consideration. The benefits of being drawn to King Jingyan are greater than the disadvantages of offending the Kumi Island Lord."

The surrounding Sing Taoist practitioners spoke in a low voice.

Every look was in the field.

Hearing the words of the Lord of Phantom Island, the Lord of Kumi Island stared.

"Magic sea, what do you mean?" Asked the master of Kumi Island in a calm tone.

"Kunmi Island Lord, don't be angry, I just think that you don't have to fight for your life. The enemy should be solved or not. Let's sit down and talk, we will always find a way to resolve the contradiction." The fantasy island owner continued to laugh.

"So it seems that you want to help this Jingyan child against me?" The Kumi Island Lord sneered.

"Kunya Island Lord, you have wronged me. King Yanyan is my friend. Of course, I have the responsibility to come forward to mediate." The visionary islander's eyes narrowed.

"Fantasy Island Lord, this is the thing between me and Kun Mi old dog. You ... don't mix in." Jing Yan said to the fantasy island owner.

"Jingyan and Daoyou, this word is bad. This thing is not completely irrelevant to me." The master of the magic island said positively, "let me not talk about the relationship between you and me. In fact, the owner of Taishi Island and me There is a relationship. When Tai Shixing Island was attacked, I had no time to rescue. This time, I can no longer stand by and watch. "

The righteous expression on the island master.

In fact, he had never thought of rescuing Tai Shixing Island. Even if he had a chance to rescue, he would not do it. Of course, this can't blame the island master. Even if Jing Yan was in the position of the master of the magic island, the decision he made should be the same as the master of the magic island.

"Fantasy sea, it seems you are so heartfelt that you want to join hands with Jingyan children." The main island of Kunmi stared at the main island of fantasy.

"Everyone, if King Jingyan joins hands with the Lord of the Fantasy Islands, then it is unlikely that the King Kunmi Island would kill King Jingyan."

"Yes, Emperor Jingyan is a hybrid emperor of three-dimensional pole creation. The master of the fantasy island is a senior emperor of three-dimensional pole hybrid. The two of them joined forces, I am afraid that they will be able to defeat the master of Kun Mi Island?"

"The strength of the Kumi Island Lord is, according to the information we have, very close to the Lord of the Magic Island! Maybe, it is a little stronger than the Lord of the Magic Island. But if the Lord of the Magic Island and King Yan are added together, then The Lord of Kumi Island is bound to lose. "

"Well, I watched it lively, I don't know what will happen."

"It's better for us to look a little farther away, so as to save ourselves from being beaten by the pond fish! The three-dimensional extreme realm is going to fight with all his strength. The power, even if it is only partial, is not something I can compete with."

Each of the nearby Sing Tao practitioners has bright eyes and invigorating spirits, waiting for how this will develop.

The Kunmi Island Lord will compromise and concede, or will he choose to fight with Jingyan and the Fantasy Island Lord in the end?

"Magic sea, I know what kind of abacus you are playing." The angry expression on the main face of Kumi Island gradually disappeared, the cold smile appeared on the face again, and the voice returned to calm.

"But your abacus was wrong."

"Oh, do you think ... you join forces with Jingyan children, and I can do nothing but help you?"

"You're wrong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's a big mistake! Today you came here and stood by Jing Yan's side, it is the biggest mistake you have ever made! This decision will bring you into a state of utter danger Speaking of which, the voice of the Lord of Kumi Island gradually grew louder.


An overwhelming divine power fluctuated, swinging around the main island of Kunmi.

Yuanyuan ancestors appeared next to the owner of Kunmi Island. The power of terror swept up in an instant, flooding the world. The space trembled and the black sea water rolled up layers of waves.

It was also at this moment that the smile on the island owner's face disappeared and his face became pale. His eyes were wide, and he stared at the Lord Kunmi Island.

"Impossible! Why ... how ..." The magic island's head is full of incredible!

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